After waiting for a long time, Mei Linchao woke up in a daze. As soon as he opened his eyes and saw Mei Yunwei, he started to shed tears and said,"Dad, I'm sorry for you! I can't help you!"

Mei Yunwei asked hurriedly:"Son, what happened!? Yes. Who beat you like this? Aren't you going to demolish Mei Chaoyun's father's graveyard?"

Mei Linchao lay on the bed with tears and said to Mei Yunwei:"Originally, I and several brothers wanted to secretly We went to demolish Mei Chaoyun’s father’s cemetery, but Huang Haiyan is a very smart woman. She knew that this would happen to us, so she went up the mountain to check. As a result, she ran into a few of our buddies."

"Was it Huang Haiyan who beat you like this?"Mei Yunwei asked in disbelief. Although Huang Haiyan is a powerful person, she is still a woman. She shouldn't beat several strong men like this, right?

"no."Mei Linchao shook his head and continued:"It wasn't Mei Chaoyun and his family who fought. When we were about to take action, a man and a woman suddenly came out to help them. When they saw that we were about to take action, the man He took action and beat us like this."

"Dad, am I a coward? With so many brothers, he couldn't even defeat a man."Meilin Chao seemed to have been greatly humiliated when he was beaten like this. He has been the little bully and little prick in the village since he was a child. He was always the only one who beat others. How could he ever be beaten like this? Now he speaks loudly. There was still wind leaking inside, which was ridiculous.

Mei Yunwei felt heartbroken when he saw his son's miserable appearance. He helped Mei Linchao lie down, and then said comfortingly:"It's not your fault, Ah Dad shouldn't have asked you to deal with them. I should have sent some professional thugs there."

"By the way, do you know who that couple is? Mei Yunwei asked.

Mei Linchao recalled for a few seconds, and then said:"I don't know the man, but that woman seems to know Mei Chaoyun. Her name is Mei Shanshan.""

"oh! correct!"Mei Linchao suddenly seemed to remember something, and said excitedly to Mei Yunwei:"That woman's father seems to be buried on that hilltop, and it is not far from the cemetery of Mei Chaoyun's father. Based on this inference, that woman should also be from our village!"

Mei Yunwei thought for a few seconds and suddenly remembered something. He murmured to himself:"Could it be that person's daughter?"

Mei Shanshan's father died early. After Mei Shanshan's father died, Mei Shanshan moved away from the village and went to study outside. Therefore, the younger generation in the village did not know the existence of Mei Shanshan, and there were few People have seen Mei Shanshan

"Abba, grandpa, is he dead?"Merlin asked

"Not yet, but according to the fortune teller it should be soon."Mei Yunwei replied with a frown. Everyone in Mei Yunwei's family was very concerned about the old man's death, especially Mei Yunwei and the unlearned Mei Lin Chao.

Mei Yunwei's hope that the old man died was entirely due to his own official career. He was promoted step by step, but Mei Linchao thought that he would be able to have enough food and clothing in the future, and it would be best to have endless money to spend without having to work in his life.

"How can grandpa live on! It’s been over a month and he’s still not dead! So what should we do next? Dad, if grandpa passes away at any time and the cemetery is not obtained, wouldn’t we miss the auspicious time of the zodiac?"Merlin asked

"Well, as far as I know, didn't Mei Chaoyun get a son when he was old? Let's capture him first, and then threaten him to hand over the cemetery spot."Mei Yunwei came up with an idea.

Merlin smiled at Chao, and then said:"This is a good idea! Dad, you are really awesome! But who should I go to? I'm covered in injuries now, and it's difficult to even walk."

"Of course, I can’t ask you to go again. Don’t worry, Abba has his own sense of discretion in this matter."Mei Yunwei said.

In the evening, Natsume and Mei Shanshan returned to Mei Shanshan's home after having dinner at Mei Chaoyun's house. Huang Haiyan was cleaning up the kitchen leftovers, and Mei Chaoyun was watching the news in the living room. Mei Chaoyun's son Xiaowei was playing with the puppy in the yard.

Suddenly, there was a rush of dog barking in the yard. As a mother, Huang Haiyan instinctively felt that there was danger, so she dropped the bowl in her hand and washed it. After leaving the yard, Mei Chaoyun also randomly followed him out.

Xiaowei, who was supposed to be playing with the puppy in the yard, disappeared at this time. There was only a lame puppy left in the yard, and Saluo. There were toys all over the place.

Huang Haiyan was shocked. She turned around and looked around, but there was no sign of her son. She couldn't help shouting:"Xiaowei!" Xiaowei! Where are you! ? Don't scare mom, come out quickly! Xiaowei!"

Mei Chaoyun also realized that something was wrong at this time. He looked around for Xiaowei's figure, even in the chicken coop. After searching everything in the yard, the couple went to a nearby place. Looking for it. They searched for several hours with flashlights all night long, but they couldn't find Xiaowei.

Huang Haiyan lay on Mei Chaoyun's shoulder and cried bitterly, saying:"Chaoyun! Why is our son missing? Where has he gone? ?"

Xiaowei is the first child that Mei Chaoyun and his wife gave birth to when they were nearly forty years old, so they have always held Xiaowei in the palm of their hands and doted on them. Now that Xiaowei is gone, their sky seems to be falling. But

Mei Chaoyun remained calm at this time. He patted Huang Haiyan's shoulder comfortingly and said,"Don't worry, maybe Xiaowei went out to play with someone else. Although this possibility is very small, let's go to the police department in the village to call the police first, and then ask them to help us find Xiaowei."

"good."Just when Mei Chaoyun and his wife were about to go to the police department, the phone in the house suddenly rang. Huang Haiyan quickly ran over and answered the phone:"Hey, is it Xiaowei! ?"

But the voice on the other end of the phone was not the voice of a young child, but the voice of a man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life:"Don't worry, your son is in my hands now.

Huang Haiyan's heart skipped a beat, and she asked warily:"Who are you!" Why did you take my son away! I tell you not to hurt him! Otherwise I will fight you tooth and nail!"

"hehe. The man on the other end of the phone sneered and said,"Don't worry, your son is fine with me, but if he is fine now, he may not be able to do so next time.""_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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