City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 8 Five Auras, Showing Their Power!

Nebula Campus.

22:20 in the evening.

before lights out.

Dormitory building, 1503, Building A.

Two high school seniors, chatting.

Zhao Qi said, "Zhou Ping, I don't know what's wrong today. As soon as the class bell rang, I listened to the teacher's lecture seriously, as if I had fallen into evil!"

"What kind of evil?"

Zhou Ping wondered: "Isn't it normal to listen carefully in class?"

Zhao Qi shook his head: "We are not in the same class in the second year of high school, you don't know me very well.

I wanted to learn in my heart, but every time I listened to the teacher for 2 minutes, I was lost.

Either in a daze, or playing with the mobile phone, anyway, I won't listen to the class seriously! "

Zhou Ping said with a smile: "Everyone can change!

First, the words of Principal Li Yi at the opening ceremony may have awakened your heart.

Subconsciously, you want to go to college.

Second, all the students in our class are listening carefully.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black.

You may be affected by this atmosphere and listen to the class involuntarily.

Third, we have changed to a new campus, and the teachers are much stronger than before.

The content of the teachers' lectures is lively and interesting, which stimulates your interest in learning.

This may also be a factor. "

Hearing these words, Zhao Qi pondered: "It is indeed possible!"

After speaking, he changed his words and said: "There is one more thing that is outrageous!

In my second year of high school, I never touched my homework, I copied it from other people.

But after the teacher assigned the homework today, the first thing that came to my mind was to finish the homework on time, without thinking about copying other students. "

Zhou Ping continued to laugh: "You are making too much of a fuss!

Don't think about it, today is the first day of school, and the day is quite special.

After a few days, the freshness will pass, and it is estimated that you will be back to the old way! "

Hearing this, Zhao Qi pondered in his heart and felt that this was the truth.

New school, new teacher, new classmates, new semester, everything feels new.

In a few days, he is expected to be the same as before.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

He is very clear about this.

Suddenly, Zhou Ping exclaimed: "Huh? I don't seem to have smoked a cigarette for a day today?"

Zhao Qi said strangely: "Zhou Ping, do you still smoke?"

"Old smoker!"

Zhou Ping nodded embarrassedly: "I started smoking in my first year of high school, and I was quite addicted, on average I smoked a pack a day.

But my mind was in class today, I didn't even think about smoking, and I didn't commit smoking.

How strange! "

Zhao Qi pouted: "This year, the school management has been much stricter, and surveillance is everywhere. Where else can you smoke?"

Zhou Ping said bluntly: "The toilet is not monitored. I smoked in the toilet in my first and second year of high school, but today I went to the toilet, but I didn't think about smoking."

Zhao Qi suddenly suggested: "Are you uncomfortable? If it's uncomfortable, why don't you go to the balcony and smoke one secretly?"

"Forget it, turn off the lights and go to bed immediately, and talk about it tomorrow!"

At this time, roommates Zhu Peng and Sun Ting, who had just finished drying their clothes from the balcony, walked in.

As Sun Ting walked, he said, "Old Zhu, didn't you play games in class all day last year? Why is your phone still fully charged? Have you brought a power bank?"

"I didn't bring it!" Zhu Peng said bluntly: "I have class during the day, nap at noon, and self-study at night. How can I have time to play with my mobile phone!"

Sun Ting's face was full of disbelief: "Is it true or false? Isn't your previous catchphrase, 'Isn't it fun to read books'?"

"Screw you!"

Zhu Peng laughed and scolded: "I used to think that studying was too difficult, and I would definitely not be able to get into university.

Today I listened to a day's class, and I feel that mathematics, English, physics and other subjects are of average difficulty, but they are quite easy to learn. "

Sun Ting replied: "Just blow it! If you have the ability, say something, math, English, physics, that's all?"

"Then I don't dare!" Zhu Peng waved his hands again and again, "Don't kill me!"

At this time, Zhao Qi suddenly asked, "Sun Ting, where did you go to your gym class in the afternoon? Why are you missing? We are all looking for you to play basketball!"

"Hey, forget about it!"

Sun Ting said with a wry smile: "In the school physical education class, the teacher let us move freely, so I just wanted to go to the school's tennis court.

It turned out that two male teachers were playing tennis, and they happened to be missing a caddie.

Is this not? I was once a strong man, picking up balls for them! "

Zhou Ping ridiculed: "Then when you picked up the ball, did you hear any school insider?"

After recalling for a while, Sun Ting said, "The inside story is nothing, but the two teachers said that they took classes at Xingyun High School and their occupational diseases have improved a lot."

"Cut! What kind of inside story is this?"

Everyone in the dormitory was speechless.

Sun Ting quickly explained: "No, listen to me.

Teachers have been working for a long time, and many teachers' occupational diseases will appear on their bodies.

For example, chronic pharyngitis caused by absorbing dust all year round.

For example, keep raising the arm to write on the blackboard, causing frozen shoulder.

Another example is varicose veins caused by standing for a long time.

These occupational diseases make teachers' bodies in a sub-healthy state.

They said that the symptoms of occupational diseases seemed to have eased a lot after coming to work at Nebula High School.

Are you saying it's weird? "

Hearing this, Zhao Qi curled his lips and said, "God nagging, how can it be so miraculous?"

Zhu Peng on the side suddenly said, "Don't tell me, that Song Ziyi from our class was very ill last year when she was a sophomore in high school, and her face was pale. Today I see her ruddy complexion, and her health seems to be much better."

Hearing this, Zhao Qi exclaimed: "According to what you said, there is really something wrong with the main campus of Nebula High School!"

"What's wrong?" The other three said in unison.

Zhao Qizhizhu analyzed it in his hand: "Look, I am a person who has a hard time concentrating. I have been in class all day today, and I haven't been distracted once, and I have completed my homework on time.

Zhou Ping is an old smoker who hasn't smoked all day.

Zhu Peng is a critically ill patient who has not played with his mobile phone all day.

Sun Ting is a lazy person who washes his clothes every three days. Now he pays attention to personal hygiene every day.

Song Ziyi is a sick seedling, and her health has obviously improved.

Two teachers suffering from occupational diseases played a high-intensity tennis game.

Do you think there is something wrong with this school? "

As soon as he finished speaking, he was immediately attacked by his roommates.

"Damn it! You are the old smoker!"

"How do you talk, what is a game critically ill patient?"

"Can you talk, who is a lazy person?"


In the noisy room, the bedroom lights were officially turned off.

The four of them went to bed separately and recharged their energy.

The study in the third year of high school is very heavy. If you don't have a good rest, you will be completely uninspired the next day.

Before falling asleep, a thought flashed through Zhou Pingren's mind.

Nebula High School is truly amazing.

Even an idiot like Zhao Qi has learned to think!

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