"What? Director? You mean Director Qiu Yeming of the Capital Police Department? Huang Riming asked in a panic.

"right!"After Huang Riming received a positive answer from the outside, he began to put on his pants in a panic and tidied up his appearance. Huang Riming's hands were shaking slightly, and he even put on his pants several times before putting them on. Xiaofen saw Huang Riming's panicked movements He asked in confusion:

"What happened to Captain Huang? Why are you so panicked? Our work is not done yet."

Huang Riming looked at Xiaofen's dull look and couldn't help but cursed in his mind. Is this the so-called number one? Is he someone with big breasts and no brains?

"What's wrong? Didn't you hear that? The commissioner of the police department is here! If you don’t put on your clothes quickly, the director will see our disheveled appearance later, and your nightclub will close down!"Huang Riming said angrily to Xiaofen while putting on clothes.

After hearing this, Xiaofen hurriedly grabbed the clothes and put them on herself, but when she was putting them on to buy underwear, the door clicked and was forced Opened it. Qiu Yeming, the stern-looking and mighty police commissioner, walked in.

As soon as Qiu Yeming walked in, he saw the two of them disheveled, and even more than half of Xiaofen's breasts were exposed. He Seeing this scene, his face instantly turned dark. His eyes were like cold fronts one after another, piercing directly into Huang Riming and Xiaofen, causing them to shiver.

Huang Riming trembled against Qiu Yeming's cold eyes. He opened his mouth tremblingly:"DepartmentDirector, why are you here?"

"Huh, why am I here? Someone reported to me that the anti-pornography captain in Beijing was soliciting prostitution in a nightclub. Haha, the anti-pornography captain was soliciting prostitution? This thing is really new. Why, how does it feel to be caught by me now? Qiu Yeming said sarcastically.

Looking at the majestic man in front of him, Huang Riming was so frightened that his hands trembled violently, and his pants that had not yet been belted fell off again. But he did not put on his pants immediately, but fell to his knees with a"plop" In front of Qiu Yeming, he cried and said:"Director, yesSorry, I was wrong! I still have a wife and children, I can’t be caught!"

Huang Riming knows very well that he is a public official. If he is caught for soliciting prostitution, the crime he will have to bear will definitely be several times more than that of ordinary people. What's more, he has always been an upright and good policeman in the hearts of his family. , if something like this happened, his wife and children would definitely not let him go, and his family might even be destroyed!

But Qiu Yeming was unmoved by Huang Riming's cries. He looked at Huang Riming coldly, and then said to the police behind him. :"Bring him back to the police station for interrogation!"

After Huang Riming was taken away by the police, Qiu walked to the center of the dance floor. Looking at the smoky environment, he couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart, and shouted:"Turn on the lights, check the nightclub, and turn on all the lights!"

In an instant, the entire nightclub became brightly lit, and everyone's ugly faces were exposed to the light.

"Who is in charge here? Come out here, you prostitutes, don't twist around for me, just stand still!"Qiu Yeming continued to say sternly.

Sister Fu, the old madam of the nightclub, and several older prostitutes stood up tremblingly, and then whispered to Qiu Yeming:"Yes.It's us, we're the ones in charge of this nightclub."

Sister Fu is also very confused. Her nightclub has been open for more than ten years, and there has never been such a large-scale surprise inspection today. And since she can open a nightclub, Sister Fu naturally has some connections in the underworld. Yes, so someone will notify me before every surprise inspection, so that the nightclub can make complete preparations to deal with the surprise inspection.

But this time the inspection is really overwhelming, and I am still checking the accounts in the small room at the back. , suddenly heard a noisy sound outside, and when she came out, she saw a large group of policemen around the dance floor. Sister Fu knew that something was wrong when she saw the fight, but she didn't expect that the police chief came. Such a big official, even Huang Riming, the captain of the anti-pornography team who was roped in by her today, suffered. Qiu Yeming squinted his slender eyes and carefully looked at the old bustard who was over fifty years old in front of him, and then said slowly:"You are the one in charge here people? He is also the madam of this nightclub, right?"

"What a bustard! Director, you need to understand that our nightclub has been open for more than ten years and has always been doing legitimate business. These girls are all good girls. theyThey just work here!"Sister Fu still wanted to quibble.

Qiu Yeming sneered after hearing this, and then called a policeman to take out a ledger from the small room where Sister Fu had just checked the account. As soon as Sister Fu saw the ledger, her face changed instantly. It's white, because that accounting book records the accounts of those girls' prostitution every month!

"On October 2nd, Xiaofen and Boss Huang went out to rent a house and earned 20,000 yuan."

"On October 4th, Ahua and Boss Li checked into the nightclub twice and earned 50,000 yuan."

"On October 5th, Aihua and Boss Chen opened a house twice and earned 60,000 yuan."

Qiu Yeming read out the numbers in the ledger one by one. Every time he read out a person's name, Sister Fu's face turned paler. By the time Qiu Yeming recited the last item, Sister Fu's face was already as pale as whitewash.

Qiu Yeming snorted coldly, and then gave an order to his police officers:"Bring the madam, the prostitutes, and their clients to the police station for interrogation. Humph! Prostitution? No one can escape the sanction of the law!" Outside the nightclub, Natsume Mei Shanshan, Song Chunchun and others were all hiding in the dark to observe what was going on in the nightclub. After a while, a large group of handcuffed men and women were pressed into the police car, including Madam Fu.

Sister Fu, who was pressed down, felt extremely desperate, thinking that if she went in this time, she might never come out again. As she walked in despair, she wanted to look back at the nightclub that she had been running for more than ten years.

However, when she turned her head, she saw Song Chunchun hiding in the corner! Their eyes met in the air, and Sister Fu stared hard at Song Chunchun, who seemed to be at peace now, with waves of anger rising in her heart.

"It seems like you, little girl, are the one who reported me, right? Haha, well done, if I can come out and see how I can beat you to death!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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