Natsume and Mei Shanshan were stunned when they heard the call. As expected, Tan Weibin did not die suddenly of sudden cardiac arrest, but was killed in Ankang Nursing Home. People die from abuse. Moreover, the method is extremely cruel, and he can bear to use an electric shock baton on a sixty-year-old man!

But who are the people inside? Natsume couldn't tell the identity of the person talking on the phone just by the sound at this time.

Suddenly, the person inside hung up the phone and heard the footsteps walking towards the door. Natsume was startled and quickly pulled Mei Shanshan to hide behind the stairs.

Ye Huajian walked out of the room. He looked around the corridor and found that no one was there. Then he locked the door with the key and walked to a small room.

"Wasn't that Ye Huajian just now? So he was the one who killed Grandpa Tan! ? The director of Ankang Nursing Home!"Mei Shanshan said to Xia Mu in surprise. Although she had a vague feeling based on the police's intuition that Ye Huajian did this, she was still shocked when she heard it with her own ears.

Xia Mu nodded. Then he hurriedly took Mei Shanshan's hand and said to her:"Let's not talk so much now, I will follow to see what he wants to do."

The two of them quietly followed Ye Huajian's footsteps and came to a small secret room. Ye Huajian was very cautious. He kept paying attention to see if any nurses were passing by. When he found no one, he took it out of the pocket inside his clothes. A small key. He opened the door with the key and then locked the door.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan could not see the situation inside or know what was inside, but they could eavesdrop outside the door. But Maybe it was because the privacy of this room was so good and the sound insulation effect was so good that even Natsume had a hard time listening. When

Ye Huajian walked into the room, he saw an old man in his 60s or 70s being tied to the wall. , and he was only wearing a pair of shorts, and there were wounds all over his body, which looked very strange with the wrinkled skin on his body. There were several men in black clothes beside the old man, and they were beating the old man's feet with whips. , when they saw Ye Huajian coming in, they stopped and greeted Ye Huajian respectfully.

When the old man saw Ye Huajian, he just looked up at him weakly, and then showed a mocking smile.

"how? Is he still unwilling to sign the agreement?"Ye Huajian looked at the old man casually, and then asked the men in black.

One of the men replied:"Not yet, Dean Ye, Mr. Xu has been tortured by us for almost two hours, but He is a very tough person and will not compromise at all."

"oh? Yeah?"Ye Huajian sneered and walked up to the old man and said to him:"Mr. Xu, you are already a long time ago, so stop being so stubborn. You just need to help me make an agreement and record a guaranteed video, and then you can enjoy your old age in peace. Why bother making trouble with us all like now? Mr.

Xu opened his eyes and glared at Ye Huajian fiercely, then spat at him again and said,"Humph!" You are a scumbag and a scum of society! I won't help you sign that dirty and dark agreement! I will not bring shame to my family! No matter how much you torture me, I will not compromise and die. Anyway, I have lived for such a long time and I have lived enough!"

When Ye Huajian heard what Mr. Xu said, he became furious instantly. He snatched the whip from the man's hand, and then struck it hard on Mr. Xu's thigh. The skin on Mr. Xu's thigh instantly split open, but He didn't even hum, he just endured it silently.

"You guys, continue to torture me! Until he agrees! Also, you must not let him die or leave too many wounds on his body that are difficult to heal. The incident last time already made me uneasy. We all have to be careful this time, is that clear?"Ye Huajian said to several men around him

"knew."The men in black replied.

Suddenly, there was a"bang" outside the door, as if someone dropped the iron basin to the ground, and then a woman screamed:"Ah! Who are you! Someone is coming! Catch the thief quickly!"

The thieves the female nurse called were Natsume and Mei Shanshan. They had just been so focused on eavesdropping on what they were saying because the soundproofing in the room was so good that they didn't notice the nurse behind them who was patrolling the room.

Natsume was excited and quickly pulled Mei Shanshan down the stairs to escape. Ye Huajian also heard the sound and walked out, but Natsume and Mei Shanshan were too fast, so after they came out, he only saw a shadow rushing down. Stairs.

Ye Huajian asked the female nurse angrily:"Who was outside just now! ?"

The female nurse was so frightened that her face turned pale. She trembled and said:"II don’t know either. They were crouching by the door just now as if they were eavesdropping. Moreover, they were all wearing black clothes and black masks, so it was impossible to see what they looked like. Ye

Huajian became furious. He hammered the wall, and then shouted to the security guards who rushed up:"What are you doing here!" ? Hurry up and chase these two people! The security guards were also helpless. They said cautiously:"Dean Ye, they are running too fast. We can't catch up." I just lost sight of him in the woods."

"waste! You bunch of trash! You don't even know that there is a thief in the nursing home, what use do I need from you! ?"Ye Huajian yelled at the nurses and security guards.

One of the security guards came out dissatisfied and said to Ye Huajian:"Dean Ye, we have just checked the hospital and nothing was lost, so we have nothing to lose?"They don't understand why Ye Huajian suddenly got so angry. It's a blessing that the nursing home didn't lose anything.

"What do you know! Forget it, you all go back!"Ye Huajian turned back to the security guard who had just retorted with him and said,"And you, please return to your job properly. You are a security guard, and now there is a thief in the nursing home, which means you have failed in your job. If there is a next time, I don't guarantee whether you can continue to work here."

The security guard met Ye Huajian's venomous eyes and couldn't help but shudder. He nodded tremblingly and quickly returned to his job._Fei

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