Qiu Yeming walked quickly to the policeman and watched him take out a fingerprint from a small pistol. After entering the fingerprint information database, he found that it belonged to a person named Mei Shanshan. of

"Mei Shanshan? Isn’t that the woman next to Judge Death?"Qiu Yeming remembered in surprise. Some time ago, people from the National Security Bureau sent a notice telling all officials in the capital to act with caution recently, because the natural enemy of corrupt officials - the death judge, came to the capital.

Qiu Yeming originally didn't take it seriously, because I have always acted upright, and I have never been caught by others. Now it seems that the bloodbath in the nightclub should be the masterpiece of Judge Death. But doesn’t this also mean that Judge Death knows that he is bending the law for personal gain? Although He was thinking about the overall situation, but the Death Judge didn't know!

Qiu Yeming's face turned pale. He thought that he was already on the Death Judge's punishment list, and he might be executed when. A little policeman next to him saw Qiu Yeming With a bad look on his face, he couldn't help but ask:

"Director, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere in your body?"

Qiu Yeming waved his hand at him, then stood up in a daze, and walked back to the police station swaying from side to side.

In fact, Xia Mu and Mei Shanshan didn't care at all about the fact that their fingerprints were extracted. Originally, they They were not afraid of others knowing that the bloodbath in the nightclub was carried out by the two of them, so naturally they would not deliberately erase the traces of their crimes. However, the reason why their videos were not captured on the camera was because they did not want others to know who the Death Judge really was. Otherwise, after it is posted online, it will be inconvenient to do anything in the future.

Ever since the nightclub experienced this turmoil, it has been completely closed, and no one has dared to rent that venue. Because everyone knows that what happened inside A bloody killing, and the police have always been evasive about this matter and have not actively searched for the real culprit. This is very different from the Beijing Police Department, which used to act very quickly and decisively. So the Internet continues to Some people say that this cruel thing happened because the nightclub was haunted. Otherwise, how could there be such a cruel murder if hundreds of people were killed at once? The

Yamaguchi Hall also gradually declined due to the murder of the hall leader Ma Renlong. The arms business and drug business behind the scenes were divided up by other brotherhoods. For a time, the legend of the underworld declined, and the biggest underworld threat in Yanjing City disappeared. But

Qiu Yeming has always been depressed, and he is worried every day He lived a life full of fear that one day he would be executed privately by the Death Judge. He worked tremblingly every day, hoping that the Death Judge would discover in the dark that he was not actually a corrupt official and let him go.

But in fact Natsume didn't have such small calculations in mind. He had been busy looking for a house to settle down in the past few days. Since returning to the capital, Natsume felt that he had changed a lot. This is where he studied in university and where he established the correct He hopes that his official career can get a good start here, and he can continue to walk on that bright road and realize his dreams.

However, the smog in the capital is so serious that even Natsume and Mei Shanshan Even people with excellent physical fitness can hardly bear it. What's more, people like Mei Shanshan who have lived in the countryside and experienced the fresh air are even more unwilling to live in dust all day long. On this day, they finally left It was far away from the capital city, so I drove there immediately.

"Mr. Xia and Miss Mei, what do you think of this apartment? If there's no problem, I'll go and help you with the handover."An intermediary in a suit said to Natsume and Mei Shanshan with a smile.

They are indeed very satisfied with this apartment. Although it is far away from the urban area of ​​​​the capital, the place is not too remote. What's more, it is far away from the city. The hustle and bustle, and even the air is a bit fresher than that in the city.

Mei Shanshan looked around the house with satisfaction, and then said to Natsume:"Natsume, this house is very good, let's rent it here!""

Xia Mu nodded, and then Mei Shanshan handed her ID card to the agency to apply for the lease contract. In the past few months, Xia Mu and Mei Shanshan have used Mei Shanshan's ID card no matter what they do. I came here for convenience, and secondly, so that the National Security Bureau would not find out that the death judge’s true identity was actually the dead Natsume.

The agent signed the contract with them and then left, while Natsume and Mei Shanshan were around the house. Wandering around. There are many apartment-like houses here to form a community. Each house is independent and has its own small garden in front of the house. The apartment Natsume and Mei Shanshan rented is at the end of a row of apartments. middle

"Natsume, I think this community is pretty good. It's quiet and not too remote. I like it very much."Mei Shanshan held Natsume's hand and said intimately.

Natsume scratched Mei Shanshan's nose and said dotingly:"As long as you like it, my little ancestor. We've been looking at houses for how many days. It's rare to find something you like. It's not easy!"

While Natsume and Mei Shanshan were talking affectionately, a burst of noise sounded in the small garden of the apartment in front of them. Natsume and Mei Shanshan looked at each other, then hurriedly walked outside the apartment wall and walked out. Look inside

"You are such a heartless man. You have a wife at home and you go out to prostitutes. Do you have any conscience? Look at your daughter, she is so young, how do you want her to face you in the future? Woo woo woo"The woman screamed feebly while beating the man standing in front of her.

The man's back was turned to Natsume and Mei Shanshan, so they couldn't see the man's appearance. The man seemed to be tired of the woman's unreasonable teasing, so he slapped her with his backhand, and the woman was knocked to the ground in an instant.

The man said viciously:"You stinky bitch, don't be so shameless! I was finally released, are you going to cause trouble in the city again? Is this a good thing?" The woman was stunned for a moment. It took her a few seconds to react. She simply sat on the ground and yelled:"There is no justice! My husband actually left his wife and children at home to go out for prostitution, and now he beats his wife. Is there any justice in this world?""

"Huang Riming, I want to divorce you! You can’t take a cent of our family’s property! My daughter won’t follow you either!"_

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