"Another... another death?!"

"How...how could it be?!"

"This...could this place be inviting evil spirits?!"

In fact, not only Yang Dong, but also all the gangsters present felt an inexplicable fear and uneasiness in their hearts. First, their boss Ge Wei was bitten to death by three big wolf dogs, and then, someone was killed by a tower crane. How could these two things that happened one after another prevent them from feeling fear and fear when they were killed by a big iron hook that fell from above?

Especially when they thought of the old man who had been buried alive when they knocked down his house not long ago, what was in their hearts The chill was even worse. They couldn't help but think, could it be the ghost of the old man who died tragically and came back to claim his life?

"Take us to your construction site. Shi Jie glanced at Yang Dong, who was pale, and said

"good."Yang Dong nodded.

After three or four miles of journey, he arrived in a short time.

"This...is this?!"When Shi Jie and Yang Dong came to the construction site and saw the corpses that had been smashed into a pile of flesh by big iron hooks, they immediately took a breath, their faces full of shock and fear. Look.

Although they had long expected that the scene would be very bloody and tragic. However, they never expected that the scene would be so tragic.

A living person would be smashed into a pile of flesh. , too scary!

"Wow!"Even though all the contents in his stomach had been vomited, Yang Dong still couldn't help but vomit loudly. He vomited out all the acidic water in his stomach and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Even if he was used to bloody scenes, Shi Jie couldn't help but retched. However, his mental quality was obviously much stronger than Yang Dong's, and he regained his composure after a while.

"Who is in charge here?"Shi Jie took a deep breath and said to the workers who were pale and slumped on the ground.

"I...I am."Wanli said with a trembling voice.

"Explain in detail what just happened, trying not to miss anything. Shi Jie said

"I...I wasn't at the scene when the incident happened. You...you should ask them."Wanli pointed at the workers and said

"Um."Shi Jie nodded, turned around and walked towards one of the workers.



With a sharp and urgent braking sound, a Toyota Land Cruiser stopped outside the big iron gate. The door opened, and a man in a suit in his fifties with a big belly walked out of the car.

"Mr. Qi, you are finally here."When Ma Dong saw the man in a suit, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face and said flatteringly.

"Mr. Qi"

"Mr. Qi"

"Mr. Qi."

Those gangsters did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed Ma Dong and said loudly

"Um."Qi Jian nodded with satisfaction and said."Ma Dong, I have heard about Ge Wei from Wang Dong. This is a natural and man-made disaster that cannot be changed by human beings. You don't have to feel afraid."

"By the way, where is Ge Wei's body?"he asked

"Mr. Qi, where is Ge Wei's body? Ma Dong pointed at a piece of white cloth next to him and said."Director Shi told us that no one is allowed to move until the forensic doctor arrives.""

"Oh, I see. Qi Jian said."Where is Director Shi?" Why didn't I see him?"

"Mr. Qi, before you arrived, another accident occurred at the construction site. Someone was killed by a large iron hook that fell off the tower crane, so Director Shi rushed there with his people." Ma Dong said

"You...what did you say? Something happened again?"After hearing these words, Qi Jian's face immediately became extremely ugly.

What on earth is going on? Things are happening one after another. Could it be that something evil is really here?

Qi Jian calmed everyone down and drove straight to Rush to the construction site

"Mr. Qi, you are here."When Wan Li saw Qi Jian coming, he immediately went to greet him.

"Lao Wan, what is going on? Qi Jian asked

"I don’t know what happened, I was not at the scene when it happened."Wan Li said."According to the workers, a big iron hook hanging on the tower crane fell off for some reason, and Cai Yuan happened to be standing underneath it, so he was killed."

"So, is this just an accident?"Qi Jian said

"It must have been just an accident."Wan Li said."Otherwise, who can make the big iron hook on the tower crane fall off and hit Cai Yuan impartially?"

"Well, what you said makes sense."Qi Jian nodded.


Suddenly, at this moment, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew between the sky and the earth. This gust of evil wind was so strong that the structure that had just been erected on the construction site shook violently.


"Everyone, run!"

What happened suddenly scared everyone. They shouted loudly and ran away as hard as they could. Among them, Qi Jian and Wan Li were naturally included.


A strange strong wind blew by, causing the frame to sway from side to side.


With a loud noise, a steel bar about two meters long fell off the shelf. Under the influence of the earth's gravity and the evil wind, it shot strangely in the direction of Qi Jian and Wanli.

"ah! Danger! Manager Wan is in danger!!"

"Mr. Qi, get out of the way! Get out of the way!!"

Some people noticed this strange thing and immediately yelled at Qi Jian and Wan Li.

"Oh my God!!"Qi Jian and Wan Li looked back when they heard the roar. They suddenly saw a steel bar shooting towards them like lightning. They were so frightened that they cried for their parents and screamed.

They used all their strength to suck milk. They used them all and ran forward as hard as they could. But unfortunately, how could their speed be compared with the speed of that steel bar?


The steel bar about two meters long was like a sharp sword falling from the sky. In an instant, it caught up with Qi Jian and Wan Li.


The next moment, blood burst out, and the steel bars nailed Wanli to the ground!

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