City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 46 The Olympiad Broke Through 100 Gold Medals, The God-Like Nebula Middle School!

Late November.

The National Middle School Mathematical Olympiad ended.

In this competition, Nebula students shined brightly.

They won a total of 22 mathematics Olympiad gold medals, and all were selected for the national training team.

Count those 22 gold medals.

Nebula Middle School has won a total of 80 gold medals this school year!

Such an impressive record has also amazed all high schools and colleges across the country.


end of November.

The National Middle School Chemistry Olympiad has ended.

The participating students of Nebula Middle School still performed well.

They successfully won 20 Olympic gold medals and were all selected for the national training team.

Count those 20 gold medals.

Nebula Middle School won a total of 100 Olympic gold medals in the five discipline competitions this school year, becoming the first high school in history to win 100 gold medals in a single academic year!


After all the five national competitions for middle school students are over.

High school Olympic gold medal list released.

Xingyun Middle School has 100 gold medals, ranking first in the country.

Rongcheng No. 7 Middle School won 23 gold medals, ranking second in the country.

The High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress has 22 gold medals, ranking third in the country.

Hengshui Middle School won 21 gold medals, ranking fourth in the country.

Central China Normal University No. 1 Middle School has 18 gold medals, ranking fifth in the country.

The High School Affiliated to Lake Normal University has 17 gold medals, ranking sixth in the country.

Modu Middle School has 15 gold medals, ranking seventh in the country.

Yali Middle School has 14 gold medals, ranking eighth in the country.

Jinling Foreign Language School has 13 gold medals, ranking ninth in the country.

Zhenhai Middle School won 12 gold medals, ranking tenth in the country.


As soon as this list came out, it made people feel embarrassed.

This year's Olympic gold medal list, the Nebula Middle School is the only one!

In other schools, even the taillights of Nebula Middle School can't be seen.

According to the list statistics, this year's Olympic gold medal total is 510 gold.

Nebula Middle School got almost one-fifth of the number of gold medals, which is extremely exaggerated.

In addition, in the five discipline competitions, a total of 260 national training teams were created, and Xingyun Middle School won 100 places!

This means.

Nebula students who have won 100 places do not need to take the college entrance examination, they can directly recommend Huaqingyan University!


National gold medal list of provinces and cities.

The Magic Capital has 40 gold medals in mathematics, 35 gold medals in physics, 23 gold medals in chemistry, 22 gold medals in biology, and 12 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 142 gold medals, ranking first in the country.

Hunan Province has 12 gold medals in mathematics, 33 gold medals in physics, 12 gold medals in chemistry, 4 gold medals in biology, and 8 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 69 gold medals, ranking second in the country.

Zhejiang Province has 20 gold medals in mathematics, 18 gold medals in physics, 12 gold medals in chemistry, 8 gold medals in biology, and 7 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 65 gold medals, ranking third in the country.

Yanjing has 15 gold medals in mathematics, 8 gold medals in physics, 8 gold medals in chemistry, 8 gold medals in biology, and 4 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 43 gold medals, ranking fourth in the country.

Hunan Province has 15 gold medals in mathematics, 6 gold medals in physics, 7 gold medals in chemistry, 8 gold medals in biology, and 4 gold medals in informatics, with a total of 40 gold medals, ranking fifth in the country.


With the rise of Nebula Middle School.

Even the total number of Olympic gold medals with the magic capital ranks first in all provinces and cities in the country.

Netizens were talking about it.

"Fuck! Nebula Middle School opened this year, 100 gold is too exaggerated!"

"100 Olympic gold medals, an unprecedented record!"

"Have you noticed, there are only 69 gold medals in southern Hunan Province, and the number of gold medals in one province is not comparable to that of Nebula Middle School!"

"Modu's educational resources are too strong now. Xingyun Middle School, Magic City Middle School, Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University, Fudan Affiliated Middle School, Jiaotong University Affiliated Middle School, and Qibao Middle School are almost all famous schools in the country!"

"Xingyun Middle School is amazing, it's the best in the contemporary era!"

"Haha, the 14,200 high schools in the country are so overwhelmed by Nebula Middle School that they can't hold their heads up. It's outrageous!"

"No wonder Li Yi dared to be so arrogant at the National Outstanding Principals Summit. It turns out that he has the confidence in his heart!"

"It's a pity that when I was studying, Nebula Middle School had not yet emerged. Otherwise, I would also like to study in this kind of school!"

"By the way, last year, Principal Li Yi rewarded each of the winning students with a bonus of 500,000 yuan. I wonder how much the bonus will be this year?"

"I haven't heard of it for a while, but I guess I'll know in a few days."


Early December.

Nebula Middle School.

School auditorium.

All teachers, students and staff gathered to hold the five discipline competition commendation meeting.

100 students who won the gold medal of the Olympic Games took the stage one by one, received a check of 500,000 yuan from Li Yi, and took pictures.

The students in the audience were very envious when they saw this scene.

These students not only received 500,000 bonus, but also will be recommended to Huaqing Yan University.

It can be said that the high school careers of these 100 people have been perfect!

on the high platform.

Li Yi said to the group of students, "You have performed well in the five major competitions and have won many honors for the school.

But you have missed a lot of classes during this time, and there are many loopholes in the curriculum. I hope you can listen to the class well, don't be impetuous, and don't look down on others too much.

At Xingyun Middle School Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, students are leaders in various fields.

A gold medal for the Olympic Games and a large quota for Hua Qingyan to be recommended are actually nothing special.

I hope you will keep this in mind. "

Hear this.

100 Olympic gold medalists nodded.

The school has talent in every field.

Basketball champions, football champions, track and field champions, dance champions, Go champions, debate champions, and more.

They will not look down on others, nor are they qualified to look down on others.

At this time, Li Yi said to the students: "Since this semester, many students have won the championship or first prize in various competitions.

These awards, along with school bonuses, have brought you a lot of money.

But I hope you can look at money in a correct way and not become a slave to money. "

All the students nodded.

They are all seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school students with juvenile hearts.

Suddenly owning a huge sum of money, there will always be a change in the mentality.

It is very necessary to establish a good view of money.

In the end, Li Yi said, "At the National Outstanding Principals Summit just past, the principals jointly decided to hold a joint entrance examination for the third year of senior high school at the end of this semester.

The top 600 high schools and colleges in the country with comprehensive strength will all participate in this 100-school joint entrance examination, which belongs to the preheating nature of the college entrance examination.

The 100-school joint entrance examination adopts a joint question-setting mode. The difficulty of the questions and the direction of the questions are fixed, which is very fair.

We are not able to participate in the eight-province joint entrance examination in China, and we have no chance to compete with them fairly.

This time, I hope you can show your best level, and don't let people underestimate Nebula Middle School.

Do you have confidence? "

"Have confidence!"

All the students shouted in unison.

The voice resounded through the auditorium.

At this moment, the students in the third year of high school are all very excited.

Facing the national stage such as the 100-school joint entrance examination, they naturally hope to overwhelm other schools in terms of performance and bring glory to Xingyun Middle School!

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