City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 87 C11 Alliance, the top university alliance in Xia Kingdom!

Early January.

Yenching University.

School meeting room.

A series of seminars on the construction of first-class universities are being held.

Attending the meeting are the presidents of top universities in the country.

In the outside world, they have a well-known name - the c9 alliance!

The c9 alliance, also known as the nine-school alliance, is the most famous, top and most influential university alliance in Xia Guo.

The nine-school alliance was jointly established by the first batch of key universities in the 985 and 211 projects of Xia Guo.

They are Yenching University, Huaqing University, Fudan University, Modu Jiaotong University, Jinling University, Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hacheng University of Technology, and Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Except for the presidents of these 9 universities.

The president of Xiaguo Academy of Sciences is also on the list!

The c9 alliance was established in 2009.

In 2014, the University of Xiaguo Academy of Sciences participated in the activities of the c9 alliance, which was regarded as half a foot across "707" into the alliance.

In other words, the current c9 alliance is actually called the c10 alliance, which is more appropriate!

However, Li Yi, the president of Nebula University, also appeared at the meeting.

The meeting begins.

Hao Ping, the president of the host, Yenching University, took the lead and said: "Welcome to Yenching University to participate in the annual Xia State first-class university construction series of seminars.

The first topic of today's meeting is to welcome Magic City Nebula University to join our c9 alliance.

Hearing this, the principals present applauded in unison.

Before, everyone discussed this topic in private.

The rise of Nebula University is too fast.

It cannot be viewed with common sense.

It does not have the titles of 985 and 211 universities, but the overall strength of the school is no worse than 985 universities!

With the academic field of Nebula University ranking first in the country.

They officially made up their minds and jointly decided to invite Nebula University to join the c9 alliance.

Li Yi stood up and said humbly: "In our country's education circle, there has always been a clear distinction between public universities and private universities.

All the principals are seniors in education.

This time, Nebula University can get the attention of the seniors.

It's an honor.

After finishing speaking, he signed his name on the "Agreement on Cooperation and Exchange of Talents Training in First-class Universities" issued by the C9 Alliance.

the content of this agreement.

The main reason is that the c9 alliance will strengthen in-depth cooperation and exchanges among schools, make full use of high-quality school-running resources, complement each other's advantages, and play an exemplary and leading role in talent training.

For example, the exchange of undergraduates and the joint training of graduate students, the alliance implements the exchange student system.

For example, jointly hold a series of summer schools, jointly build an internationally renowned c9 education brand, and expand the influence of the alliance.

Another example is to jointly carry out teaching material construction, teaching and teaching reform research, establish a regular exchange mechanism for personnel training, and carry out the training of young teachers' teaching ability and mentor team.

Another example is to actively promote the reform of the postgraduate training mechanism, lead the high-level postgraduate training in Xia Guo, and be in line with world-class universities.

At this time, President Qiu of Huaqing University said with a smile: "Including Xiaguo Academy of Sciences University and Xingyun University, the total number of alliance schools has reached 11, I suggest that the alliance be renamed the c11 alliance!

When the words fell, the principals nodded in agreement.

Li Shushen, president of Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, joked: "Old Qiu, when I joined at that time, why didn't you propose that the alliance be renamed, and the name of the c9 alliance should still be used.

Principal Qiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why didn't you propose it yourself?"

"Isn't this a shallow foundation!" Principal Li Shushen complained.

Hao Ping said: "Everyone, our c9 alliance... No, the c11 alliance is the top university alliance in Xia Country.

But in the world, it is not the best!

The Ivy League in the United States, the Russell University Group in the Eagle Country, the Group of Eight in Australia, the Paris High-Tech Engineers School Group in France, and the Academic Research Symposium in Japan...

With so many university alliances, there is still a big gap between our c11 alliance and others.

Now Nebula University is part of us.

I hope everyone can watch and help each other, complement each other's resources, and launch an impact on the world's top university alliance! 35

Hearing this, the principals nodded solemnly.

There are too many excellent university alliances in the world!

If nothing else, the Ivy League of the United States alone is extremely powerful.

There are 8 colleges in the Ivy League.

They are Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Cornell University.

8 universities, all of which are the top universities in the world.

The Ivy League, formed by these top-notch universities, has cultivated countless Nobel Prize winners, played a major role in the academic history of the contemporary world, and is also a leader in the scientific research and education system in the Western world.


Hao Ping started the second topic of the meeting.

He said slowly: "Starting this month, a series of exchange activities will be launched among the world's major university alliances.

Of course, if it sounds good, it means communication, and if it sounds bad, it means kicking the hall.

And our c11 alliance is the top university alliance in China.

Naturally, it will be "focused on" by other university alliances.

The exchange activities will be carried out in sports, academics, debates, scientific research, etc. We hope that everyone will be mentally prepared in advance.

Hearing this, Li Yi touched his chin, thoughtful.

This time, the c9 alliance invited Nebula University to join, and it is estimated that there are considerations in this regard.

However, no matter whether he is the Ivy League, or the Russell University Group, the current Nebula University, no one will be rejected!

After the series of seminars on the construction of first-class universities.

The c9 league held a press conference.

at the press conference.

Hao Ping, the president of Yan University, announced a big news.

From now on, the Nine-School Alliance has officially changed its name to the Eleven-School Alliance, which is also known as the C11 Alliance.

Nebula University has officially become a c11 league school.

One stone creates a thousand waves!

The education world of Xia Guo University exploded in an instant.

Countless netizens were talking about it.

"Wodetian?! Nebula University has joined the c11 alliance, isn't it too sudden?"

"Xingyun University is amazing! From this moment, Xingyun University has truly entered the ranks of the top universities in the country!

"The original nine-school alliance is directly under the 3.7 Education Department; Xiaguo Academy of Sciences University is directly under the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, while Nebula University is a private university. Can this also form a university alliance?"

"What about private universities? Aren't all 8 Ivy League colleges private universities?"

"As I said earlier, Principal Li Yi is a man who has repeatedly created educational miracles, as is the case at Nebula Middle School, and so is Nebula University!

"The growth rate of Xingyun University is too fast, it is unbelievable that it has joined the c11 league in more than a year!

"The c9 league has always been known as our Xia Guo version of the Ivy League, and now with the addition of Nebula University, it will definitely become even more powerful!"

"Among the C11 alliance universities, Huaqing University, Yenching University, and Xiaguo Academy of Sciences are all located in Yanjing. Fudan University, Modu Jiaotong University, and Xingyun University are all in Modu. As expected, it is indeed the best educational resources in Xiaguo. two cities!

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