Mei Shanshan felt happy after hearing Natsume’s words, and said to Natsume happily:"So Natsume, can I go shopping like crazy?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"Natsume stroked Mei Shanshan's hair lovingly.

Since Shangmei Academy was exposed by the Death Judge, the dirty things he did have been known to the whole city. Many parents at the scene also filmed the video of Sun Yafei killing himself. and the content of the blood-lettered confession. The charges against Shangmei Academy were immediately confirmed, and the ZF department immediately sent people to seal Shangmei Academy.

And the Maplewood City Police Department also had the entire police department in panic because of the death of Chief Zhuo Dawei. People were in panic, and the ZY people quickly arranged for a new director to take office in order to appease the police officers. People in Maplewood City both love and hate the Death Judge. The people who love them do so because the Death Judge is too powerful. All guilty people cannot escape from the clutches of Judge Death. But those who hate are those who have done shameful things secretly. They are afraid that Judge Death will come to their door one day, so they can only live in fear all day long. , for fear that they had done something extraordinary.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan drove the Audi car they bought in Maplewood City to the neighboring province - Anyang Province. They drove for seven hours along the way, although at Natsume's current speed, It didn't take six hours to run, but Natsume still chose to drive there in order to be with Mei Shanshan. The strange thing is that although Mei Shanshan inherited Natsume's lifespan of a thousand years, all of Natsume's abilities She didn't inherit any points. She was still an ordinary person, but she had a longer lifespan than ordinary people.

After Natsume knew that her lifespan could be shared with others, she secretly made a decision in her heart - a thousand years. When the time is up, he will share his lifespan with Mei Shanshan, so that he can be with Mei Shanshan forever.

"Natsume, I'm so tired. Let's find a hotel nearby to rest and then look for a new house tomorrow."Because Natsume can't drive, Mei Shanshan was the driver along the way. After seven hours of driving, Mei Shanshan looked very tired.

"Okay, otherwise it’s the Seven Days Inn, the closest one."Natsume checked the navigation so that she could tell Mei Shanshan.

Mei Shanshan drove the car into a nearby parking lot, and walked to the hotel to check in hand in hand with Natsume.

Suddenly, there was a man in ragged clothes with long hair over his shoulders. , the homeless man who was dirty all over and whose left foot seemed to be disabled suddenly fell at Mei Shanshan's feet.

Mei Shanshan was so frightened that she screamed because it was too dark on the road. Mei Shanshan thought that The tramp is a hooligan who wants to belittle her

"who?"Xiamu immediately held Mei Shanshan in her arms and scolded loudly.

"WellWellWell"The homeless man seemed to be a mute, he just kept shouting"woo woo woo" and kept stretching the bowl towards Natsume.

"Natsume, he seems to be a beggar, he looks pitiful! Shall we give him some money?"When Mei Shanshan saw that the man was a poor homeless man, the love in her heart overflowed again.

"Okay, I'll take all the cash I have, and we'll just go to the bank to get it tomorrow."Natsume gave all the 1,000 yuan in cash he had to the homeless man, thinking that now he would not have to beg for many days.

"WellWellWell. After receiving the money, the tramp did not go away. He kept reaching out to Natsume with the bowl.

Mei Shanshan was puzzled by the behavior of the tramp and asked Natsume in confusion:"Natsume, he is like this What does that mean? If you don’t leave after being given a thousand yuan, I’m afraid no one will give a homeless person a thousand yuan, right? Does he think we are easier to bully? Natsume looked at Mei Shanshan angrily and thought:"Ancestor, one of us is a death judge and the other is a policeman. How can we look easy to bully?" Natsume turned to look at the homeless man and said,"Brother, what do you want? We don't know what you want to express when you whine like this?""

The homeless man didn't seem to be completely deaf and mute, because he seemed to be able to hear sounds. After hearing what Natsume said, he made a writing gesture with his hand.

"Oh my gosh! I never thought a homeless man could write! Mei Shanshan said in surprise.

Natsume was also very surprised. He had never seen a beggar educated since he was a child. Natsume said to Mei Shanshan:

"Shanshan, take out the notebook and pen in your bag. Let's see if he can really write."

Mei Shanshan handed the notebook and pen to the homeless man, and he began to write on the paper. After the homeless man finished writing, he returned the notebook to Natsume. Natsume and Mei Shanshan looked at the words on the notebook They were all stunned.

The words were flying and flowing, and it was completely unbelievable that they were written by a homeless man.

The notebook clearly said"Stranger, can you buy me something to eat, even a steamed bun?" Yes, good people have a safe life!"

Xiamu and Mei Shanshan were very confused after reading it. They had already given him a thousand yuan, so they could eat better food. Why should they buy him food?

"Shanshan, maybe he was wearing too dirty clothes, so restaurants and convenience stores wouldn't let him in."Natsume can only think of this explanation at the moment.

"Well, I think so too, Natsume, let’s go buy him a lunch box, I still have some money on me." Mei Shanshan said.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan bought a lunch box with two meat and one vegetable for the homeless man at a nearby restaurant. As soon as the homeless man got the lunch box, he immediately shrank to a dark place under the overpass and ate it hungrily. , while eating and looking around warily, as if they were avoiding someone.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan both disapproved of the homeless man's behavior. Anyway, homeless people are a bit nervous.

When they were about to leave, the homeless man again He suddenly stepped forward to stop them, which shocked Mei Shanshan again.

Mei Shanshan thought the tramp wanted to ask for something again, so she said angrily:"What do you want again?" I bought you everything!"

The homeless man shrank in fear when he saw Mei Shanshan's angry tone. He made a trembling gesture of thanks with his hands.

After Mei Shanshan understood the homeless man's gesture, he said angrily:"You're welcome. Well, these one thousand yuan will last you a long time. Keep it away and don’t let others take it away."

The tramp smiled bitterly after hearing Mei Shanshan's words, and retreated to the darkness to continue eating his lunch.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan said goodbye to the tramp and walked all the way to the hotel._Feilu reminds you: Reading Three things - collection, recommendation

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