"go! You guys, surround Yongwang in that house and prevent him from doing anything to harm himself!"

Director Zhuo Dawei ordered a dozen policemen to surround Fang Yongwang.

Fang Yongwang raised his already damaged fingers and stood up tremblingly. The white doctor's clothes on his body were also stained. A vague blood stain.

A eloquent confession letter written in blood was displayed on the floor of the conference room!

The floor at the entrance of the hospital was originally an ivory white tile floor, but now it became blood stained because of Fang Yongwang's confession letter written in blood. Banban brought a strong visual impact to the people at the scene. Everyone in the audience calmed down because of the police's suppression, and all their eyes were focused on Fang Yongwang.

"Colleagues, I am guilty!"Fang Yongwang slowly opened his mouth and said, his eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, but at that moment, there seemed to be a little sadness in his eyes.

"Doctors have a parent-like heart. As a doctor, you should have lofty medical ethics and take it as your duty to save lives and heal the wounded. But, I do it for money! For fame and fortune! I betrayed my medical ethics and colluded with Yang Yiming of Changsheng Pharmaceutical Group to sell fake medicines to patients who are vulnerable groups."

"There are also Director He from the Medical Inspection Department, Deputy Director Li from the Quality Inspection Department, and Minister Liu from the Pharmacopoeia Department."

Fang Yongwang stood stiffly on the stage like a puppet covered in blood, exposing all the prominent figures in various departments involved in the counterfeit drug incident.

"It's so abominable. I didn't expect that Dean Fang, who is usually such a gentleman, would do such a dirty deal behind his back!"

"terribleUnexpectedly, Deputy Director Li of the Quality Inspection Department was also involved. What a bunch of corrupt officials!"

Everyone was shocked and filled with indignation by Fang Yongwang's words. The door of the hospital, which had been quiet, was instantly filled with discussions.

"I'm guilty! Today the death judge comes to sentence me! My sin deserves death! I'm guilty! I'm guilty!"Fang Yongwang was like an angry and crazy lion, staring with scarlet eyes and roaring loudly.

Suddenly, Fang Yongwang suddenly turned around and poured all the bag of fake medicines beside him to the ground, and then suddenly threw the fake medicines together with The packaging was stuffed into his mouth together. After a while, Fang Yongwang’s mouth was cut by the sharp packaging of the fake medicine, and blood flowed out of his mouth continuously, like a big plate full of blood.

But Fang Yongwang As if he didn't feel any pain, he kept stuffing the fake medicine into his mouth. When he couldn't hold it anymore, he swallowed the medicine in his mouth with all his strength, including the packaging. Until Fang Yongwang's throat was cut by the fake medicine. It was only when blood began to ooze out that the policemen surrounding Fang Yongwang came to their senses from this shocking sight.

"quick! Hurry up and let Fang Yongwang stop! What are you doing standing there in a daze?"Zhuo Dawei, standing aside, roared.

It's really amazing. No one can bear the pain of being cut, and this Fang Yongwang is just an ordinary person, how can he endure such pain! Zhuo Dawei Wei was thinking wildly and waved his hand to stop the crazy Fang Yongwang.

"youYou can't stop the judge from enforcing the law! II'm guilty! I'm guilty! You can't stop me from atonement!"Fang Yongwang's mouth and throat were cut to pieces by the packaging box of the counterfeit medicine, but he still opened his bloody mouth and yelled hoarsely at the people who were about to pounce. The police around him rushed forward like tigers. They wanted to stop Fang Yongwang with lightning speed. But when they ran to only two meters away from Fang Yongwang, Fang Yongwang seemed to have an enchantment on his body, and all the police officers suddenly You can't even get close to Fang Yongwang.

"How is this going? Why can't I get a step in?"Police officer Xiao Lin said with a puzzled look on his face.

He was only one or two steps away, but Xiao Lin couldn't get close at all. Could he really be the judge of death?!

"Hahaha, I just said, the judge is punishing me, there is nothing you can do to stop it!"Fang Yongwang's voice became very hoarse due to the damage to his throat, and it was also very permeable, causing the surrounding police officers to take a breath of air.

"snort! Zhuo

Dawei snorted and sneered,"Even the Death Judge can't escape my bullet!" Guys, shoot!"

The policemen surrounding Fang Yongwang immediately pulled out the pistols from their waists after hearing the order, quickly loaded the gun, aimed at the target, and did it in one go.

Just as the policemen pointed their pistols at Fang Yongwang's head and were about to shoot, There was a"click", and it jammed! It was not just one policeman's pistol that jammed, but all the policeman's pistols jammed at the same time!

"Xiaolin! what happened? As a policeman with a background as a special forces officer, how could you allow something as stupid as a jammed pistol to happen!"Zhuo Dawei was very angry and shouted loudly at the policeman.

Xiaolin was angry and dared not say anything. As a policeman, of course he would not let something stupid like a pistol jam happen. The first thing he did when he woke up every day was to check his own Pistol. After Xiao Lin checked his pistol, he cautiously said to the angry Zhuo Dawei:

"Director, this barrier and the jamming of the pistol are really strange. Could it be the Death Judge?"

"Haha, it’s the Lord Judge! If I want to die, I will also have to enforce the law with the hands of the judge. I will not give you a bunch of rabble a chance!"Fang Yongwang said as he took out the sharp scalpel from the pocket of his doctor's uniform,"Today, let me use the sacred knife to heal people to atone for my sins!"

Fang Yongwang suddenly inserted the scalpel into the aorta in his neck. In an instant, a column of blood sprayed out. The blood column was so high that it even dyed the ceiling of the hospital red.

Everyone was shocked by the bloody scene in front of them. Dumb.

Tao Shan, who was beaten next to him at the beginning, was no exception. He watched Fang Yongwang write a confession written in blood at the beginning, then swallow a whole box of fake medicine, and finally cut himself off with a sharp scalpel. The aorta died, it was all so weird!

"Could it be that Judge Death is really punishing us? First it was Han Cuicui, then Fang Yongwang, will it be me next?"Tao Shan fell to the ground in a daze and murmured.

From the very beginning when he knew that Fang Yongwang was doing such dirty things behind his back, he was indeed very angry. As a young vice president, he was able to climb to this position by relying on his superb medical skills and medical ethics that impressed many doctors and patients' families. So when Fang Yongwang offered him an olive branch, he firmly refused. But unable to withstand Fang Yongwang's threats and threats to remove him from his position as deputy dean, Tao Shan finally compromised.

But one wrong step leads to another wrong step. Tao Shan went further and further on the road of selling counterfeit medicines, and unknowingly he was immersed in the joy of money, fame and fortune._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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