"I alone advanced several million in wages to the workers. That was my life savings and my entire net worth. But I urged Lin Yueguang to give me the money over and over again, but he either avoided me or asked the security guard to kick me out. I am really desperate. I still have a wife and children to support, and I have hundreds of people waiting for food. Lin Yueguang did this to force me into a desperate situation!"The man wiped away his tears violently, which were mixed with a lot of sweat.

At this time, the temperature had reached almost forty degrees. Everyone was sweating from the heat, and large amounts of sweat kept flowing from their foreheads. Come down. Everyone at the scene seemed to be restless and burned by the sun, but the negotiator still endured the heat and said to the man:

"Sir, we understand your situation. Can you come down first? Our police department will definitely help you solve this matter. Come down first. It’s too dangerous for you to sit like this."

"no! If you want me to come down, just ask Lin Yueguang to come over! I refuse to negotiate with you. I will only negotiate with Lin Yueguang! If he doesn't come, I'll jump out of here right now!"The man said resolutely.

The police had no choice but to call Yueguang Group.

In the office of the chairman of Yueguang Group, Lin Yueguang was leisurely smoking a cigarette and sitting on a chair reading a newspaper. Suddenly there was a hurried knock on the door, and Secretary Bai walked in hurriedly and said to Lin Yueguang:"Chairman, something bad has happened! Lin

Yueguang took out the cigarette and said to Secretary Bai unhappily:"Why are you so anxious? Didn't you tell me not to come to me at this time?""

"Chairman, haven't we still been in arrears with the contractor for the final payment of the second phase of Yueguang Plaza we built in the east of the city? Do you remember this?"Secretary Bai asked.

Lin Yueguang recalled it and said,"Remember, it was the contractor named Ou Wei. Didn't we agree that we would not pay his money? We are short of funds now, so we will discuss this matter later. Bar!"

"but"But" Secretary Bai stopped talking:"But the contractor is now on the roof of the square and is about to jump off the building!" I said I asked you to come over and negotiate with you. Just now the police called and said you must come over."

"What?! Lin Yueguang put out the cigarette butt and said angrily:"Why is this Ouwei so ignorant?" They said they would give him the money later. What good will it do him if he breaks up our company now? Aren’t you going to get a penny by then?"

"Chairman, you'd better go there now, otherwise I'm worried that the police will come to ask you to come over later. Secretary Bai said cautiously

"knew."Lin Yueguang got up, picked up his briefcase and rushed to Yueguang Square.

Ouwei had been sitting stubbornly outside the railing of the high-rise building, and would not move an inch inside no matter how the negotiators persuaded him. And the police did not dare to get closer to him for fear of He would be stimulated and jump off the roof. The scene remained stalemate until the moment Lin Yueguang arrived. As soon as Ouwei saw Lin Yueguang's figure at the door, he couldn't help but cursed:

"Lin Yueguang, your grandson! Are you finally willing to come out to see me? ? You are a bad guy who owes me millions, and you have to use this method to show your face. You are such a villain!"

When Lin Yueguang heard these ugly words, he couldn't help but look sad. After all, he is the chairman of a large group. He is usually flattered by others, but no one has ever scolded him with such ugly words.

He couldn't help but He choked back:"Ouwei, don't push yourself too far. Didn't I tell you that I will definitely pay you back your money? It just takes a little longer. Our company is facing a crisis now, can't you be considerate and considerate?"

"I understand you, but who understands me? Besides, I don’t think you want to pay it back at all! Every time I went to your company to look for you, I was kicked out by security guards and given harsh words. I have hundreds of workers under me, and they all rely on my projects to support their families. Now I have invested all my money in this building. If you don't give me the money, I will go bankrupt!"Ouwei said with a cry.

At this time, the negotiator saw that Ouwei was in a very unstable mood, so he said to Lin Yueguang:"Mr. Lin, you respond first to stabilize his mood. Now he is too excited. At any time, Danger may occur. You don’t want a murder to happen before your plaza has even opened, right?"

Lin Yueguang looked at the police around him, and then at Ouwei who was in a dangerous position, and felt that he was really riding a tiger now. He himself planned to waste this salary. Although Yueguang Group is also a big group, but With the recent economic downturn, the group has been unable to make ends meet and has very little liquidity. He has heard of Ouwei, the contractor, who is very sincere and always pays the workers' wages out of his own pocket. He just likes

Ouwei. This is because Lin Yueguang feels that the money he owes Ouwei to one person is better than the money he owes hundreds of workers. But he never expected that Ouwei would think of jumping off a building to collect debts. There are so many police here now, and he wants to I couldn't escape, so I had to make a compromise.

"Ouwei, listen, I will notify the people in the finance department to issue your money as soon as possible, but you can come down first."Lin Yueguang said to Ouwei.

Ouwei glanced at Lin Yueguang and felt that it was a bit strange that he agreed so readily, so he said:"You can let me come down. You first sign a salary agreement with me, otherwise I won't. I believe you! Lin

Yueguang glanced at Ou Wei fiercely. He didn't expect that he was so smart and knew how to sign an agreement first. But he had no way to refuse and could only say:"Okay, I agree!" Secretary Bai, draw up an agreement and bring it over now!"

Ten minutes later, after Lin Yueguang and Ou Wei both signed the temporary agreement, Ou Wei carefully got down from the railing. In fact, Ou Wei was so scared that he was sweating at this time. After all, this was a 56-story high-rise building. Just now His body was shaking when his feet were hanging outside. But in order to see Lin Yueguang and get back his due wages, he had to take this dangerous road.

When Ouwei passed by Lin Yueguang, he glanced at He glanced at Lin Yueguang and said coldly:"Chairman Lin, repaying debts is the law of justice. Don't you understand this principle? If you had given me the money earlier, you wouldn't have made this matter known to the whole city."

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