"call! Natsume took a deep breath and tried his best to hold back the excitement in his heart. He reached out and took out the mobile phone from his pocket, opened the Tieba APP, and entered the three words Canglin City. After entering the Tieba, the first thing that greeted him was What he saw was a message on the top of the page called"The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will be spared by heaven?"" post. This post is very popular, with a click rate of more than one million, and more than 20,000 replies. This is simply a miracle for a mere urban post bar. When you click on the post, the first thing that appears are a few pictures of car accidents Pictures from the scene. The scene of the car accident was extremely tragic. An off-road vehicle was burned to nothing but its frame. There were several charred human bones in the car. Even the pictures made people feel their scalps numb and their whole bodies cold. Straight up.

For such a tragic car accident, we should mourn deeply and remember the deceased. But the theme of the post is"God's way is reincarnation, who will God spare?""!

"This is not a memorial post at all, but a post to crusade and expose Wang Lin’s past crimes!"Natsume made a judgment immediately.

He moved his thumb and slid the post down. Soon, he turned to the text of the post.

"Wang Lin is dead! Have a good death!"There is only this paragraph in the first paragraph of the text. Although it is short, it clearly states the author's position.

"Wang Lin is the richest man in Canglin City, with a net worth of more than 2 billion. He owns 13 companies including Wang's Real Estate Development Company, Wang's Pregnancy and Baby, and Wang's Electronic Technology. He has been awarded the title of"Top Ten Farmers in Canglin City" entrepreneur’、‘With titles such as"Top Ten Young People in Canglin City", he is a very famous and successful person in Canglin City and even in the entire Cang Province.……"In the second paragraph, the author elaborates on Wang Lin’s achievements. He speaks with facts and does not deliberately belittle Wang Lin.

"However, career success cannot conceal his poor moral character. Next, let us 'appreciate' the heinous evil deeds Wang Lin once committed!"In the third paragraph, the author finally gets to the point.

"It is said in the news that Wang Lin started from scratch, but is that really the case? Next, let me take you to reveal the truth of the matter."

"Wang Lin began to become successful at the age of 23. In that year, he and his cousin each invested 500,000 yuan to establish Wang's Electronic Technology Company. But here comes the question, where does Wang Lin, who is only 23 years old, get so much money?"

"Some people say that Wang Lin’s entrepreneurial capital was left to him by his parents. Because that year, his parents happened to die in an accident, and all the money was left to him. But the problem is, his parents are just ordinary farmers, and their income is only enough to maintain normal living expenses. How could they leave him so much money?"

"By chance, I met a friend who was an insurance company. He accidentally revealed that Wang Lin had bought personal accident insurance of 250,000 yuan for each of his parents from him. The total for the two of them was exactly 500,000 yuan!"

"The death of Wang Lin's parents in an accident was also very strange. That day, Wang Lin drove his parents out in a gasoline tricycle. He stopped the car at the intersection to buy something, but he didn't expect that the car didn't have the handbrake on, and it sped off without anyone controlling it. When he got on the road, he was run over by a large truck passing by. His parents died on the spot."

"On the surface, this was just an accident, but judging from the outcome, Wang Lin received a huge sum of 500,000 yuan, and he had every motive to commit the crime!"

"This was his first evil act. Although there are still doubts, my intuition tells me that the death of his parents is definitely related to him!"

"Next, let us reveal the truth of the second incident, the death of Wang Lin’s cousin Wang Chong……"

I have to say that the author of this post is of a very high standard. Not only is his speech well-reasoned and well-organized, but he also knows Wang Lin's affairs very well. With his in-depth analysis, people were shocked to discover that Wang Lin's rise was a bloody road, full of endless filth and killing.

In the past few decades, there have been many murder cases in Canglin City that were closely related to Wang Lin. Many clues pointed to Wang Lin. However, everything was suppressed by Wang Lin with his own energy. Get down!

"Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don’t believe it, look up and see who God has spared."At the end, the author commented."No matter how powerful Wang Lin is and how high his moral practice is, it is difficult to get rid of his demonic nature even if he wears human skin. The sky net is vast and sparse, and no one can escape God's reckoning!!"

"I really didn’t expect that Wang Lin had done so many unscrupulous and bad things!! Natsume murmured to himself.

Although he had known for a long time that Wang Lin was a scumbag and had done all kinds of bad things. However, he never thought that Wang Lin would be so bad that even his biological parents Not even my cousin.

Wang Lin is simply the best of scum!

"Heaven is so good at reincarnation, who will God spare?!"

"Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that the time has not come for you not to be repaid!!"

"The sky net is vast, sparse but not missing!!"

"No one in the world can escape God's reckoning!"

"Have a good death!!"

Under the post, countless people responded. Most of them were from Canglin City and knew something about Wang Lin's affairs. They were all filled with righteous indignation and severely condemned and cursed Wang Lin.

"I did the right thing! I am doing harm to the people! Everyone is supporting me! Natsume clenched her fists hard and murmured to herself."Don't worry, I will definitely keep up my efforts and send all the scum to hell!""

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