"No...impossible! This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!!"After hearing what Zhang Wen said, Shi Jie's whole body immediately began to tremble violently. An unprecedented chill and fear surged into his heart, chilling him to the bone, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He felt as if his tail had been stepped on. Like a cat, he suddenly jumped up and yelled at Zhang Wen

"Mr. Shi, you……"Zhang Wen was shocked by Shi Jie's fierce reaction.

However, when he saw Shi Jie's pale face and the uncontrollable fear in his eyes, he immediately understood. He knew that Shi Jie had been frightened and had lost his most basic logical thinking and judgment abilities.

"Brother Zhang, you... stop talking! With Wang Lin's death, that matter has completely ended! Stop scaring yourself!! Shi Jie gasped and said at the top of his lungs.

"Mr. Shi, I...I understand. Zhang Wen nodded with a wry smile and said

"Brother Zhang, I’ll leave the rest to you. I’ll first……"


Before Shi Jie finished speaking, the phone in his pocket started vibrating crazily.

"Chen Xue, why would she call me?"Shi Jie took out his cell phone and looked at it, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Chen Xue is the wife of Li Sheng, the president of Canglin City Intermediate Court. The two of them had met several times at banquets, but they were not familiar with each other. Why did you call him so late?

For some reason, Shi Jie felt an extremely ominous premonition.

"Hello, Ms. Chen, is there anything I can do to help you?"Shi Jie pressed the answer button, cleared his throat, and said

"Mr. Shi, save...save my husband! Please...please save my husband!!"On the other side of the phone, there was a woman crying in panic.

"Ms. Chen, please stay calm and tell me what happened?" Shi Jie became even more panicked. He immediately raised his voice and shouted loudly

"Mr. Shi... Mr. Shi, my husband... he cut his wrists and committed suicide!!"Chen Xue cried."There is blood everywhere on the floor, and it...can't stop it at all! If this continues, he...he will be dead!!"

"What? Dean Li cut his wrists and committed suicide?"Shi Jie couldn't believe his ears.

In his impression, Li Sheng was a cheerful person who loved to talk and laugh. He was not only full of expectations for life, but also had a successful career and a happy family. He was a A standard successful person.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that someone like Li Sheng would commit suicide by slitting his wrists!

"Ms. Chen, have you called the emergency number?"The situation was urgent. Shi Jie didn't have time to think about it. He shouted at Chen Xue.

"I've called the emergency number a long time ago, but... but they haven't arrived yet! That's why I will……"Chen Xue cried and said

"Ms. Chen, please stay calm, I will drive over immediately!"After Shi Jie said this, he immediately hung up the phone, turned around and ran towards the car.

"Mr. Shi, where are you going?"Zhang Wen quickly followed and asked loudly

"Dean Li cut his wrists and committed suicide. If we had arrived too late, he would have been dead! Shi Jie yelled

"Dean Li cut his wrists and committed suicide?"Zhang Wen couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Under normal circumstances, only frustrated people who are completely desperate for life, future and destiny will choose to commit suicide. But successful people like Dean Li, who have a successful career and family, How could he commit suicide?

"Don't stay there in a daze, get in the car quickly! Shi Jie shouted sternly.

Shi Jie turned on the siren, ran through countless red lights along the way, and sped towards Li Sheng's home like lightning. The journey that originally took ten minutes took them less than five minutes. arrived

"Wow wow wow!"……

Just as they entered the corridor, Shi Jie and Zhang Wen heard a woman wailing. Her voice was so miserable that it was very moving.

"Ms. Chen, this is Shi Jie, please open the door!"Shi Jie slammed the door hard and shouted loudly inside.

"Mr. Shi, you...you are finally here! Woohoo!"The door opened, and a woman about fifty years old jumped directly into Shi Jie's arms and cried loudly.

Her body was trembling and shaking. It was obvious that she was seriously frightened!

"Ms. Chen, don’t be afraid, I have everything under your control."Shi Jie patted Chen Xue's shoulder gently and said softly."Ms. Chen, where is Dean Li?"He asked worriedly

"In...in the bedroom!!"Chen Xue pointed in the direction of the bedroom with a trembling finger and said.

Shi Jie comforted Chen Xue, then winked at Zhang Wen, and the two of them walked towards the bedroom, one on the left and the other on the right.

As the distance got closer, , Shi Jie and Zhang Wen both smelled the strong smell of blood coming from the bedroom. The smell was like being in a slaughterhouse, which was nauseating.

"This... what is this?!"

"So... so terrible!!"

When Shi Jie and Zhang Wen opened the bedroom door and saw Li Sheng lying in the middle of the floor and the blood covering the floor like a stream, they were immediately frightened to the bone and the hairs on their bodies stood up.

Too much It's terrible!

It's terrible!

It's simply hell on earth!



After a while, Shi Jie and Zhang Wen could no longer hold back the churning in their stomachs, and they opened their mouths and vomited. Even as veteran police officers who were used to bloody scenes, they couldn't bear it. The impact of the horrific scene before my eyes!

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