When Natsume, Mei Shanshan, Huang Xiade and several policemen rushed to Tan Guangtian's house, Tan Guangtian was beating Tan Yingying. Tan Yingying was beaten until she was lying on the ground, with marks of whipping all over her body. Tan Yingying's sisters all sat nearby and cried silently but did not dare to speak out. Wu Yuehua, on the other hand, was still muttering to himself on the bed:"Where is my daughter? Where is my daughter?"

After Tan Guangtian had just whipped Tan Yingying hard with a whip, Wu Yuehua's nagging voice kept coming from his ears, and in his heart Feeling extremely annoyed. He shouted loudly to Wu Yuehua:"Stop nagging on and on! I have already thrown the child down the mountain! Give a daughter back a daughter, you stinky bitch just has no ability, you can't even give birth to a son." Give it to me!"

Wu Yuehua suddenly became emotional after hearing Tan Guangtian say that he threw his daughter down the mountain. She got up from the bed and rushed to prisoner Tan Guangtian, grabbing his clothes and shouting:"You beast! You even lost your own child! IKill you!"

But Wu Yuehua's fist hit Tan Guangtian's body like it was tickling. Tan Guangtian pushed Wu Yuehua to the ground, and then waved the whip in his hand to hit her.

Suddenly, a voice came from the door;"Stop!"

Tan Guangtian was startled, and the whip in his hand did not fall on Wu Yuehua. He turned around and saw Natsume and several men in police uniforms standing at the door. There was a woman standing behind the men. The woman was actually holding a baby in her hand!

Tan Guangtian immediately recognized that the baby was the one he had lost the baby in the morning!"Did they pick up the baby on the mountain? There's no reason, I've obviously left her in a very desolate place."

While Tan Guangtian kept thinking about this matter, Huang Xiade shouted to Tan Guangtian loudly:"Hey! Are you Tan Guangtian?

When Tan Guangtian saw the police, his heart went crazy. He timidly said,"Yes."Yes, I am Tan Guangtian. What does the police officer want to see me for?"

Huang Xiade said loudly to Tan Guangtian:"Now someone has reported that you abandoned the child, threw the child off the cliff and wanted to kill the child. According to the laws and regulations of China, you have violated the crime of intentional homicide. Please contact our police department to assist in the investigation.! Tan

Guangtian turned pale with fright after hearing this. He trembled and said:"SoIntentional Homicide! It's not that serious, sir, I just accidentally left my child on the mountain. I didn't throw her on the cliff on purpose."

Mei Shanshan's face turned red with anger when she heard Tan Guangtian's sophistry while holding her child. She shouted angrily at Tan Guangtian:"You beast, little Lucky is already hanging upside down on the branch of the cliff. How about you try? If we had arrived in time, she might have died! You actually said that the boogers were accidental?

Mei Shanshan turned to Huang Xiade and said,"Officer, he is the murderer!" Get him to jail quickly!"

Huang Xiade was so noisy by the women's voices that he shouted impatiently:"Please calm down and stop yelling. Am I the police or are you the police now? I don’t know what to do." After Huang Xiade finished shouting, he turned his head and said to the two policemen beside him:"Are you wood? Don't understand what I'm saying? Why don't you lock Tan Wo back to the department quickly!"

When the police heard this, they immediately took out the handcuffs, locked Tan Guangtian, and pulled him back to the police department. Tan Guangtian was struggling and cursing. When he walked past Natsume, he said viciously:

"That's you, right? You nosy boy, see how I can punish you when I come out!"

Natsume didn't make a sound, but his clear eyes looked directly into Tan Guangtian's eyes. Tan Guangtian's heart suddenly became cold and he immediately fell silent. Natsume and Mei Shanshan were sent home to wait for news, while Tan Guangtian was taken to the police Si Li conducted an interrogation.

Tan Guangtian was restless and pacing back and forth in the interrogation room. He was very upset:"Why didn't you spend more time and throw her to the next village? It’s all my fault that I was too impatient and didn’t think about it seriously! What to do now?"

While Tan Guangtian was thinking hard, Huang Xiade pushed open the door and walked in. He suddenly threw the notebook on the table. The notebook collided with the table and made a loud noise, which startled Tan Guangtian.

"Why don't you sit on the chair? Did the Police Department ask you to come for a walk?"Huang Xiade looked fierce and very threatening.

After hearing this, Tan Guangtian immediately sat upright on the chair, like a primary school student who made a mistake.

Huang Xiade slowly took out a cigarette and sat down He sat on the chair puffing away for five minutes before he slowly asked:"Why, you threw this baby away? Tell me everything!"

Tan Guangtian hesitated and said:"No."That's not the case. Officer, listen to me. I was just taking my child up the mountain to cut firewood that day, and I accidentally left my child on the mountain. I don't know how she fell onto the cliff!"

Huang Xiade threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray, slapped Tan Guangtian's head hard with the record book, and said:"You are still quibbling, you are still quibbling. Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are here, you threw away your newborn baby because you favored boys over girls. daughter! If you forgot, why didn't you go back and look for it immediately? You can't let go of a beast like you!"

Huang Xiade also has a daughter, and he regards his daughter as the apple of his eye, so he hates Tan Guangtian for doing such dirty things. And as a father, if he throws his newborn child under the cliff, he will not be punished properly. The crime is truly unforgivable!

Tan Guangtian was beaten so hard that Huang Xiade didn't care whether he was injured or not. He just said,"Keep him in the detention room for a few days, and wait for official documents to be sent from above to finalize the case!"" and left. So Tan Guangtian was locked in the detention room.

Natsume received a call from the police department in the villa, saying that Tan Guangtian had been locked up and he should be convicted in a few days. Natsume was very happy and quickly talked to Mei Shanshan told this story.

After hearing this, Mei Shanshan was very excited and said:"Natsume, I didn't expect that the policeman looked so fierce, but he was still a neat person! Natsume also agreed and said,"Well, seeing his impatient look, I thought it would take a long time to convict Tan Guangtian, but I didn't expect that he was so efficient." There are still good policemen in the Police Department!"

While Natsume was still sighing, Little Lucky cried loudly. Mei Shanshan said to Natsume:"Stop sighing! Make milk quickly!"

"It’s not easy to be a new baby daddy!"Natsume sighed in his heart._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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