City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 6 The Opening Ceremony, Lee's Chicken Soup!

Nebula High School.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is looking at his property list.

【Host: Li Yi】

【School: Nebula High School】

【Number of students: 1280】

【Number of teachers: 142】

【Non-staff workers: 340】

[School funding: 10 billion yuan]

[School reputation: 2.75 million points]

[School honor: none]

[Halo of Wenyun: Learning, Concentration, Self-discipline, Intelligence, Health]


in this list.

Prestige represents the favorability of schools from all walks of life, and can be obtained through performance rankings, student awards and other channels.

The day of the freshman report.

The students took photos of the school's dormitories, stadiums, teaching buildings and other buildings and uploaded them to the Internet.

This has made Nebula High School famous on the Internet these days.

Even with the reputation of the school, it has greatly improved!

However, if you want the school to be truly famous all over the country, you must speak with the students' grades after all!

The better the student's grades, the higher the school's prestige value.

At that time, he can use the prestige points to exchange items in the system mall to develop and expand the school.

As for the school's 10 billion start-up capital, Li Yi decided to spend it.

After the school was relocated to the new campus on Smart Island, the old campus was gradually abandoned.

He plans to use the money to build a Nebula Junior High School at the address of the old campus, and find another place to build a Nebula Elementary School.

Over time, Nebula Elementary School and Nebula Junior High School will provide a steady stream of talent pools for the high school department.

thought here.

Li Yi took a deep breath.

The new semester is about to start, it's time to make Nebula High School famous!


September 3.

19 o'clock in the evening, the opening ceremony.

Nebula main campus, auditorium.

All the students sat in chairs and looked around from time to time.

They were all shocked by the luxurious and solemn setting in the auditorium.

"Wow! Look at the starry sky above the auditorium, it's so beautiful!"

"It's kind of like the one in a Rolls-Royce."

"Oh? Do you have a Rolls-Royce at home?"

"No! I saw it on Douyin."


At this moment, footsteps sounded on the stage.

A young man who appeared to be in his early 20s stepped onto the stage in a suit.

"Here comes the principal!"

All the students looked up at the young people on the stage in unison.

"Wodetian, the principal is so young!"

"Wow, this principal is a bit handsome!"

The students in the audience were talking.

Li Yi cleared his throat, and the auditorium was instantly silent.

He slowly opened his mouth and said, "Dear students and teachers, my name is Li Yi, and I'm the principal of Xingyun High School. Welcome you to officially join Xingyun High School!

I wonder if you have used these days to familiarize yourself with the campus? "

The voice just fell.

A daring student in the audience shouted, "Principal, the school is so big, we've all lost our way several times!"

The scene suddenly burst into laughter.

The school covers an area of ​​3,000 acres, which is too large.

Many students got lost while walking and made a lot of jokes.

Soon, the scene returned to calm.

Li Yi continued: "Tonight's opening ceremony, I want to say a few statistics.

The first data shows that the average annual salary of the citizens of Modu is 76,536 yuan, and the average monthly salary is 6,378 yuan.

And what about your expenses?

Calculated by the academic year, your tuition fee is 15,000 yuan per year, the food fee is 5,000 yuan, and the accommodation fee is 3,300 yuan.

Add the miscellaneous expenses.

Each of you should spend at least 30,000 yuan a year!

This is not a light burden for a family.

For three years of high school, you have to spend at least 100,000 yuan.

Well, three years have passed.

You successfully got your high school diploma, and then what?

Is a high school degree really useful in today's society?

The difficulty of finding a job for fresh graduates is already a social problem.

Why do you compete with others for your high school education? "

Having said that, Li Yi paused.

He looked at a young and innocent face under the stage, and said solemnly: "It's very difficult to establish a foothold in the city of Modu! I think you should be able to experience this from your parents' generation. "

Many students in the audience nodded with empathy, with shame on their faces.

My parents are very tired in the magic capital, and they have to work hard for them to study.

But they don't study hard and play games all day long, which is really inappropriate.

Li Yi continued: "I think some of the students here don't agree with my point of view.

You'll retort me, saying what happened to the high school degree?

So-and-so has a high school education and an annual salary of one million yuan for writing novels.

So-and-so has a high school degree and is the boss of the B station, with an annual salary of one million.

XX has a high school education and is an anchor in Douyu with an annual salary of one million.

So-and-so has a high school degree, plays games on live broadcast, and earns tens of millions of dollars a year.

Yes, there are examples in society where people with low education make a lot of money, but this is survivorship bias.

Maybe you will say, I can deliver food, I can deliver express, these jobs can earn more than 6,378 yuan per month.

But now you go out and ask those delivery guys and couriers, don't they regret not studying hard? "

When the words fell, many students in the audience blushed.

They really wanted to refute just now, saying that after graduation, they could deliver food and express delivery.

At this time, Li Yi joked: "You guys! Don't even think about competing for jobs with the delivery boy and the courier boy, and leave a way for others to survive!"

The students smiled, and the solemn atmosphere in the auditorium eased a little.

Li Yi added, "In addition to finding a job after high school, it's hard to find a girlfriend!

You go to the blind date corner of the People's Square in Modu City. They all require a master's degree from 985 and 211 universities, and the last is a bachelor's degree.

So, I hope you can all get into a good university and get ahead! "

Li Yi's speech is not false, but very straightforward.

From the two points of money and finding a girlfriend, I will clarify the negative effects of low education.

Then, Li Yi said: "Now I will talk about the second data.

Last year, 99% of senior high school students at Modu Middle School were admitted to first-class universities at home and abroad; more than 70% of students were admitted to universities of the same level as Yanda, Huaqing, Jiaotong University and Fudan!

And what about Nebula High School?

Last year, the number of students who took the college entrance examination in our school was 395, and only 2 students were admitted to the undergraduate degree.

The school's undergraduate acceptance rate is a pitiful 0.5%!

Now, Principal Feng of Modu Middle School should tell the freshmen of high school with a smile about the brilliant achievements the school has achieved in the past year.

As for me, I can only tell you some vague chicken soup for the soul!

But I sincerely hope.

At the opening ceremony next year, we are proud to tell you about the brilliant achievements you have made this year.

Do you have confidence? "


All the students present spoke in unison.


Next, Li Yi did not deliver a long speech.

After briefly introducing the daily arrangements of the school, the military training arrangements for freshmen of senior high school, and reaffirming the school rules and disciplines, the opening ceremony ended.

Nebula High School is blessed with five major literary auras.

But what can really make these students reborn is after all their inner desire for university.

This is more important than anything else!

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