City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 56 Nebula University Admissions Guide, College Dreams of Fallen Students!

Du Bin is a student who failed the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province.

In this college entrance examination, his grades were very unsatisfactory, and he did not get into the university of his choice.

Right now, he has only three options.

First, go to an adult higher vocational school and mix a college diploma by correspondence.

Second, go out to work directly with the education of high school graduates.

Third, repeat one year and retake the college entrance examination.

To be honest, he prefers the third option.

If you go to an adult higher vocational school, you will be close to the red and black, and after a few years of reading, the whole person will be useless.

Moreover, the correspondence college diploma, ~ many companies do not recognize.

If you go out to work directly, it will be difficult to find a good job.

However, if it is repeated, the parents do not agree.

In their opinion, what about Du Bin's college entrance examination score of more than 200 points, how can he repeat it for a year?

Chances are you won't be able to get into college!

Instead of spending money to repeat the study, it is better to go directly to work in the factory.

At this moment, Du Bin felt a little regretful.

If I knew today, why was it in the first place!

Young idler, an old beggar.

This is the portrait of his future life!

Just when Du Bin was about to admit his fate.

He suddenly saw a college admissions brochure on the Internet.

Magic City Nebula University, founded in August 2023, is a private comprehensive university.

After the opening of the school, our school will be committed to the cultivation of high-level talents, and strive to make every student grow into a pillar of the country.

One, the school profile.

Xingyun University is located in the beautiful Magic Capital Island, covering an area of ​​520,000 mu, or 346.6 square kilometers. It is the largest university in China.

The school plans to set up 32 colleges, 81 teaching departments and 108 undergraduate majors in the new academic year.

At present, the school's faculty and staff are recruiting hotly, and I hope people from all walks of life come to sign up.

Second, the registration conditions.

All fresh graduates who participated in the 2023 National College Enrollment Unified Cultural Examination can come to our school to register.

Our school plans to recruit 50,000 new students from all over the country in the new school year. Those who want to apply are as soon as possible. The deadline is August 31, 2023.

Remarks: Nebula University is a start-up, and the score line for the college entrance examination is not set in the first academic year.

Third, the registration method.

Students and parents can come to the main campus of Xingyun University in Magic Island to register on-site, or they can register on the school's official website.

Fourth, the charging standard.

Xingyun University general undergraduate, 19800 yuan / year.

Art design, 19800 yuan - 28000 yuan / year.

Law class, 26,000 yuan/year.

Financial technology category, 48,000 yuan/year.

Details can be found in the table below: Picture jpg.

The student accommodation fee is 8000 yuan/year, and the student meal fee is 8000 yuan/year.

Accommodation standard: four-person apartment, refer to the standard of Xingyun Middle School.

Fifth, the curriculum.

Xingyun University has 32 colleges including the School of Architecture, the School of Economics and Management, the School of Water, Soil and Water Conservancy, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Humanities, the School of Social Sciences, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the School of Environment.

The 32 colleges have a total of 108 undergraduate majors in architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering mechanics, finance, economics, philosophy, history, journalism, advertising, and biomedical engineering.

Sixth, talent reserve.

The school owns Xingyun Primary School, Xingyun Middle School and Xingyun Middle School.

These three schools will bring a steady stream of talent reserves to the school.

Seven, the school management.

Li Yi, the former principal of Nebula Elementary School, Junior High School and High School, will step down as the principal of the three schools and become the principal of Nebula University.

Eight, graduation certificate.

The undergraduate degree of Nebula University is a full-time undergraduate degree recognized by the state.

After students graduate, our school is responsible for recommending to major social enterprises and enjoying the treatment of senior talents.

After Du Bin saw this prospectus, he complained in his heart.

Li Yi is the principal of Nebula Middle School, who just led the school to the top of the national high school!

How could it be possible to start a Nebula University?

Isn't this a joke!

After Du Bin complained for a while, he didn't take it to heart.

Every summer vacation, there are always many students who are idle and bored and make some spoof college admissions brochures.


He is from Suzhou, and he is very close to the devil.

It's not like he hasn't been to Magical Smart Island!

The entire island area is only 1269.1 square kilometers.

Nebula University covers an area of ​​346.6 square kilometers, occupying one third of Smart Island.

Isn't this bullshit!

How can there be such a large school in the world?

"Jingle Bell…."

A familiar cell phone rang suddenly.

Du Bin glanced at the caller ID and found that it was his good friend Wu Shaojie who was calling.

He wondered: "Shaojie, you're not going to report from Jinling University of Finance and Economics, why did you remember to call me? 35

Both are high school graduates of Sioux City Middle School.

However, Du Bin failed the college entrance examination, while Wu Shaojie got one.

on the other end of the phone.

Wu Shaojie said excitedly: "Du Bin, have you heard? Magic City Xingyun University is recruiting students, and students who fail the college entrance examination can also enter! 99

Du Bin was stunned for a while, then said subconsciously, "I read the admissions prospectus of Xingyun University, but isn't this a joke by netizens? 35

"What a joke!

Wu Shaojie hurriedly said: "The creation of Xingyun University has already caused a sensation in the whole country.

They have just been established, and their background is not comparable to those of those century-old famous schools, but they are serious undergraduate colleges.

Nebula University has a total of 50,000 new students enrolled in the new academic year, and countless failed students are rushing to sign up.

Places are limited, so if you want to go to college, make your decision quickly!


Du Bin was puzzled and said, "I read the admissions brochure of Nebula University that the school covers an area of ​​346.6 square kilometers, occupying one-third of Smart Island. How can there be such a large school in the world?"

0・・Ask for flowers......

Wu Shaojie smiled and said: "You are ignorant, many universities in the world are very large in size.

For example, Neon Hokkaido University covers an area of ​​660 square kilometers, the largest university in the world.

In our country, Wancheng University covers an area of ​​340 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 86 Huaqing University.

Northeast Forestry University covers an area of ​​330 square kilometers, equivalent to 84 Huaqing universities.

Xingyun University covers an area of ​​346.6 square kilometers, which is already the largest university in the country!"

I didn't wait for Du Bin to come back to his senses.

Wu Shaojie urged: "Let's not talk about this for now, you hurry up and discuss with your parents whether to go to Xingyun University. Until next year, Xingyun University will definitely set the undergraduate admission score, it will not be so easy to get in.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with my parents now.

After Du Bin replied, he hung up the phone.

at the same time.

College entrance examination students from all over the country are discussing with their families whether or not to study at Nebula University.

Originally, they were all going to work or go to higher vocational schools.

The recruitment of Nebula University has completely ignited their inner desire for university!

From the first grade of elementary school to the third grade of high school, he has been studying for 12 years.

With the failure of the college entrance examination, it seems that everything has lost its meaning.

But now, the door of Xingyun University is open, and students who fail the national college entrance examination are welcome to study. Who doesn't want to walk through the door of the university?

not to mention.

The president of Nebula University is Li Yi, who has repeatedly created educational myths!

What if he creates an educational miracle again and develops Nebula University into a top school in the country?

As for the high tuition fees of Nebula University, it is nothing at all.

From childhood to adulthood, every family spends a lot of money on their children's education.

It's not unacceptable to spend a little more!

a time.

Parents from all over the country did not hesitate to sign up for their children.

As for the parents of the magic capital, they are all happy and crazy.

You must know that the undergraduate admission rate of the Modu College Entrance Examination is 84.1%.

There are 15.9% of students, unable to be admitted to the university.

After learning about the admissions of Nebula University.

The parents of Magic Capital rushed to the campus of Xingyun University with their children and paid tuition on the spot!

Then, the parents immediately called relatives and friends.

"My child has been admitted to Nebula University. You must come to the entrance banquet in a few days!"

"What? Nebula University is so famous, but you've never heard of it? Please help me! I haven't heard of Nebula University, you must have heard of Nebula Middle School, right?"

"Oops! What kind of money, if you think about it a little bit, how about 1,000 yuan!

Friends and Family: "..." J.

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