"what happened? This young man must not be a normal person! How is it possible for a normal person to catch a bullet with the palm of his hand? Then who is he? ? Gao Ming thought over and over in his mind, but still had no clue."But no matter who he is, he killed my son, and I must avenge him!" Gao

Ming picked up the walkie-talkie on his belt, turned on the switch and said:"Listen up to the snipers on the roof. Now all of them are shooting at the man in front of me. There is no need to avoid the vital points, just snipe him to death!""

After hearing the order, the snipers a few buildings away pointed their muzzles at Natsume's head, and then pulled the trigger. With a few"bang bangs", the bullets were emitted from the sniper rifles and shot straight to Natsume's head. Not only that. It was Gu Zhiyao and Gu Hui at the scene, and even Mei Shanshan was worried about Xia Mu. Because they didn't know which sniper fired first, they didn't know which direction the bullet came from first. Moreover, they didn't know which sniper fired first. A sniper rifle is different from a pistol. It has a faster rate of fire and more power. If Natsume is distracted, his life will be in danger.

Natsume held his breath for that second and looked straight ahead with sharp eyes. He used his superb ability to predict the direction of the bullet. Then he instantly caught the bullet fired from a distance in mid-air, and then turned his hand to the right the next second and stopped another bullet. Bullets."Swish, swish, swish." Natsume's hand was so fast that it was almost invisible. In just a few seconds, the sniper upstairs had shot out all the bullets, but Natsume still stood unscathed. In front of Gao Ming,

Natsume opened his palms, and dozens of smoking bullets fell from his palms.

Gao Ming looked at this scene in shock. He couldn't believe that someone could catch the bullets with his bare hands. He said in disbelief:"youHow did you intercept the bullet? ? who are you?"

"Sorry, I don't want to tell you who I am. I told you a long time ago not to do such useless work. It's impossible for you to kill me. On the contrary, you, the beast, are the one who deserves death!"Natsume's black eyes shone sharply.

"youYou murderer! I'm going to kill you myself!"Gao Ming was furious to the extreme. He wanted to rush forward, cut Natsume into pieces, and then avenge his son. But the strange thing was that a barrier seemed to appear in front of Gao Ming, and the barrier was like a dome. Live in Gaoming so that he can't come out

"This is how the same thing! Why does it seem like a piece of glass appears in front of me! Isn’t it your way to do it? ?"Gao Ming yelled at Natsume angrily. At this time, not only Gao Ming, but also all the police and bodyguards on the scene were very confused. Originally they thought this was just an ordinary law enforcement mission, but they didn't expect it to appear. Natsume is such a godly man.

The bodyguard police officers all wanted to step forward to help Gao Ming, but it was like there was an invisible gap between Gao Ming and them, separating them in two places. This made them unable to save them even if they wanted to. There is no way to save him, but he can only watch the water from the other side and worry silently in his heart.

Gao Ming inside the barrier is also anxious like an ant in a hot spot. He really wants to rush in and cut Natsume into pieces, but he has no choice but to I was trapped by this barrier and didn’t know what to do.

At this moment, the surveillance cameras installed on the outer wall of the apartment suddenly all turned to point at Gaoming, and all the cameras also turned on small green lights. This It means that they are all working now. The people at the scene did not notice this small detail, but Natsume knew it very well, because this was the punishment he gave Gao Ming. On the other side, in the building of the Jingshi Procuratorate, they should have been in their respective All operating computers suddenly had a black screen. Some staff were dealing with the country's private files. The computer suddenly crashed, and it was not known whether all the files would be lost. People working in the office asked the employees of the technical department for help, but there was nothing they could do. , can’t find out what’s wrong with the computer

""Knock, knock, knock." Secretary Zhao of the Director of the Procuratorate knocked on the door of the office, and then quickly walked into the Director's office.

"Director Sun, all the computers in the lobby of our Procuratorate suddenly had problems, and the employees in the technical department couldn't find out what the cause was. We still have many colleagues who are handling the country's confidential documents, so we are very worried about hackers intruding. Director, what do you think we should do about this?"Secretary Zhao said to Director Sun Dahui.

Sun Dahui frowned and looked at the computer with a black screen in his office, and he was also filled with doubts."First, let the people from the technology department check the computer again or whether there is something wrong with the network. , don’t act rashly. Hacking is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly."

Just when Secretary Zhao was about to go to the technical department to ask someone to check the equipment again, there was a"pop" sound, and the computer suddenly turned on automatically. However, a man appeared on the computer interface inexplicably groping for something, like There was a transparent dome covering his body.

Sun Dahui recognized this man at a glance, because he is the most likely candidate to be elected in the election of the next Director of the Procuratorate! The current Deputy Director of the Procuratorate! Standing aside Secretary Zhao also recognized Gao Ming, and he said doubtfully:"That's weird, is this computer having a seizure? Why did this scene suddenly appear? And isn't this Deputy Director Gao Ming? Why did he appear in the computer? What was he doing?"

Sun Dahui looked at the screen with a puzzled look on his face, and there were many policemen and bodyguards of the Gao family next to Gao Ming. What was he doing? Is he just standing by and watching? At this time, a hurried employee walked into the office. Said to Sun Dahui:"Director Sun, foreignAll the computers outside seemed to have malfunctioned, and all the screens were switched to another place."

After Sun Dahui heard what the employee said, he quickly walked out of the office. When he looked up, all the computers in the hall switched to the same screen, which was the screen where Gao Ming was trapped!

"What exactly is going on? What do colleagues in the technical department say?"Sun Dahui asked seriously.

"I just called the technical department to find out the situation. They said that there are no problems with all the lines and networks, and they have initially ruled out the possibility of hacker intrusion. But it's strange that these computers suddenly seem to lose our control, and there is no way to shut down even if the power is turned off."Secretary Zhao said.

Sun Dahui looked at Gao Ming on the computer and felt confused.

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