Natsume felt very guilty when she heard Mei Shanshan's worried voice. After all, Mei Shanshan had been followed everywhere since she followed him, and she was in constant fear every day and never lived a stable life.

"Shanshan, I'm sorry."Natsume held Mei Shanshan's hand and said apologetically.

Mei Shanshan held Natsume's hand instead and said doubtfully:"Natsume, why do you want to apologize to me? You are so good to me, do you still have anything to feel sorry for me about?"

"No, no Shanshan, I just think that since you followed me, you have been living in darkness and have been monitored by the ZF gang, and I feel that I am very sorry for you."

"Natsume, how can you think like this? I think it is a blessing from God that I met you. You also helped my father avenge you. You are my great benefactor! Whether you want it or not, I will always be by your side!"

Xiamu was very happy to hear Mei Shanshan's answer and hugged Mei Shanshan tightly.

Suddenly, a doorbell sounded in the house.

"Who! Natsume asked loudly and dissatisfied.

"Is this Miss Mei Shanshan’s home? Your express delivery is here. Please come out and sign for it."There was a young man's voice outside the door. He seemed to be a courier.

"Shanshan, have you bought anything online? Natsume asked

"Well, now I can't go out and go shopping without restraint, so I can only satisfy my shopping desire online."Mei Shanshan thought about Natsume and blinked her eyes playfully,"Natsume, drink the soup on the table first. It's specially made for you. I'll go out to collect the express delivery first."

"good."Xia Mu scratched Mei Shanshan's nose and nodded.

As soon as Mei Shanshan opened the door, she saw a strange man wearing black clothes and black trousers standing outside the door. However, this man did not have any package in his hand and no clothes on his body. The sign of a courier.

Just as Mei Shanshan looked at him up and down in confusion, the man in black held a towel in one hand and covered Mei Shanshan's mouth and nose.

"not good! It's ether!"Mei Shanshan knew from her years of work experience that the towel was soaked in ether! But before Mei Shanshan could struggle over, she fainted. She finished a whole bowl of soup in the living room and didn't even look at it. When Mei Shanshan came back, Natsume felt a little strange. How long does it take to get a courier service? Just as Natsume was about to go out to check, there was a sudden noise outside the door, and someone was talking through a loudspeaker.

"People inside, listen! I know you are the judge of death! Your woman, Mei Shanshan, is now in our hands. Those who are smart will come out and obey!"

"Damn it! Shanshan was caught by them! Natsume cursed viciously in his heart.

Natsume looked out through the cracks in the curtains and saw a dark crowd downstairs. They were all wearing police uniforms, holding pistols in their hands, and some even held weapons. Shanshan, just lying unconscious under the tree

"hehe! Want to catch me? I'm afraid it's not that easy! Natsume walked out of the door with the same weapon. He said loudly to the policemen who were pointing at him with long guns and short cannons:

"You bunch of bastards, you can just catch Fang Fang if you want, but you can use such insidious tactics and take a powerless woman as a hostage? You police officers are really making people laugh!"

The policemen were very angry at Natsume's ridicule. The negotiator continued to use the loudspeaker and said to Natsume:

"Judge Death, I know you are not a mortal. What you have done in the past few months seems to others to be punishing evil and promoting good. However, in the eyes of the police, you are challenging the law!"

"As a member of the Huaxia Kingdom, you should abide by the laws and regulations of the Huaxia Kingdom when you live in the Huaxia Kingdom. It is illegal for you to privately execute corrupt officials like this, causing hundreds of deaths! As police, we must arrest you!"

"However, if you promise not to kill people randomly in the future, our police can spare your life and that of your woman!"

Zhuo Dawei was sitting in the police car and felt helpless when he heard the negotiator's compromise. After all, the death judge is not an easy character to deal with. It is best to minimize casualties.

"hehe! Natsume sneered and said disdainfully:"You want me to let those corrupt officials go?" Excuse me. I can not do it! They deserve to die. If it weren't for me, I don't know how many injured citizens would be in dire straits!"

"However, catching and executing prisoners is what our police do, so you don’t need to intervene at all!"

"What about your police? hehe! Have you police done anything? If it weren't for me, would the counterfeit drug incident have been solved? Can the world know about going to Mei Academy? Could those children be rescued so quickly?"

"It depends on you police, they are probably dead and cold before you know it!"

The negotiator was speechless by Natsume's words and didn't know how to answer. So he picked up the walkie-talkie and asked Zhuo Dawei what to do next.

Zhuo Dawei also heard the conversation between Natsume and the negotiator in the car."If he refuses to stop, don't blame me for being ruthless! Zhuo Dawei was thinking in his heart.

Zhuo Dawei turned on the intercom and spoke into the intercom in a deep voice:"Pass my order, use Mei Shanshan as bait, and take the opportunity to kill the Death Judge?""

"Killed directly?"The policeman on the other end of the intercom asked with some disbelief.

"Yes, kill him directly, no need to hesitate!"Zhuo Dawei's words were so firm that there was no doubt about them.

Then, Xia Mu saw several police officers walking up to Mei Shanshan, taking out their pistols, loading them, and pointing them at Mei Shanshan's temple.

Xia Mu was flustered for a moment and shouted loudly:"What do you want to do? Mei Shanshan is just a woman, she is innocent!"

"If you want to save her, then just obey!"The policeman said to Natsume

"snort! You want me to obey? Not possible in the next life!"

After Natsume finished speaking, he moved to the side of the police car like a gust of wind, still a few meters away from Mei Shanshan.

The police were all surprised by Natsume's speed, and they all stayed in place and did not react. Standing aside Policeman Xiaolin was the first to wake up, and he kept shouting:"Shoot! Shoot!"

All the police immediately pointed their guns at Natsume

"With a bang, all the bullets were fired, but none of them hit Natsume.

"How is this going?"All the policemen were shocked.

It turned out that Natsume had successfully dodged all the bullets early in the morning with his superb ability to predict and escaped unscathed.

"shot! Keep shooting! I don't believe it!"Kobayashi kept giving orders loudly.

After hearing the order, all the policemen continued to shoot at Natsume, but not a single bullet fell on Natsume!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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