City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 95 In the graduation season of the college entrance examination, the school does not decide

Early May.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is looking at the property list.

【Host: Li Yi】

【School: Nebula University】

【Number of undergraduates: 100,000】

【Number of graduate students: 5255】

【Number of teachers: 3526】

【Non-staff workers: 2276】

【Directly affiliated departments: 42】

【Undergraduate majors: 136】

[School funding: 3.6 billion yuan]

[School reputation: 3.42 billion points]

[School honors: world-class universities, world-class disciplines]

[University Alliance: C11 Alliance]

【School Foundation: Nebula University Education Foundation】

[Affiliated institutions: Xingyun Primary School, Xingyun Junior High School, Xingyun Middle School]

[Directly affiliated hospital: Nebula Medical Center]

【Research Center: Marine Research Center, Biological Research Center, Engineering Research Center】

property list.

After the Nebula students defeated the major university alliances in the academic field, the school's reputation value skyrocketed.

Li Yi did not hesitate, and immediately spent 3 billion reputation points to exchange for the chemical research center, agricultural research center, and medical research center in the system mall.

Counting these three, the number of research centers at Nebula University will increase to six.

The remaining 420 million reputation points were exchanged for 84 discipline auras.

So far, the total number of subject halos has reached 713 to 321!

Li Yi was not worried after his reputation was exhausted.

The upcoming graduation school selection period will be the season when Nebula University is frantically harvesting its reputation.

School funding.

Because of the school-run enterprises and the Nebula Foundation, there is a steady stream of "blood creation" for the school.

This academic year, the school's total expenditure on scientific research has reached 6.1 billion yuan.

The research funding of 6.1 billion yuan can be ranked 15th in the national research funding list of colleges and universities!

The expenditure of scientific research funds is mainly to introduce talents, build scientific research platforms and laboratories, and ensure the smooth progress of scientific research.

In the national university research funding list.

The research funding of Huaqing University is 15.3 billion yuan.

The research funding of Zhejiang University is 13 billion yuan.

The research funding of Modu Jiaotong University is 10.8 billion.

The research funding of Yenching University is 9.1 billion.

The research funding of Fudan University is 8.8 billion.

The research funding of these public universities is higher than that of Nebula University.

But Li Yi can exchange various research centers in the system mall.

Really want to talk about it.

The investment of Xingyun University in the field of scientific research is not as low as that of Huaqing University and Zhejiang University!

Now, the school has grown into a top university in the country in all aspects.

Li Yi can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Time flies into June.

It's the college entrance examination season again.


All major colleges and universities in the country have focused on the college entrance examination enrollment.

After the high school entrance examination results are released.

The students of Nebula Middle School achieved a new high in overall grades!

1325 senior high school candidates with an average score of 633 points, everyone can be admitted to 985 schools!

The No. 1 Scholar in the Magic Capital College Entrance Exam still came from Nebula Middle School.

Netizens made fun of this.

The students of Nebula Middle School won the top spot in the college entrance examination, which is not even news.

If one day, the students of Nebula Middle School can't get the champion, this will be considered news!

at the same time.

The scores of major colleges and universities across the country have been released.

"Double first-class famous school" Nebula University has announced the school admission scores for the whole country.

The score line for science in Jiangsu Province, the minimum score is 423 points, and the selection level is double A.

The score line of liberal arts in Jiangsu Province, the minimum score is 413 points, and the selection level is double A.

Magic City comprehensive score line, the minimum score is 584 points, and the selection level is double A+.

Yanjing comprehensive score line, the lowest score is 678 points.

Zhejiang Province parallels a section of the score line, with a minimum score of 694 points.

The minimum score for science subjects in Hebei Province is 700 points.

The minimum score for liberal arts in Hebei Province is 660 points.

The minimum score for science in Hunan Province is 683 points.

The score line of liberal arts in northern Hunan Province, the minimum score is 633 points.

The minimum score for science subjects in Guangdong Province is 691 points.

The score line of liberal arts in eastern Guangdong Province, the minimum score is 653 points.

When netizens saw the admission score line of Nebula University, they immediately talked about it.

"Fuck! Nebula University's score line is so high this year?"

"I'm also wondering. Last year, the Nebula score line was the 211 standard, and this year the score line has reached the score line standard of key universities."

"Isn't this nonsense! Now that Nebula University is a double first-class university and a member of the c11 alliance, the score line will definitely be greatly improved!""

"In the past two years, the number of freshmen in each class of Nebula University has been 50,000, and this year it is estimated that there will be less than 5,000!

"Vaguely valuable, Huaqing Yan University, Zhejiang University, and Fudan University enroll about 4,000 students every year.

"Oh my god! My plan to apply for Xingyun University has been completely ruined!"

"Huh? No! Did you find out? Nebula University is recruiting students this year, and there is no minimum ranking! As long as the scores and the selected subjects meet the standard, you can be admitted!"

"Really! That said, the admission requirements of Nebula University this year are lower than those of other c11 league schools!


Qingyue District.

Liu Xiaoyun's family is very happy.

This year's college entrance examination, Liu Xiaoyun's total score is 679 points.

It belongs to the top universities of the c11 alliance.

Huaqing University has a minimum score of 697 points, and Yenching University has a minimum score of 690 points. She doesn't need to think too much about these two colleges.

Fudan University has a minimum score of 679 points, and the lowest ranking is 646.

The lowest score of Modu Jiaotong University was 678 points, and the lowest ranking was 691.

The minimum score of Zhejiang University is 676, and the lowest ranking is 768.

Admission to the college entrance examination is based on the principle of merit-based selection of students.

With Liu Xiaoyun's score of 679 points, although it has reached the minimum score threshold of these three universities, it is not stable.

The college entrance examination is divided into sections, no joke!

On the contrary, Nebula University announced that there is no minimum ranking, as long as students meet the required score, they can be admitted to the school.

Liu Xiaoyun's family has made a joint decision.

The first choice is to fill in the application of Nebula University!

Dad Liu asked, "Xiaoyun, have you decided which major to fill in?"

Liu Xiaoyun said with a smile: "Dad, our head teacher said that Xingyun University is very outstanding in various professional fields.

Whether it is medicine, marine, biology, engineering, or economics, history, or computer science, it is one of the best in the country.

Close your eyes and choose blindly, just fill in the form without thinking!"

Liu's mother curled her lips and said, "The teacher asked you to choose blindly, but you really choose blindly!

Professional filling is related to your life, so you still have to be careful.

Girls should still choose language, journalism, economics, business management, law, and medicine.

Of course, you can also fill in the major you are interested in!

Liu Xiaoyun thought about it and said, "Then apply for the diplomacy major that I am most interested in, and become a diplomat in the future!

After speaking, she imitated the tone of a diplomat and said, "Country xx, if you can't do anything, you should ask yourself. Don't call my dialect unpredictable! 99

Liu's father and Liu's mother looked at each other and felt a little amused.

Diplomacy is not as simple as my daughter thought.

Of course, no matter what, it is definitely a good thing for my daughter to be admitted to Nebula University.

at the same time.

College candidates from all over the country are filling in their volunteers and majors.

Among the student groups, some hot stalks were quietly born.

"The school does not decide to choose Nebula, and the major does not decide to choose medicine!""

"The school does not decide to choose Nebula, and the major does not decide to choose law!

"The school does not decide to choose Nebula, and the major does not decide to choose finance!

The birth of many hot stalks undoubtedly shows the weight of Nebula University in the minds of college students.

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