As soon as these words were spoken, not only Chen Yueqin was shocked, but He Bin himself was also in disbelief. Why did the draft in my mind change when I spoke it out?

But before He Bin could figure it out, he spoke uncontrollably again:"Chen Yueqin, I've tolerated you for a long time. As the wife of a deputy director, it doesn't matter if you don't like to dress up. You can't even accompany me." I also dress slovenly when attending some important occasions, like a rural woman, where do you want me to put my face! Compared with you, Erhua is more suitable to be my wife!"

Chen Yueqin heard this After speaking, her tears and runny nose became even more violent. She beat her chest, sat on the ground and cried loudly:"What a sin! He Bin, I married you when you were still a little policeman. It has been so many years." , how much hardship have I endured with you? But now you actually think that I am too ugly and not good enough for you? You don’t even think about who made me what I am now? I get up early every day and go to work late at night, just to have more money for my family. A little income. But now that my family has become rich, you start to dislike me! Do you still have a conscience?" When people around heard this ridiculous conversation, they all started to discuss it.

"I really didn’t expect He Bin to be an out-and-out heartless man, it’s really shocking!"

"That's right, I have been in the village for the longest time. How much Chen Yueqin has paid for the family over the years! Before He Bin became the deputy director, she even helped dump pig manure to support the family!"

"It’s really hard for Yue Qin. After working hard for so many years, she finally found out that she married a scumbag! The people around him became angrier as they talked, so they turned their guns towards He Bin and yelled at him:"He Bin, you scumbag!" What kind of man are you if you abandon your useless wife? People like you are not qualified to be our deputy director!"

He Bin heard the people around him scolding him, and wanted to explain himself, but the language of explanation could not be uttered. He had all kinds of grievances in his heart, but only he knew it. At this time, Erhua in the room finally endured She couldn't help but put on her clothes and walked out. As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw many people surrounding He Bin and yelling at him. She felt panicked, walked up to He Bin and said to the villagers:

"Calm down, we are not as unbearable as you think, we, we are just confidante."

When Chen Yuqin heard this, he was like a lion with explosive hair, and yelled at Erhua:"A confidante? I think you are crazy! Which confidante would roll into bed? You, a widow, go out to seduce someone else's husband when you don't have a husband, how shameless are you!"

He Bin continued to lose control of himself: Enough! You shrew, I just like Erhua! Erhua is better than you in every way! She is prettier than you, more virtuous than you, has a good reputation when she is taken out, and even her skills in bed are better than yours." OK! I want to divorce you, and I want to marry Erhua!"

"youyou"Chen Yue turned red and couldn't say a complete sentence.

The people around me couldn't stand hearing it anymore. Some people even talked about cheating so confidently! The villagers threw the tomatoes, eggs, and vegetables they had just bought at He Binhe. Some of them had nothing in their hands, so they picked up stones at their feet and threw them at them. While hiding, He Bin shouted to the villagers:"You guys, how dare you throw things at me! I will arrest you all and take you to the police department later!"

However, the villagers did not respond to He Bin's threats. But he stopped what he was doing and instead threw things harder at He Bin and Erhua. Suddenly a police car heard in front of the canteen. Several policemen in police uniforms came down and asked:"Is there anyone named He Bin here?"

After hearing the police's inquiry, all the villagers stopped and turned their heads. Look at the police. Seeing that no one answered him, the two policemen asked again angrily:"Is there anyone named He Bin here?"

He Bin raised his hands tiredly and said to the police:"II am He Bin, comrade, please come and help me stop them. These villagers are about to riot. II am the deputy chief of the police department of this village. Help me stop them quickly! The two policemen looked at each other, then walked up to He Bin and locked up He Bin with handcuffs with a click.

He Bin was dumbfounded and said tremblingly:"You guysWhat are you doing! I'm the deputy chief of the police department. Why do you want to lock me up? Who is your leader? Ask him to come out and explain to me!

The policeman said:"He Bin, we are specially sent by the prosecutor's office to arrest you." Someone has reported that you have improper behavior and have committed corruption and abuse of law in private. At the same time, we have also received evidence, and after investigation, we found that it is true. So now we arrest you and return you to the prosecutor's office to assist in the investigation."

He Bin felt as if the sky was falling. Although he had been bribed in private on weekdays, he handled it very carefully every time. What's more, this village is so small and far away from the city, so there is no way to escape any news. My own discernment. However, why was someone reporting this time!

He Bin seemed to have gone crazy suddenly and kept struggling desperately. The two policemen tried their best and could not stop him. The police had no choice but to He had no choice but to take out the electric shock baton he carried on his belt and shock He Bin. He Bin passed out immediately and was locked into the car and taken away unconscious.

Natsume watched all this quietly behind the tree, eyes filled with laughter. All was gone. The corners of his mouth raised and he murmured:"Very good, He Bin, you can just die of old age in prison.""

The next day, the Police Department received a notice from the Prosecutor's Office, saying that He Bin's matter had been investigated clearly. Three years ago, He Bin had received a bribe of 500,000 yuan and acquitted a murderer. Now the prosecutor has decided to sentence him to 30 years in prison.

The chief of the police department was in disbelief after seeing this announcement. He obviously would not be sentenced to that many years for accepting bribes, so why did He Bin betray so seriously? What's more, the prosecutor's handling of the case was too fast. He was put in jail in just one day.

In fact, this is not the reason why the police sentenced him harshly. It's just that He Bin's lifespan is just long enough. Thirty years. Natsume felt that instead of letting him die so easily, it was better to go to prison and experience the feeling of imprisonment. Even if He Bin was sentenced to death, no one would help him appeal. Chen Yueqin had completely fallen out with him. He Bin can only die peacefully in prison._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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