Tan Guangtian lamented and continued to mutter to himself:"It's okay to pay 10,000 yuan to let Ergou80 clean it for me. If I go to light the fire myself and get caught, what will happen?" Even gods can't save me."

Just as Tan Guangtian was making a small calculation in his mind, he smelled a strange smell in the air, seemed to be burnt?

"What's going on? Did that girl Tan Yingying burn something again? Why don’t any of the women in my family give me peace of mind?"Tan Guangtian cursed and walked to the door, wanting to go to the kitchen to check.

However, the door that had been ajar just now was now locked tightly. No matter how hard Tan Guangtian tried, he could not turn the lock."What happened? thing? I didn't lock the door just now! Why did the door lock itself?!"

Tan Guangtian felt a little panicked. His right eyelid kept beating, as if telling him that something unfortunate would happen next.

"Someone come quickly! Who locked me here? Wu Yuehua! Tan Yingying! Where are all the people in the family dead?"Tan Guangtian began to bang on the door vigorously, trying to attract the attention of people outside. But he seemed to be isolated from the outside world. No matter how loud he shouted, there was no sound in response to him. The burnt smell in the air became more and more intense. The pain was getting worse. Tan Guangtian smelled the smell and felt even more inexplicable panic. He gave up shouting and began to look for the source of the burnt smell in the room. Tan Guangtian lay on the ground and scanned the floor in the room. Suddenly he found something under the bed. There was a small fire, the sparks were insignificant, not even as big as the flame of a lighter.

Tan Guangtian was relieved, it turned out that it was not a big fire, the small sparks were fine. He took a broom from the door and thought He wanted to extinguish the spark. But when Tan Guangtian put down the spark, it ran to the sofa. Tan Guangtian was confused, shouldn't the spark be disembodied? Why was the spark still running around like a ball? What about?

But before Tan Guangtian could figure it out, a sudden gust of wind blew the small sparks towards the table.

"No, there's a bunch of newspapers there!"The alarm bell sounded in Tan Guangtian's heart. If the newspaper was ignited, it would cause a raging fire!

Tan Guangtian ran to the side of the table in three steps, trying to stamp out the sparks with his feet. But this spark As if he had a spirit, he evaded all the way to the pile of newspapers. With a"boom", the newspapers were instantly ignited, and the originally dark room was suddenly illuminated by the fire.

Tan Guangtian looked at the blazing fire in front of him, He was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, he finally realized that he wanted to escape, so he rushed to the door of the room, knocked hard on the door, and shouted loudly:"Here comes someone!" Someone come quickly! There's a fire here! Help!"

But no matter how Tan Guangtian yelled, it was deathly silent outside. His wife and daughter were clearly outside just now. There is no reason why they couldn't hear his screams!

Seeing that knocking on the door was useless, Tan Guangtian turned to the only one in the room. In front of the window. But the strange thing is that the window is not closed tightly at this time, and it can't be opened no matter how hard it is."Yes!""Tan Guangtian suddenly had an idea, took out an ax from under the bed, and wanted to smash the window.

The windows in Tan's house were not all the stained windows that were used in the past. The wooden frames were inlaid with stained glass. The original glass was old. It is old and should be broken with a light blow. But Tan Guangtian took an ax and smashed it hard for more than ten times but failed to break the glass. Neither the door nor the window in the room could be opened, which meant The whole room became a secret room. The fire burned more and more fiercely, and it had spread to the curtains. Thick smoke also continued to float out, choking Tan Guangtian with tears and runny nose.

"Ruined! This is going to be a dead end! Why did the room suddenly catch fire? Could it be that I have done too many bad things and God is going to take me away?!"Tan Guangtian thought desperately.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the inside and outside of the room seemed to be two different worlds. Wu Yuehua and his daughters were cooking outside, unaware that Tan Guangtian in the room was about to be burned. It turned into ashes.

Tan Guangtian was choked by the thick smoke. He lay on the floor, like a grilled fish on the stove, quietly waiting to be burned to ashes.

When Wu Yuehua finally realized that something was wrong, it was already time before the room caught fire. Two hours have passed. Wu Yuehua anxiously summoned several daughters, and together they pried open the door of the room.

As soon as the door of the room was pried open, thick black smoke poured out from the room, choking Wu Yuehua and her daughter. He kept coughing. After waiting for the thick smoke to dissipate, the miserable situation in the room came into view.

"This, this, thisIsn't this your dad?! Wu Yuehua shouted in surprise.

A burnt black corpse was lying straight on the ground. There was no intact skin on the body, and it was impossible to recognize who the corpse in front of him was. But Wu Yuehua discovered it. The mobile phone next to the corpse belonged to Tan Guangtian!

The daughters of the Tan family were shocked by the scene in front of them. A person who was fine in the morning turned into a charred corpse a few hours later!

At this time Natsume and Mei Shanshan came in with Little Lucky. Natsume pretended to be unaware, looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and asked Wu Yuehua:"Sister Wu, what happened! Who is this person who was burned to death?

Wu Yuehua cried and said,"Yes."It's Lao Tan! What the hell is going on? It was fine just now, so why did it suddenly catch fire? And we didn’t even notice it outside!"

Wu Yuehua is still very sad about Tan Guangtian being burned to death. Although Tan Guangtian has done a lot of things that have hurt the family and their mother and daughter over the years, there is still a bit of love between them as husband and wife. What's more, , if he dies, the family will have no source of income, which means that the life of the mother and daughter will not be easy in the future.

Natsume looked at Tan Guangtian's burnt black body, feeling very happy, but his face He also pretended to be distressed. He comforted Wu Yuehua and said:"Sister Wu, you didn't want things to turn out like this. After all, it was an accidental fire and no one expected it, right? Now that Tan Guangtian is dead, the things he did in the past have been wiped out. From now on, you two, mother and daughter, will live a good life, and no one will abuse you again!"

"However, our family will have no income in the future, we.. We can't survive."Wu Yuehua sobbed._Fei

Lu reminds you: There are three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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