Natsume went to Yueguang Group alone. He wanted to observe Lin Yueguang secretly and then see what the whole thing was like. When he walked to the door of the building, he found a man in a suit and leather shoes walking out of the door. Behind him were two secretaries and bodyguards. The bodyguards were holding a large, ornately decorated box in their hands.

Natsume's intuition told him that this man should not be that simple. Now Yueguang Group is at the cusp of the storm. Everyone who comes and goes close to Lin Yueguang will be the object of Natsume's suspicion. What's more, Natsume found that there was a thick black mist on the man's body. It seemed that he had done a lot of dirty things.

Natsume quickly followed the man not far away, then pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation between the man and the secretary beside him.

As Li Yunfeng walked, he asked the secretary who was following him,"Is there any follow-up to Lin Yueguang's matter? I think he just wanted me to solve some trouble, but I didn't agree to it." The secretary took out his mobile phone and said, Then quickly search for news about Yueguang Group on your browser. It turned out that the incident involving Sister Zhang and her family demonstrating at Yueguang Group was captured on video by passers-by and posted online, so Lin Yueguang could not wait to find Li Yunfeng to come to the company to ask him for help in settling the matter.

But Li Yunfeng is not someone who is easily fooled. This fine stone from Yunnan and Guizhou is just to help him solve the troublesome matter of Lin Yueguang rubbing his hands and killing someone. As for the subsequent troubles, Li Yunfeng does not intend to deal with it anymore. Moreover, Li Yunfeng has also received inside information that Yueguang Group is on the verge of bankruptcy. It is estimated that Lin Yueguang will not be able to provide any benefits.

"Minister Li, do you still plan to help Lin Yueguang handle this matter for him? The Ouwei family will probably continue to make trouble, and Lin Yueguang may ask you for help again."The secretary asked.

Li Yunfeng leaned against the car, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked up at the tall building, and then said slowly:"Let's not get involved in this matter anymore. Lin Yueguang beat Ou Wei to death before. We have already wiped his butt on this matter. If we were to intervene, I'm afraid the people above would be unhappy, and his company might be a shell of his company, and Yueguang Plaza might not be able to open its business now that this incident is happening. There's nothing we can gain from helping him anymore."

"What's more, didn't it mean that the Death Judge was still staying in Yanjing City recently? Let’s be more restrained these days."

After Li Yunfeng finished speaking, he drank the coffee in his hand and drove away from Yueguang Group.

Natsume heard all what Li Yunfeng said in the dark, and the fierce light in his eyes became heavier after listening. He didn't expect that Ou Wei's department was actually related to high-ranking officials. Sure enough, collusion between officials and businessmen is the most deadly. But Xia Mu had never heard of Li Yunfeng's background. Most of the people Xia Mu came into contact with in the previous incident involving Gu Zhiyao were people from the prosecutor's department. Natsume, the police chief of the capital, is not very familiar with him.

However, there is one person whom Natsume is very familiar with. He is Li Dawei, the former head of the police department of the capital. Li Dawei, a law student who did not graduate from Yenching University, once came to study with them once. Speech. Ever since Natsume listened to Li Dawei’s speech, he has deeply admired his profession even more, because his profession is so sacred and just.

And Li Dawei has since become Natsume’s idol, because he Natsume wants to be a just person A strict lawyer, redressing the grievances of the people. Although Natsume did not become a teacher in the end, his ideal of punishing evil and promoting good has not disappeared. And Li Dawei is still his benchmark on this road.

But as far as Natsume knows, Li Dawei was Years ago, that is, before he became the Death Judge, he had retired. Natsume was sad for a long time because he didn't know if there were any honest officials like Li Dawei in the political world. While

Natsume regretted Li Dawei's retirement, he also He hated how corrupt the current political circles of the Republic of China were. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of Lin Yueguang. Lin Yueguang hurried to the underground parking lot with his briefcase, while Secretary Bai followed closely behind him. Report to him about work matters behind his back:

"Chairman, we went to Changguang Company this afternoon. They seem to be interested in financing with us. If our talks are successful, Yueguang Group will probably have a large amount of loose liquidity!"

After Lin Yueguang heard this, the haze that had filled his face for several days finally dissipated a little. He nodded, and then said to Secretary Bai:"I understand, we only need to succeed in this business and not fail! I will never let Yueguang Group go bankrupt. The hard work I have put in for more than ten years will not let it disappear just like that. Natsume chuckled in his heart and said secretly:"It turns out that you are about to go bankrupt. Haha, you have done such a heinous thing and still want good luck?" What a daydream. Not only will I make your company bankrupt, but I will also make you unable to survive!"

Lin Yueguang and Secretary Bai drove to Changguang Company together. Lin Yueguang looked at the plaque of Changguang Company and silently encouraged himself:"We must talk about this business this time, otherwise Yueguang Group will really want to bankrupted!"

He took a deep breath, then straightened out the wrinkles on his clothes, and strode into the interior of Changguang Company. The company's front desk welcomed them into the general manager's office, a middle-aged man with a oily haircut and a big belly. He was sitting on a chair drinking tea and waiting.

As soon as Lin Yueguang saw the man, he walked up to shake hands with him with a smile on his face and said,"I'm so sorry, Mr. Wei, it's a shame to keep you waiting for us for so long."

But Mr. Wei seemed a little arrogant. He smiled perfunctorily and then took out his hand. Lin Yueguang looked at him awkwardly.

"Chairman Lin, let’s talk about work quickly. I have a meeting to hold later."Mr. Wei urged.

After hearing this, Lin Yueguang quickly took out the contract that had been drawn up long ago, handed it to Mr. Wei and said with a smile:"Mr. Wei, this is the contract drawn up by our company. Please take a look to see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, we can sign the contract now."

Mr. Wei took the contract and glanced at it casually, then closed it and threw it on the table with disdain, and said:"Chairman Lin, in fact, we all know the current situation of your company. Financing is indeed of great significance to your company. benefit. But it is different for our company. Do you have any guarantee that both our companies will be a win-win situation?"_

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