Li Yunfeng walked around the office anxiously. He felt very anxious because he didn't know whether the matter was successful. According to the investigation sent by the secretary, there was a man and a woman with Ouwei's family members. Li Yunfeng used his own strength but could not find out their identity information. All these unknowns make Li Yunfeng anxious

""Ring ring ring" the phone suddenly rang. Li Yunfeng quickly picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Liu Yechun, what you asked me to do has been done. Now he is in the container at the dock in Dongcheng. Come over and take care of it yourself."There was a cold male voice on the other end of the phone.

Joy surged into Li Yunfeng's heart, but he still remained calm and said to the person on the other end of the phone:"I understand, I'll be there right away. Remember not to be tracked."

"Got it, don't worry when I do the work. Liu Yechun replied.

On the other side, Mei Shanshan looked at the empty kitchen and said to Natsume,"Natsume, how about we go out to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and come back?" I'm tired of eating outside food every day, and I also want to cook a meal for you myself!"

The hotel Natsume and Mei Shanshan live in is an apartment-style hotel. It not only has a living room, but also a small kitchen, but they have never used it once since they checked in.

"Can you do it? Natsume said with a joking smile.

Mei Shanshan said unconvinced when she heard this:"Huh, my cooking skills are very good. If you don't believe me, you can try it later. I guarantee you will have endless aftertaste!""

Natsume and Mei Shanshan went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car and prepare to go shopping at a nearby supermarket. But when they passed by a car, they felt something strange, because the door of the car was open, but there was no one inside. People.

Natsume quickly walked to the side of the car and found that the handle of the car was dented. At a glance, he knew that a fight had occurred nearby.

"Natsume, isn’t this Sister Zhang’s car?! I remember this license plate number very clearly!"Mei Shanshan pointed to the license plate number and said to Natsume in surprise.

Sister Zhang's car is a very ordinary Volkswagen model. There are many models of the same model on the car, so Natsume didn't recognize it for a while. car. He walked quickly to the back compartment, then opened the compartment door and found Ouwei's body in the compartment!

"not good! Something must have happened to Sister Zhang and the others!"As soon as Natsume saw this situation, he knew that something had happened to Sister Zhang and the others.

"Were they attacked? Looking at the dent in the car, the attacker may have wanted to take their lives! They are all people who have no ability to resist. I am afraid they have been captured by now! Shanshan speculated.

Natsume felt that what Mei Shanshan said made sense. He quickly circled around the car and found some linen cloth on the ground. The fabric was torn off when Sister Zhang struggled with them, but after all, Sister Zhang was only a woman with no strength to bind a chicken, so she was put on and walked away without a few struggles.

At this time, Mei Shanshan shouted to Natsume in surprise:"Natsume! Come and see what I found!"

Natsume took a look and saw that there was a long oil stain on the ground. The area of ​​the oil stain was very small and ordinary. It is probably difficult for people to find it. But now Natsume and Mei Shanshan's physical abilities are different from ordinary people, and their eyesight is naturally much better than ordinary people.

Mei Shanshan followed the oil stain for a few meters, then repeatedly observed its shape and trajectory, and said to Natsume:"Based on my experience as a police officer in the past few years, this should be the car that kidnapped Sister Zhang and her family. According to my inference, there should be a slight oil leak in their car, which is why there are so many oil stains left on the ground. As long as we follow these oil stains, we should be able to find out the specific location of Sister Zhang and the others."

Natsume Looking at the mottled oil stains, he frowned. He did not expect that although Lin Yueguang was dead, Sister Zhang and the others still had an accident. And even if he tried hard, he couldn't figure out who wanted to do harm to Sister Zhang and her family. Could it be that besides Lin Yueguang, there were other people involved in Ouwei's matter?

Natsume and Mei Shanshan quickly drove away in their cars to follow the oil traces.

Next to the Dongcheng Pier in Yanjing City, although it is already a hot summer day, the wind blowing from the seaside in the evening still makes people shiver.

The three members of Sister Zhang's family were put into sacks and thrown on top of the container at the dock. Sister Zhang kept shouting:"Who on earth are you! Let me go quickly! Otherwise I will go to the police department later and you will be dead!"

Xiaohui kept crying on the side, For a while, the empty pier was filled with the sounds of women yelling and the cries of children. The man in black who was guarding was really annoyed by the noise, so he came over and pulled the sacks off the heads of Sister Zhang and Xiaohui. He opened his hand and slapped Sister Zhang and Xiaohui, and said cursingly:

"Be quiet! Otherwise, when my boss comes, I will be able to enjoy your good harvest!"

Sister Zhang looked at Xiaohui's red and swollen face, and felt extremely painful. She wanted to continue yelling, but the man came up and stuffed her mouth with a rag.

Ten minutes later, a A man wearing a complete set of Chinese tunic suit, round-rimmed glasses on his face, and a string of rosewood beads on his wrist got out of the car. He walked slowly to Sister Zhang, looked at the three of them carefully, and then Said:"Are they the three of us who are going to be arrested this time? Nothing wrong?

The man in black replied respectfully:"What I said to Brother Liu is that I did not make a mistake." We arrested him according to the position given by Mr. Li, and we confirmed his appearance repeatedly beforehand, so nothing would go wrong. Sister

Zhang looked at the man in front of her with a serious face and a Chinese tunic suit in confusion, and she became even more confused:"Who is he?" I've never seen him! Why did he arrest us? Could this be Ouwei's former enemy? But how could Ouwei have enemies if he is so fair?"

Liu Yechun saw Sister Zhang looking at him with a puzzled face, so he said:"You don't have to be so surprised, it's not me who wants you dead. I just collect people's money to help them eliminate disasters. Later you will know who really wants to deal with your family."

Liu Yechun asked the boys to keep an eye on Sister Zhang and the three of them, and then walked aside to smoke. After a while, another black Bentley parked in front of the container. Li Yunfeng, wearing a suit and leather shoes, stepped out of the car in high spirits.

Waiting for Sister Zhang to see After seeing Li Yunfeng's face clearly, her eyes widened in surprise:"I know this person!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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