When it was nearly ten o'clock in the evening, the old man began to be unable to breathe, and his whole body was twitching non-stop. But Mei Yunwei did not find a doctor to give him first aid. Instead, he looked on coldly like a bystander. The same was true for his grandson Mei Linchao.

After convulsing for more than half an hour, the old man breathed his last. Before he died, he stared at Mei Yunwei and Mei Linchao with widened eyes. There was resentment in his eyes, complaining that the son he had worked so hard to raise for decades ended up treating him like this. He also blamed himself for not educating his son well, no matter how big his official position was or how much wealth he had.

If the mind is not right, the family will eventually decline.

According to the original plan, the fortune teller found a dozen gangster disciples and then quietly arrived at the grave of Mei Chaoyun's father. He directed the dozen young men and said,"dig this grave and take out the ashes inside."

The young men looked at each other. Although they were all gangsters in the village, they were still learning from the fortune teller. of. Anyone with any brain knows how disrespectful it is to dig someone's grave and pry out someone's ashes. Why didn't this fortune teller tell them before?

"Master, thisIsn't this appropriate? Digging up people's ashes will shorten your lifespan"One of the young men said cautiously.

Of course the fortune teller knew that digging up people's ashes would shorten one's life, but that's why he wanted to borrow someone else's hand. The ritual ceremony he was going to do later would consume even more of his cultivation, and it couldn't be done by others, so he asked his younger brother to dig up the ashes.

"Just do what I tell you to do! What are you doing with all this nonsense! ? The fortune teller hit the young man hard on the head, and then said fiercely:"Also, remember not to make loud noises. If Mei Chaoyun and his family are summoned, you will be the only one asking!""

After the fortune teller finished speaking, he left. Naturally, the dozen or so younger brothers did not dare to disobey his orders, so they had no choice but to work hard quietly. In fact, it was quite difficult to avoid attracting the attention of Mei Chaoyun's family. It’s difficult because Mei Chaoyun’s home is at the foot of Tomb Mountain. As long as Mei Chaoyun goes out to the yard to wash his face and brush his teeth, he can clearly see the situation on the mountain.

When the fortune teller returned to Mei Yunwei’s house, he found that the old man He was already burping, so he walked up to Mei Yunwei and said:"Secretary Mei, since the old man has passed away now, we can start the rituals now.""

"Have all arrangements been made for the tomb?"Mei Yunwei asked

"Everything is ready. I have already photographed dozens of disciples digging out the ashes of Mei Chaoyun's father. As long as we complete the rituals quietly, we can bury the old man in the grave."The fortune teller replied

"But is it true not to cremate the old man? Will it affect the effectiveness of legal proceedings?"Because time is so urgent, the old man's body has to be buried before it can be cremated. Mei Yunwei's focus is just to know whether this will affect the effect of the ritual.

"It will still have some impact to some extent. It is also a last resort now. However, the effect of this influence is negligible, so it doesn't matter whether it is burned or cremated."said the fortune teller.

After seeing Mei Yunwei, the fortune teller began to turn around and prepare the things needed for the ritual later. He wrapped a piece of yellow cloth with a Tai Chi pattern on the old man's body. Then he pasted several pieces of red paper on it.

Then he picked up the bell on the altar and circled it several times around the old man's body.

The entire ritual lasted for two hours before it was over. At the end, he was exhausted and his clothes were covered in cold sweat. At around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, when it was approaching the auspicious hour estimated by the fortune teller, he put away the bell, walked to Mei Yunwei's side, and said:

"Mei Zhishu, the ritual has been completed. The next half hour is the best time for the flying dragon to return to its nest. We must hurry up."

"Got it, how is it over there at the grave? Have the ashes been dug out?"Mei Yunwei asked

"I'll call and ask."The fortune teller took out his mobile phone and called the younger brother who was over there at the cemetery.

The call was quickly connected, but the tone of the younger brother on the other end of the phone was obviously not right. He always spoke hesitantly.

"What happened? Say it quickly! Don't hesitate."The fortune teller shouted into the microphone.

"divisionMaster, the ashes have been dug out, but we accidentally broke the urn of Mei Chaoyun's father just now, and all the ashes were scattered on the ground."The younger brother said hesitantly.

"What?!"The fortune teller was shocked. He originally wanted to bury the ashes in another place. After all, it is disrespectful to the deceased to rashly take out the ashes of a person who has been dead for ten years.

But now the ashes It was broken into pieces, which would shorten the fortune teller's life even more.

"what happened? What happened over there?"When Mei Yunwei saw the fortune teller's face turning green and white, he thought something had happened to the people on the other side of the tomb, so he asked anxiously

"It's okay, the ashes have been dug out, but those children just smashed Mei Chaoyun's father's ashes carelessly, and all the ashes spilled out."The fortune teller replied.

When Mei Yunwei heard that the ashes had been dug out, the big stone in his heart finally fell. As for the ashes? What does it matter to him whether they are broken or not?"

"Just this little thing? If you break it, just break it. What does it matter? By the way, let's set off quickly, otherwise we will miss the auspicious time of the zodiac later."Mei Yunwei said casually. What he is most nervous about now is burying the old man.

"All right."The fortune teller said helplessly, but he had already scolded Mei Yunwei hundreds of times in his heart for being such an emotionless person.

Mei Yunwei, his father and son, and the fortune teller led a group of people sneaking up the mountain. Although they couldn't make any noise, the steps of the ritual were still necessary.

The group of them carried yellow ancient lanterns and scattered paper money on the road as they walked. People in the village used to go to bed early, so the whole Meijia Village was already dark at this point. It's dark, which makes this funeral procession even more weird._Fei

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