At this moment, Qian Wei was so frightened that her whole body shivered, her bones were cold, and her hair stood on end.

She never thought that her husband, who she had been searching for for half the night, would actually hang himself in her office!


Under the extreme fear, Qian Wei only felt that her legs were weak, and she suddenly collapsed to the ground. With her eyes wide open, she stared at Shi Jie's body hanging in the air, full of fear. Her face was full of shock and fear.

Her husband was dead!

How could this happen?!

Although she had long noticed that something was wrong with Shi Jie's state today. However, she never expected that Shi Jie would hang himself.!


At this time, there was a sharp and urgent sound of braking at the door of the police station. It turned out that it was Zhang Wen who had arrived.

"History Bureau! Are you in the office? My sister-in-law is very worried about you. You'd better hurry up……"Zhang Wen only said half of what he said before he stopped abruptly because he had already seen Shi Jie hanging in the air in the office.

" could this happen?!"Zhang Wen's face suddenly turned as pale as paper, and he said in horror.

In his memory, Shi Jie was a person who was very satisfied with real life and optimistic. Just imagine how such a person could be Will he choose to commit suicide?

Could it be... is it really as he thought, this is the evil ghost seeking revenge? All those who are directly related to the death of the old man will not escape death?

An inexplicable chill rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead. , which made him shudder uncontrollably and shudder all over!

"Zhang...Brother Zhang, Lao Shi him...Lao Shi him...wuwuwu!"When Qian Wei saw Zhang Wen, she immediately felt as if she had seen a savior. She stood up from the ground, threw herself into Zhang Wen's arms, and burst into tears.

"Brothers and sisters, please forgive me!"Zhang Wen gently patted Qian Wei's shoulder and whispered.

While he was speaking, his eyes kept scanning around the office, relying on his many years of experience to investigate the scene. And the results of the detection This confirmed his idea. There was no trace of any crime in the office. Shi Jie hanged himself!

"Huh? what is that?"Suddenly, Zhang Wen discovered something unusual."Brother and sister, I have discovered something, please give me a break."He said to Qian Wei

"Um."Qian Wei choked and nodded.

Zhang Wen walked forward step by step. His eyes were fixed on Shi Jie's clasped right hands. There was a white paper ball there. Zhang Wen walked over and used He took out the white ball of paper from Shi Jie's hand as gently as possible.

"This is?!"When Zhang Wen opened the white ball of paper and saw clearly what was written on it, he immediately stayed there.

"Brother Zhang, then... what is that?! Qian Wei asked with red eyes.

"Brothers and sisters, you’d better see for yourself, hey!"Zhang Wen sighed and handed the white paper to Qian Wei.

Qian Wei took it and took a closer look and found that the white paper was filled with dense words.

"I'm guilty! I'm sorry for the country, I'm sorry for the people, and I'm even more sorry for the police uniform I'm wearing!!"The first paragraph on the white paper is so shocking.

"Lao Shi, what exactly did he do? He would leave such a suicide note!!"Qian Wei murmured in her heart.

She took a deep breath and continued to look down.

"When I was very young, my wish was to be a people's policeman, and I did work hard towards this goal. After more than ten years of hard work, I finally realized my wish and became a glorious people's policeman!"

"After I became a glorious people's policeman, I made a great ambition in my heart. I must punish rape and eradicate evil, ensure peace in the country, and become the support of all kind people. And when I first started, that’s exactly what I did!"

"However, as time went by, I slowly changed. I have become a philistine and a profit-seeker. For money, I can turn a blind eye to those criminals, condone them, and even help them do evil!"

"I have done too many wrong things, and the most outrageous thing was what happened at the construction site in Canglu County half a month ago.……"

There were many words on the white paper, densely packed, and Shi Jie wrote down the entire incident in detail. Qian Wei was shocked after seeing what happened.

No matter what, she couldn't believe that her husband, who had always been upright in her heart, had done such an unscrupulous thing behind her back!

"Now, I feel deeply guilty and have no shame to continue living in this world. In order to atone for my sins, I decided to commit suicide! However, it is a pain for my wife and two children!"

"My wife, my children, I'm sorry for you! I will pay back what I owe you in my next life!"

"Shi Jie’s masterpiece!"


Seeing the last four words, Qian Wei, who had already regained her composure, burst into tears again. From then on, she lost her husband, and her two children lost their father!

"Brothers and sisters, please forgive me!"Zhang Wen wanted to comfort Qian Wei, but he didn't know how to say it. In the end, he just said this

"Brother Zhang, is this... is this all true?"Qian Wei's eyes were filled with tears. She clutched the white paper with her hands and hissed at Zhang Wen.

"Brothers and sisters, unfortunately, this is all true."Zhang Wen took a deep breath and said."I originally tried to persuade the Bureau of History, but he was completely bewitched by Wang Lin and couldn't listen to what I said."

"Wang Lin……"Qian Wei murmured.

She should have hated Wang Lin, but Wang Lin had died in a car accident not long ago. What else could she do?

"Brothers and sisters, give me that thing. Zhang Wen stretched out his hand to Qian Wei and said."This thing cannot be seen by others. Otherwise, the Bureau of History will be ruined. Even if it dies, it will be expelled from the officialdom.""

"By hiding this thing, I can apply for a title of death in the line of duty for the Bureau of History. In this case, the future lives of you and your two children will be guaranteed!"

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