The reporters at the scene were stunned, and the pedestrians who saw this scene on the road were also stunned. Because they never thought that Cheng Long would commit suicide in order to atone for his sins, and he would commit suicide in such a cruel way.

Moreover, the person Cheng Long just mentioned was the Death Judge? Could all this be related to the Death Judge?

Although the reporters at the scene were confused, Li Rihua understood it immediately. He instantly thought of the man from this morning who was extremely powerful and had the mysterious power to destroy the camera. It turned out that he was the Death Judge! Then this can explain why he knows so many things that even he doesn't know.

Because the Death Judge is omniscient and omnipotent! In this case, Cheng Long's sudden self-consciousness must have been controlled by the Death Judge! Otherwise, just because he has known Cheng Long for so many years, this insidious and cunning person will definitely not do anything to harm his reputation, not to mention that he is nowAll the scandals were revealed, and he even committed suicide cruelly!

Li Rihua was very excited and happy. Because since the Death Judge knows about this, he will definitely punish all the criminals. But the reporters at the scene were still kept in the dark.

"Howwhat to do? Should we call the police?"A timid reporter said timidly, although there are many people here, they are just reporters. I thought something big would happen, but I didn't expect that someone would commit suicide.

And they are all going on now. They were broadcasting live, which meant that the scene of Cheng Long's suicide was also broadcast to the public outside through the cameras in their hands. You know, the dissemination of horrific scenes is prohibited in China. But there was no one at the scene who could preside over the overall situation. So these reporters didn’t know what to do for a while.

"Isn’t Officer Li a police officer? We obey him in everything!"A bold reporter said.

Li Rihua thought for a while and thought it would be better to call the police. Because since the death judge has executed Cheng Long, others will definitely not be able to escape. But he probably doesn't want to show up. Just right. When Li Rihua took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the police, Guo Jiaming suddenly shouted loudly:"I am guilty too!"

Guo Jiaming got up from the ground. He stood unsteadily, then looked ahead with empty eyes and said,"I am guilty too! Judge Death is coming to execute me! I'm going to die!"

Actually, Guo Jiaming didn't want to say these words in his heart, but his soul seemed to be sealed in his body. He could see what he was doing, but he had no way to control his movements.

He watched helplessly as he cut himself His finger was broken, and blood came out from the fingertip.

When the reporters saw Guo Jiaming's behavior, they knew that he would definitely start to atone for his sins, so they forgot about calling the police and rushed to him with a camera. His face.

The expression on Guo Jiaming's face was very dull, even indifferent, but the words he said were very shocking.

"I am guilty, I killed many of them, and I buried them in this big city with their youth. I used a high salary and my own name as a guarantee to deceive them from a small mountain village. Those girls naively thought they had found a good job, but they didn't know that I pushed them into a pit of fire."

"I also used poison gas to stun them, and they complied with all the unbearable demands of their new master. As the director of the Yanjing City Labor Department, I took the law personally, knew the law and broke it, and did such an inhumane and shocking thing. I'm a scumbag! I am a social scum!"

After Guo Jiaming finished shouting, he bit his fingertips hard again, and blood once again emerged from the newly bitten wound. He knelt on the ground, and then leaned on the ground to write and draw.

A skull Guo Jiaming used blood instead of ink to draw the head on the ground. When everyone saw this familiar pattern, they immediately knew that the whole thing was controlled by Judge Death! Because this skull was a sign that Judge Death had come!

"It's the death judge! It turns out that Judge Death is delivering justice again!"

"yes! These executives actually did such dirty things, and only Death Judge can cure them!"

"But it's such a pity for those girls, who came all the way from the countryside and wanted to live a better life. But now he is being sold to an unknown scumbag!"

More and more people were watching in front of the big screen, and they were all talking about this matter. But they didn't expect that the big screen went black with a"pop" sound.

"what happened! ? Why is this screen black?"

"Has it been turned off? I haven’t finished watching Guo Jiaming’s Atonement yet!"

The masses were angry. They shouted in the crowded streets. The noise on the street was so loud that it even caused a traffic jam. On the other side, in the office of the Director-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Yanjing City, Director Tan Pin was running around anxiously. Just now, he suddenly noticed that the streets of Yanjing City were live broadcasting the reports of the Director of the Police Department and the Director of the Labor Department making atonement. This made him very confused.

But when When he saw the scene of Cheng Long committing suicide and the scene about the death judge, he panicked. Because how could such a scene be put on the street for the masses to see? This would cause panic among the masses!

So Tan Pin The TV station was ordered to turn off the live broadcast, but strangely, news came from the TV station that the live broadcast could not be turned off no matter how hard it was, and none of the reporters at the scene could get through. In other words, there was news over there The reporters didn’t know yet that the live broadcast was to be stopped, so they still pointed their cameras at Guo Jiaming and Cheng Long and were broadcasting.

In anger, Tan Pin ordered all the media’s power sources to be cut off, so that the live broadcast should be cut off..That’s why there was a scene where the screen went black just now.

"Director Tan, all the screens have been turned off, and there is no live broadcast on the streets."A colleague hurriedly came in and said to Tan Pin

"That's good. Tan Pin breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:"Do you know the specific location of that factory?" We need to send someone over quickly to resolve this matter."

"not yet. The colleague shook his head and said:"It's strange. The positions of those people seem to be blocked. Even if we send out satellites to search for that factory, there is still nothing we can do." In other words, it's as if the location of the factory has been hidden in this world."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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