City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 210 The Daily Life of Principal Li Yi

January 1, 2032.

New Year's Day.

Smart Island, Anti-Gravity Villas.

A bedroom in a luxury villa.

The Nebula intelligent robot turned on the bedroom stereo at 7 am on time.

The music with nice melody woke up Li Yi and Su Qianyun.

This song is an artificial intelligence song specially customized according to Li Yi and Su Qianyun's mood and fatigue level in the past day or even three days.

After the two got up and took a shower.

In the family restaurant, the breakfast has been prepared by the intelligent kitchen robot, and the nutrition ratio is customized.

Outside the restaurant, many home robots are busy.

Some are pruning branches in the anti-gravity garden, some are cleaning, some are watering flowers, and it is a busy scene.

In the family zoo, New South Wales white kangaroos, Irish deer, small-toothed civet cats, Zhili macaques and other revived extinct animals are frolicking leisurely.

Inside the restaurant.

Li Yi, Su Qianyun, Li Hao, a family of three eating a delicious breakfast.

The holographic TV in the family dining room is broadcasting the morning news.

"The latest report from this station says that the official Xingyun University has invested 1 trillion yuan to build a space star port, aiming to build the largest interstellar port in the solar system...

"The latest report from this station shows that during the New Year's Day, the traffic conditions were good, and the passenger capacity of the anti-gravity suspension high-speed rail increased significantly compared with last year, and it has become the most popular mode of transportation...

"The latest report from this station shows that the nano-clothing launched by Nebula Clothing Group can block rainwater, oil stains, dust and other things, and is widely sought after and loved by all walks of life..."

"The latest report from this station shows that the largest Taklimakan Desert in the Xia Kingdom has officially become an oasis today under the national oasis plan to transform the 330,000-square-kilometer desert..."

"The latest report from this station states that in the new academic year, Nebula University will establish 10 colleges: Space College, Mecha College, Quantum College, Nano Institute, Robotics College, Antigravity College, Virtual Reality College, Laser College, Battleship College, and Weapons College. Hundreds of majors added..."

heard here.

Su Qianyun wondered, "Husband, with the establishment of these 10 colleges at Nebula University, is the number of students going to increase again in the new academic year?"

"That's right!"

Li Yi nodded and said, "Xingyun University originally had 42 directly-affiliated faculties and departments, plus these 10 colleges, there are 52 directly-affiliated faculties.

This academic year, 7,500 undergraduates were admitted.

In the next academic year, the number of undergraduates admitted will be around 15,000. "

Su Qianyun smiled and said, "The relationship is good. The outside world is saying that the entrance threshold for our Nebula University is getting higher and higher. The addition of these 10 colleges will also give more students the opportunity to enter the school gate of Nebula University."

Li Yi nodded slightly and said, "The interstellar era has arrived, and the school needs to cultivate more talents in emerging fields for the country, so that the country can be more prosperous and developed.

Hearing this, Su Qianyun said with emotion: "The development of the times is really changing with each passing day, and the development speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it has been the ninth year since the establishment of Nebula University.

And it has been 12 years since we graduated from Yenching University.

"you do not say!

Li Yi pointed to Li Hao and said with a smile: "The little guy will be 4 years old in 2 months, and 5 years old in terms of virtual age. He will go to kindergarten in half a year."

Su Qianyun turned her head and glanced at Li Hao who was having breakfast, her eyes were full of maternal love.

Time goes by so fast!

At this time, Li Yi said to the artificial intelligence: "Huanhuan, call up today's schedule.

The intelligent life Huanhuan immediately projected the information of the itinerary into the restaurant.

At 9:00 am, I set off for Yanjing to meet my husband and mother-in-law.

At 14:00 in the afternoon, visit the leaders of Yanjing to discuss the national interplanetary development strategy.

At 16:30 in the afternoon, I visited the retired Principal Hao of Yan University.

At 18:00 in the afternoon, I went to Yanjing Hotel to attend the 12th anniversary party of Yan University students.

After reading the itinerary.

Li Yi's family of three has already finished breakfast.

They went back to the bedroom, put on the latest nano-material clothing, and brought a lot of gifts such as tobacco, alcohol, and tea.

Take the elevator straight to the garage door.

The unmanned Nebula Anti-Gravity Suspension Car automatically recognizes and opens the garage door according to the direction and frequency of the footsteps of the three people, and travels to Yanjing according to the itinerary information of artificial intelligence.

The distance between the magic capital and Yanjing is more than 1,200 kilometers.

However, the straight-line distance in the air is only 1084 kilometers.

After more than an hour (acdh).

The Nebula Anti-Gravity Suspension Car landed in the garage of Yanjing Jinxiu Yayuan Anti-Gravity Villa.

This villa was where Su Qianyun's parents lived.

The family had a lunch with He Meimei to celebrate New Year's Day.

Li Yi took a short rest at Su's house.

At 14:00 in the afternoon, I visited the leaders of Yanjing with gifts to discuss the national interplanetary development strategy.

Su Qianyun and his son Li Hao stayed at Su's house to rest.

18:00 in the afternoon.

Li Yi and Su Qianyun came to the Yanjing Hotel for a class reunion.

Meeting old classmates is naturally a scene of harmony.

Li Yi is the president of Xingyun University, and Su Qianyun is the president of Xingyun University Education Foundation.

The appearance of the two immediately became the focus of everyone.

Some classmates teased: "Li Xiao, over the years, the Xingyun University you founded has overwhelmed our Yan Da!

Li Yi smiled and waved: "When I went to visit Principal Hao in the afternoon, he told me the same.

I replied at the time that Yanda was my alma mater at all times.

Hearing this sentence, the smile on Principal Hao's face is really so happy!"

Su Qianyun, who was on the side, dismantled the platform and said, "It was you who gave him a tube of nanorobots, so Principal Hao smiled, okay? 55

The voice just fell.

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Haha, nano-robots are treasures that prolong life, can Principal Hao be unhappy?"

"Li Xiaoqi! I heard that the official price of a nano-robot with a needle is astronomical. Principal Hao is going to be crazy this time!"

"Compared to traditional tobacco, alcohol and tea, nanorobots are simply the best gift!

"Yeah, nanobots are the elixir of life!"

After everyone laughed for a while.

Some students said with emotion: "In the past few years, technology has developed too fast.

The scientific and technological progress of several years is comparable to the previous decades and hundreds of years!

The emergence of Nebula University has made the world turn upside down.

The human world is already equivalent to the world in science fiction movies.

The words fall.

Everyone present nodded in agreement.

Today, the big cities in the Xia Kingdom are extremely prosperous.

Holographic images are all over the city, anti-gravity high-rise buildings of different shapes, anti-gravity suspended cars, and flying mechs are constantly flowing in the air.

Commercial plazas no longer have gates on the first floor.

The doors on the third, fifth, seventh, tenth, and even higher floors are all open.

Sitting on the hover car, you can directly land on the higher floor, enter the commercial plaza or go home.

They live in major cities across the country, take anti-gravity cars to work in Yanjing every day, and take anti-gravity cars home after get off work, not to mention how comfortable they are.

And all of this is brought by Nebula University!

thought here.

Everyone said in unison: "Li Xiao, we toast you! 35


Li Yi drank the wine boldly, which attracted everyone's applause.


This group of Yan University students recalled their university life while eating and drinking.

Time goes by, the years are quiet,

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