"Natsume, if you take a closer look, I think something is not normal."Mei Shanshan said again

"unusual?" Natsume said in his mouth, while turning his eyes to the door of the hospital in front of him, and looked carefully.

Soon, he found that as Mei Shanshan said, the situation at the door of the hospital was indeed a little abnormal..In today's society, any large-scale hospital is overcrowded at all times, and it is normal for people to come and go at the hospital entrance. However, under normal circumstances, people coming in and out of the hospital entrance Everything was very orderly, and door blocking rarely occurred.

However, Natsume saw that the entrance to the hospital was tightly blocked, with three floors inside and three floors outside, which had seriously affected the normal order of the hospital. In addition, In addition, he could also hear several heartbreaking cries coming from the crowd!

"Shanshan, let’s go over and take a look. Natsume said in a deep voice.

"Um."Mei Shanshan nodded and said obediently.

As they got closer, Natsume and Mei Shanshan discovered that no less than a hundred people had gathered near the entrance of the hospital. They were three floors inside and three floors outside, surrounding the entrance of the hospital.

"Totally unconscionable! You are so unconscionable!!"

"Don't die a good death! I curse you to a bad death!!"

"God knows what you did! You will definitely be punished!!"

In the innermost part of the crowd, a few heart-rending wails and roars continued to sound. Their throats had long been hoarse from crying, but they were still shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Old man, what happened here?"Mei Shanshan pulled the sleeve of an old man with gray hair and asked in a low voice.

"Little girl, are you just here?"The old man turned his head, looked Mei Shanshan up and down, and said kindly

"Yes, old man, I just arrived."Mei Shanshan said."Old man, what happened here?"

"Why! What a crime, what a crime!"The old man let out a long sigh and said with a gloomy look."Just this afternoon, a tragic incident occurred in the hospital, involving one corpse and three lives!"

"What? A tragic incident involving one corpse and three lives?!"After hearing what the old man said, Mei Shanshan's face suddenly changed, and she said in shock.

Natsume, who was listening on the side, had a look of regret and sympathy on her face.

"Giving birth to a child is a great joy, but having a couple is even more joyful. However, what no one expected was that the mother had an accident on the operating table, resulting in the mother and child not being saved, and ultimately resulting in a tragedy that resulted in one corpse and three lives!"The old man slowly.

"So... so miserable! So pathetic!!"Mei Shanshan was originally a kind-hearted and sentimental girl. When she heard such a tragic thing, she immediately blushed and even her voice became choked.

"Old man, do you know why pregnant women have accidents on the operating table?"Xiamu reached out and took Mei Shanshan into her arms, and then said to the old man

"Boy, how could I know such a thing?"The old man shook his head and said."However, the hospital has given their explanation for this matter."

"Old man, what is the explanation given by the hospital? Natsume asked

"The explanation given by the hospital was that the mother suddenly developed symptoms of amniotic fluid embolism during the caesarean section."The old man said."The attending physician tried his best to rescue them, but what is regrettable is that the attending physician failed to save the lives of the three of them, mother and son!"

"According to the explanation given by the hospital, although this incident is very heartbreaking, the responsibility does not lie with the hospital. Why are the family members of the deceased still refusing to let go? Natsume said

"Young man, you have to be careful what you say, if they hear you, you will get beaten!"The old man lowered his voice and said

"Grandpa, thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to it. Natsume smiled and said

"Young man, what I told you before was the explanation given by the hospital. However, the mother's husband's statement was completely different from the explanation given by the hospital." said the old man

"Old man, what did the mother’s husband say? Natsume asked

"The husband of the pregnant woman said that his wife's death was not due to amniotic fluid embolism at all, but a terrible medical accident."The old man said."The whole responsibility for his wife's death lies with the hospital."

"Why did he say that? Natsume frowned and said

"He said that after the attending physician announced the death of his wife and child, he rushed into the operating room immediately. He accidentally discovered that the oxytocin and painless delivery injections used by the attending physician for his wife were all missing. It’s expired medicine!" said the old man

"What? Are all the medicines used by the hospital’s attending physician for pregnant women expired?!"Hearing what the old man said, Mei Shanshan immediately exclaimed. She couldn't believe what she heard.

Isn't it too crazy to give expired medicine to a pregnant woman?!

"Old man, are you sure about this?"The expression on Natsume's face became cold, and he said word by word

"Young man, these words were not said by my old man, but by the husband of the pregnant woman."The old man shook his head vigorously and said

"Grandpa, thank you for telling us so much."Mei Shanshan thanked the old man

"You're welcome, little girl."The old man replied

"The explanation given by the hospital was that the mother suddenly died of amniotic fluid embolism during the operation, and the hospital was not directly responsible for this. The victim's family believes that the victim's attending physician used expired drugs, which led to the tragedy. Natsume murmured to himself.

PS: There are only two chapters today, one chapter is missing. Four updates tomorrow, make up for it!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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