"Natsume, let’s go rescue Xiaowei quickly! He seems to be being abused by Mei Yunwei's family!"Mei Shanshan was so anxious. She thought that since she promised Mei Chaoyun and his wife to rescue Xiaowei, she would take Xiaowei back intact.

"good!"Xia Mu nodded.

Because Mei Yunwei's home is very big, Xia Mu and Mei Shanshan circled around several times based on the location of the sound before determining Xiao Wei's location.

When Xia Mu just kicked the door open, Mei Lin's palm just happened to It fell on Xiaowei's face, and Xiaowei's face instantly became red and swollen. Because Xiaowei's crying was so annoying, Mei Linchao had no choice but to slap him to vent his anger.

Just when Mei Linchao wanted to slap Xiaowei a second time At that moment, an angry voice rang out:"Stop!"

It's Mei Shanshan. Mei Shanshan looked at Mei Linchao with scarlet eyes. She didn't expect that Mei Yunwei and his son could be so cruel to attack such a young child.

Mei Linchao raised his head and saw Mei Shanshan, And Natsume, who beat him into a pig's head in the cemetery that day. He became furious instantly and said,"How dare you come! You beat me like this that day and I haven't settled the score with you yet!

Mei Yunwei asked doubtfully:"Who are they!" ?"

"They were the two people who helped Mei Chaoyun and Huang Haiyan beat me and the other brothers into pig heads at the cemetery that day! Dad, please take care of them for me!"Mei Linchao said as if he was complaining to Mei Yunwei.

Mei Chaoyun squinted his narrow eyes and looked at Mei Shanshan, and then said to her:"Are you from Meijia Village too? Are you a friend of Mei Chaoyun and his wife?"

Mei Shanshan looked at Xiaowei whose face was swollen from the beating, and couldn't help but feel heartache. She met Mei Yunwei's eyes angrily, and then said angrily:"Yes, I am also from Meijia Village! And I'm a police officer! You are now suspected of child trafficking. If you are smart, hand Xiaowei back as soon as possible! Otherwise, you will be subject to criminal liability!"

"Which of your eyes saw me kidnapping children? I just invited Xiaowei to come to our house to play, Xiaowei, do you think so?"After Mei Yunwei finished speaking, he started to pinch Xiaowei's cheek. Xiaowei was so frightened that he couldn't say anything.

As expected, Mei Yunwei is indeed a shameless person. The despicable villain will not only bite back, but also distort the facts.

Seeing this situation, Xia Mu rushed forward, pushed Mei Yunwei's body away with one hand, and then hugged Xiao Wei tightly in his arms.

Mei Yunwei Yun Wei was suddenly pushed hard and sat down on the ground. He never expected that this seemingly powerless man could use such force. And he was still a 150-pound man. He was a big fat man, but Natsume easily pushed him to the ground.

Mei Linchao quickly stepped forward to help Mei Yunwei, and asked worriedly:"Abba, Abba, are you okay? Then he raised his head and said to Natsume fiercely:"Who the hell are you!" ? What does our matter with Mei Yunwei's family have to do with you? I have endured your repeated interference. Do you know who we are? Later we will make you walk around without food! Xiamu handed Xiaowei into Mei Shanshan's hands, and then sneered at Mei Linchao:"Haha, you do n't need to know who I am, but all the scandalous things you do are done by humans and God is watching.. Stealing a place in a cemetery and trying to kill his biological father, do you think this is what a normal person should do?"

Mei Yunwei looked at Natsume blankly, thinking how could a man he had never met know about the decision he just made? But he couldn't destroy his prestige like this. He stood up quickly, and then breathed He said to Natsume fully:

"Who told you that I wanted to kill my father? It's just that I knew that my old man was going to die soon, so I found a burial place for him with better Feng Shui in advance. Moreover, we didn't ask for the Mei Chaoyun family's cemetery for nothing. I negotiated the price with him. It's just that Mei Chaoyun refused to talk to us, so we adopted a special method."

"hehe. Natsume sneered and said:"You know whether this is the case, but I tell you, it is impossible to give you the cemetery space of Mei Chaoyun's family!" Just go ahead and dream! Also, I will take Xiaowei away first. I guess the kids don’t want to play here either."

After Xiamu finished speaking, he motioned for Mei Shanshan to take Xiaowei away, but how could Mei Linchao do this and simply let them take the child away? He immediately ran up and wanted to snatch Xiaowei away.

But still Before he reached out to Mei Shanshan's body, Natsume had already predicted his movements in advance. Natsume reached out and grabbed Mei Linchao's wrist, and then bent it hard in the opposite direction.

"With a"click" sound, Mei Linchao could feel that the bones on his wrist were broken, and even the meridians on the bones were twisted. Mei Linchao screamed in pain, and then lay down on the ground.

Mei Yunwei saw that his son was being He was injured, and he felt angry all of a sudden. He dragged his 150-pound body and rushed to Natsume, and then wanted to hit Natsume with all his fat body. But Natsume stretched out his hand and hit him The punch hit Mei Yunwei's big belly. Mei Yunwei was suddenly hit by a strong force, and his whole body was suddenly sent flying several meters away.

Natsume clapped his hands, and then looked at the couple lying on the ground. The father and son on the ground mocked:"This is just an appetizer. If you do anything outrageous, be careful I will treat you in a more cruel way!""

After Natsume finished speaking, he, Mei Shanshan and Xiaowei left.

Mei Linchao lay on the ground for several seconds before he woke up, but his wrist was still twisted in an unnatural way. As long as he moved, it would It made him miserable. He slowly dragged his body to Mei Yunwei's side, and then used his hand to detect Mei Yunwei's breath.

Fortunately, he was still alive.

Mei Linchao breathed a sigh of relief, because Mei Yunwei was already old. , he could feel how harsh Natsume's punch was just now. He was really afraid that his father would not be able to survive and be killed with just one punch.

Mei Linchao pushed Mei Yunwei and said with difficulty:"Ah Dad, dad, wake up."

Mei Yunwei was pushed several times before he woke up in a daze. He struggled to open his eyes and asked weakly:"ThenThat person, is he gone? Merlin nodded, and then asked nervously:"Abba, how do you feel now?""_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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