The old man waved the ecstasy pen in his hand, and the pen seemed to become spiritual in an instant, emitting a bright and dazzling light. The old man lightly touched the Book of Death with his pen, and the Book of Death flew into the air. The pages kept turning, and the edges of the book began to glow dazzlingly.

Natsume was unable to close his eyes due to the flash of light. Through the slits in his eyes, he saw that the old man's body was filled with mist of both gold and black colors at this moment.

Suddenly, Natsume felt as if someone was strangling her neck, and she couldn't breathe no matter how hard she tried. My stomach was aching all over, and my head felt like it was about to explode. His face instantly turned pale, and large drops of sweat flowed down from his forehead, soaking his temples.

Mei Shanshan was very anxious when she saw Natsume's appearance. She quickly crawled to Natsume's side, wanting to touch Natsume with her trembling hands to relieve his pain.

"stop! The old man scolded loudly and said to Mei Shanshan:"No one can touch him. His current life span is separating his soul and becoming one with the Book of Death." If someone touches him, the effect will be greatly reduced!"

After Mei Shanshan heard the old man's words, she was so frightened that she immediately retracted her hand. She could only helplessly look at Natsume's pain, but she couldn't do anything to help. Time passed by, This was the longest half hour in Natsume's life. During this period, he experienced repeated pains from the human world to hell, and from hell to the human world. Even if a breeze in the air blew over him, it would bring Natsume a feeling of pain. I felt severe pain.

Half an hour finally passed, and the pain on Natsume's body slowly faded away, leaving behind puddles of sweat. Mei Shanshan quickly stepped forward and took out a handkerchief to wipe Natsume's sweat, and then He said anxiously:"Natsume, Natsume, how are you feeling? Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Natsume was lying weakly in Mei Shanshan's arms, and it took a lot of effort to say:"It's okay, I'm much more comfortable now than before, you don't have to worry. Natsume turned to look at the old man with difficulty, and asked:"Does my purification be considered completed now?" Have the evil thoughts in the Book of the Dead been purged?"

The old man quietly took back the Book of Death that was flying in the air, and then closed it. As soon as the Book of Death was closed, it flew back to Natsume's wrist. Natsume saw the death returning to his hand. Book of Death, he was instantly ecstatic. While touching the outline of the Book of Death on his wrist, he murmured:

"Are you finally back on my hand? That's greatVery good"

Seeing Xia Mu's happy expression, the old man poured cold water on him and said,"Natsume, don't be happy so quickly. Things are over before they are that simple."

Natsume was shocked, thinking that he had spent seven thousand years of effort. Life is over, can’t this still purify the evil thoughts of the Book of Death? He asked anxiously:"Why didn't you say that you only need to use seven thousand years of life to purify the evil thoughts of the Book of Death? Why do you say it's not over yet?!" The old man changed and changed his hair. Cang Cang appearance. He stroked his white beard and said slowly to Natsume:"Don't worry, the evil thoughts in the Book of Death have been cleared away."

Natsume breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but at the same time he was puzzled. Question:"Then what do you mean by this? What's not over yet?""

"From now on, you will remember every word I say."The old man said to Natsume.

Natsume tried his best to straighten his back and listened intently to the old man's next words.

"From now on, you are completely the master of the Book of Death. No matter what you write in the Book of Death in the future, it will completely obey your orders. But if you write something in the Book of Death that endangers the life of a good person, or even just one person, the Book of Death will be tainted with evil thoughts. Evil thoughts will gradually accumulate as you endanger the lives of good people. Then, even if you spend your entire life, you will not be able to purify them."

"And this also shows one thing, this book of death will be tied to you for life. If you are good to it, it will be good, and if you hate it, it will be evil."The old man said to Natsume word by word.

After hearing this, Natsume felt as if he was burdened with a sacred responsibility. The Book of Death is sealed on his wrist. It will be Natsume's weapon to punish evil and promote good. He is Natsume’s best friend throughout his life.

"I will definitely make good use of the Book of Death beyond your expectations. I will never let the Book of Death be tainted with any evil thoughts. From now on, I will definitely look at corrupt officials and evil people with a more impartial heart, and will not hurt any innocent people again! Natsume assured the old man.

After hearing Natsume's assurance, the old man nodded with satisfaction and said,"I hope you can remember what you said today for the rest of your life. Death Boil will be your property from now on." Hope you can take advantage of it. From now on in this world, you will be the judge and ruler, and the peace of this world depends on you!"

After the old man patted Natsume on the shoulder, he turned into a ray of light and flew to the center of the whirlpool, and then disappeared. The sky also became clear as the old man left, and the sky that had just been covered with dark clouds became clear in an instant.

Mei Shanshan helped Natsume get up, and then hurried back home with difficulty to rest.

In the room, Natsume looked in the mirror silently, looking at the eye-catching number 53 above her head in the mirror, feeling quite uncomfortable. But when she saw The original black mist on her body dissipated, leaving only a ball of white holy light, and she felt that the decision she made was the right one.

Mei Shanshan came in from the door with a bowl of chicken soup. She saw Natsume getting up and Looking in the mirror, he quickly walked over to Natsume and said,"Natsume, why are you up? You are very weak now, lie down quickly!"

Xiamu had no choice but to lie down again at Mei Shanshan's request. He said aggrievedly to Mei Shanshan:"Shanshan, I have been lying in bed for a whole day. I feel like I can get up. My body is fine"

"No, you didn't see how weak you looked yesterday. It almost scared me!"Mei Shanshan said with lingering fear.

Mei Shanshan picked up the chicken soup on the table, blew it cold in mouthfuls, and fed it into Natsume's mouth. Natsume was very happy to see such a virtuous Mei Shanshan._Fei

Lu Remind you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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