City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 22 Five Discipline Competitions, Nebula Middle School Shocked The World!

In the education world, the five discipline competitions are very famous.

They are the National Middle School Mathematical Olympiad, the National Middle School Physics Competition, the National Middle School Chemistry Competition, the National Middle School Biology Competition, and the National Youth Informatics Olympiad.

These five discipline competitions have a very high gold content.

The top 40 students in each province will have the opportunity to participate in the independent enrollment of colleges and universities, and have the possibility of being recommended to key universities.

The 260 students with the best results in the five competitions will be selected for the national training team.

They don't need to take the college entrance examination, they directly recommend Huaqing Yan University!

So, every year from the end of September.

Countless "competition parties" are sharpening their knives, striving to get good grades, as a stepping stone to key universities.

past time.

Nebula Middle School didn't care about these five competitions at all, and they couldn't get into college anyway.

But this year, many students signed up for these five competitions, and the results were quite good.

In the competition in the Magic Capital Division of the National Chemistry Competition for Middle School Students held on September 12, 2 students from Xingyun Middle School won the provincial first prize.

In the competition in the Magic Capital Division of the National Middle School Students Mathematics League held on September 13, 4 students from Xingyun Middle School won the provincial first prize.

On September 19, 4 students from Xingyun Middle School won the provincial first prize in the competition in the Magic Capital Division of the National Physics Competition for Middle School Students.

As for the biology competition and the informatics competition, the preliminary rounds are in August.

At that time, Nebula Middle School had not yet risen, and no students were shortlisted for these two competitions.

Take advantage of the time when students from various schools are preparing for the competition.

Nebula Middle School specially set up a competition class to give lectures to these 10 students.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the school's top ten literary sports auras, these 10 students have achieved rapid progress and truly have the strength to win awards.


October 24.

The National Middle School Physics Olympiad is the first to kick off.

The leading teacher of Nebula Middle School is Su Qianyun, who joined not long ago.

After all, she was very lucky.

With the official rise of Xingyun Middle School, the conditions for the school to recruit teachers are much higher.

If you want to join Nebula, you must either be a well-known domestic teacher, or a teacher with a doctoral degree, or at least a master's degree.

If Su Qian entered the school a month later, it would be difficult for Su Qian Yunyan to stand out.

At this moment, Su Qianyun said to the 4 students, "This physics competition lasts for 5 days. You should recharge your batteries and try to take the test in the best condition. The students of our Nebula Middle School are no worse than any school!"

"Don't worry, Teacher Su!" Everyone said in unison.

the following few days.

Under Su Qianyun's expectations, the four students lived up to their expectations.

With excellent results, they successfully won the gold medal in the physics competition, that is, the first prize!

Of course, the first prize is an interval.

This interval is jointly set by the Xia State Physics Association and the Xia State Science Association.

As long as the score is within this range, the first prize will be awarded.

In this physics competition, a total of 128 gold medals were born, and Nebula Middle School has 4 of them!

In addition, because these four students ranked very high, they were successfully selected into the national training team for the physics competition.

Su Qianyun said excitedly: "There are 50 national competition places in physics, and you only occupy 4 of them, which is too good for Nebula Middle School!"

The students were also excited.

The quota for the national training team means that they do not need to take the college entrance examination, and directly recommend Huaqingyan University!


end of October.

When Su Qianyun brought the students back to school.

At the gate of Nebula Middle School, a banner of celebration has been pulled up.

"Congratulations to Xu Xi, Gao Peng, Chu Bin, and Fang Yu from our school for winning the gold medal in the National Middle School Physics Olympiad and successfully being selected into the national training team!"

According to the regulations on the safety management of fireworks and firecrackers in Modu, fireworks and firecrackers cannot be set off in the school area.

Otherwise, Li Yi would have to gongs and drums and firecrackers.

In the end, he waved his hand and directly rewarded the four students with a bonus of 500,000 yuan each.


November 22.

The finals of the National Middle School Mathematical Olympiad were held at Changjun Middle School.

4 students from Nebula Middle School participated in the competition with outstanding performance, successfully won the gold medal in the mathematics league, and were selected into the national training team.

This means that they will be recommended to Huaqingyan University!

After returning to school, banners hang high.

Li Yi still honored them with a bonus of 500,000 yuan each.


end of November.

The final of the National Middle School Chemistry Olympiad was held at Changjun Middle School.

2 students from Nebula Middle School participated in the competition with excellent grades, successfully won the gold medal in the chemistry competition, and were selected into the national training team.

Li Yi once again rewarded them with a bonus of 500,000 yuan each.


With the end of the five major subject competitions for middle school students across the country.

The gold medal rankings of various provinces and cities, and the gold medal rankings of various high schools have been released one after another!

Hunan Province has 10 gold medals in mathematics, 35 gold medals in physics, 13 gold medals in chemistry, 3 gold medals in biology, and 6 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 67 gold medals, ranking first in the country.

Zhejiang Province, 20 gold medals in mathematics, 20 gold medals in physics, 10 gold medals in chemistry, 6 gold medals in biology, and 11 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 67 gold medals, tied for first place in the country.

Yanjing has 20 gold medals in mathematics, 8 gold medals in physics, 6 gold medals in chemistry, 6 gold medals in biology, and 4 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 44 gold medals, ranking third in the country.

Magic City has 22 gold medals in mathematics, 13 gold medals in physics, 5 gold medals in chemistry, 0 gold medals in biology, and 2 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 42 gold medals, ranking fourth in the country.

Hunan Province has 17 gold medals in mathematics, 8 gold medals in physics, 9 gold medals in chemistry, 4 gold medals in biology, and 1 gold medal in informatics, with a total of 39 gold medals, ranking fifth in the country.


High school gold medal list.

Central China Normal University No. 1 Middle School has 24 gold medals, ranking first in the country.

Rongcheng No. 7 Middle School won 24 gold medals, tied for first place in the country.

The High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress won 23 gold medals, ranking third in the country.

Changjun Middle School won 22 gold medals, ranking 4th in the country.

Hengshui Middle School has 19 gold medals, ranking 5th in the country.


Modu Middle School won 15 gold medals, ranking 8th in the country.

The Second Affiliated Middle School of China Normal University has 13 gold medals, ranking 10th in the country.

Xingyun Middle School has 10 gold medals, ranking 14th in the country.

Fudan High School has 2 gold medals, ranking 52nd in the country.

The High School Affiliated to Jiaotong University won a gold medal, ranking 76th in the country.

1 gold medal from Modu Foreign Language School, tied for 76th in the country.


in this list.

Nebula Middle School, which was originally unknown, has suddenly emerged in this year's five major discipline leagues.

Not only won 10 Olympic gold medals, but also ranked 14th in the national high school gold medal list!

This surprised countless netizens.

"Fuck! Nebula Middle School actually won 10 Olympic gold medals? Am I right?"

"If you don't count the 10 gold medals of Nebula Middle School, the 32 gold medals in Magic Capital can only rank 7th in all provinces and cities in the country!"

"In the past, among the top universities in Modu, only Modu Middle School, Second Affiliated High School of East China Normal University, and Fudan Affiliated Middle School could win the Olympic gold medal. Now the rise of Xingyun Middle School is undoubtedly a good thing for the educational circle of Modu."

"At this moment, Nebula Middle School has truly entered the ranks of the top high schools in the magic capital!"

"I heard that Principal Li Yi of Xingyun Middle School will reward each of the 10 winning students with a bonus of 500,000 yuan."

"I'm going, isn't this too expensive? 5 million is loose if you give it away?"

"The banknote ability of Nebula Middle School is the best in the world, I love it!"

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