"Everyone, there have been several accidents on construction sites recently, resulting in the deaths of three people. I feel very heartbroken about this kind of thing. Because all three of these people are outstanding talents in our company, even if one is missing, it will be a huge loss for us."Wang Lin stood on a high hill, standing with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice.

In front of him, stood people No. 50 and 60. On the left was the gangster he hired; on the right was his company. Construction workers under his command.

However, although these number 50 or 60 people were listening to him, their attention was focused on the three monks and Taoist priests behind him!

"I believe that everyone present is heartbroken when this happens, and while we are heartbroken, we also feel more or less uneasy and scared. Because no one knows whether this kind of thing will happen again, let alone which person the bad luck will befall."Wang Lin continued

"In this atmosphere of uneasiness and fear, some people began to become suspicious. Some people even connected these things with the old man who died here due to an accident not long ago, thinking that the old man turned into a ghost and came to take revenge."

"I understand very well that you have such thoughts, because even I can't help but think of some terrible things. but……"

When he said this, Wang Lin suddenly raised his voice, and the light from his eyes became sharper. Wherever his eyes touched, no one dared to look at him, and they all lowered their heads involuntarily.

"However, what I want to say is that your idea is completely wrong! Because there are no ghosts in this world!"His voice was loud and stern, full of a suffocating sense of oppression.

He has billions of assets and looks down upon millions of people in Canglin City. His sense of psychological superiority is naturally extremely strong.. And he usually calls himself brothers with the mayor of Canglin City, the president of the city's intermediate court and other senior executives, so he is naturally tainted with the unique majesty of some superiors.

And now he is deliberately amplifying this The majesty, of course, made the oppressing workers and gangsters dare not speak out, or even dare to raise their heads!

"Everyone, you are all adults, shouldn’t you still be like children and blame ghosts and gods when something happens?"Wang Lin asked sternly."What do you think? This kind of thing is originally a personal matter. I don't bother to deal with it at all. But recently, someone deliberately spread the news about the revenge of the evil ghost, which caused panic among the people on the construction site and seriously affected the normal work."

"So I decided that from now on, anyone who dares to mention ghosts and gods will get out of this company immediately. Moreover, the salary is not a penny!"

When all the workers and gangsters heard this, they couldn't help but trembled, and anger arose in their hearts. The salary system of this company is that everyone must pay for two months, about 18,000 Yuan, as long as he is fired from the company, he will not get a penny. This Wang Lin is so cruel that he directly threatens him with this.

In this way, they don’t even have the freedom to discuss, let alone It is simply impossible to resign and quit!

"Everyone, please don’t blame me for being too strict. The company has company rules and regulations, and I hope you can all abide by them. Wang Lin added."However, what I also want to say is that I am not an unreasonable person. I will properly solve the problems you are most concerned about.""

"Xiao Liu."He turned his head and shouted at a tall, thin man in his thirties wearing a straight suit.

"Director Wang, I’m here."The tall and thin man responded quickly.

"Ge Wei, Cai Yuan, and Wan Li are all outstanding talents of our company. They encountered accidents during their work, and our company bears unshirkable responsibility. Wang Lin said."So, I decided that the company would give each person a compensation of 1.2 million yuan." Xiao Liu, you will do this as soon as the meeting is over, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Director Wang."Xiao Liu said loudly

"1.2 million……"Hearing Wang Lin's generous move, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

You know, under normal circumstances, the compensation standard for accidental death is 600,000. However, Wang Lin suddenly increased the compensation to 1.2 million, which cannot but be said to be a generous move!

Wang Lin saw the expressions on everyone's faces and felt very satisfied.

He is not a generous person, in fact, he is extremely stingy, like an iron rooster. For example, when three people from Li Changtai died in a car accident not long ago, he only gave each of them 100,000 yuan.

And the fact that he is so generous now is just because people on the construction site are panicking. Many people want to resign, which seriously affects the progress of his project. He must stabilize these people!

"In addition, I would like to introduce these three people to you. Wang Lin dodged to the left, pointed at the three Cao Jinan standing behind him, and said loudly."Taoist Cao Jinan, Master Xiangji, Master Xiangyuan!""

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"


Cao Jinan and the three of them greeted everyone with Taoist and Buddhist etiquette.

"Everyone, I know what you are worried about, so I specially invited three masters here."Wang Lin said."Don't say that there are no ghosts in this world. Even if there are ghosts, they can't make waves!"

"How about it, can you feel relieved now?" he asked loudly

"not worried!"Everyone shouted loudly.

It must be said that Wang Lin's methods were very powerful. Under his threats and inducements, basically everyone gave up their doubts and rekindled their confidence in working here.

"Taoist Master Cao, Master Xiangji, Master Xiangyuan, I leave the rest to you."Wang Lin nodded towards Cao Jinan and the others and said

"Leave it to us, Dong Wang (Donor Wang)."Cao Jinan and the other three responded quickly.

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