Natsume put the money under the flower pot on the window sill and left with Mei Shanshan. Although as the death judge in the world, he also wants to save everyone's fate, but everyone's fate is destined. He cannot just rashly intervene in other people's lives and change other people's fate.

In the next few days, Natsume and Mei Shanshan always played relaxedly. They traveled around Yanjing City, looking for delicious food and trying new things they had never tried before.

But the bad thing about suddenly being free is that Mei Shanshan is sick. Although it was just a minor cold, it was not a serious illness, and Mei Shanshan's physical condition had improved since she had lived for an extra thousand years. However, it happened to be the flu season in Yanjing City at this time. Natsume was afraid that her condition would worsen, so she took Mei Shanshan to the hospital to see a doctor.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Natsume was dumbfounded, because the whole hospital was crowded with people seeking treatment, and the whole scene was like the Spring Festival travel rush. Natsume registered and worked for a whole morning getting medicine before helping Mei Shanshan successfully treat her illness. When they walked out of the hospital gate, Natsume sighed and said,"It's really better not to get sick easily. This is really torture!" Suddenly

, an ambulance drove in outside the hospital gate with a"woo-woo" sound. , after the ambulance stopped, the medical staff hurriedly put the person on the stretcher and prepared to send him to the hospital.

Natsume kept watching the medical staff at work. When the stretcher passed by him, he inadvertently glanced at the person on the stretcher, and for a moment he felt like he wanted to stop breathing.

The pale man on the stretcher was the bullied boy they saw in Sunflower Garden two days ago! ?

Why is he here? Moreover, he now looked even more haggard and embarrassed, and there was an eye-catching red mark on his neck, as if someone had pinched him hard with his hands.

Natsume quickly stepped forward and grabbed a nurse's hand and began to ask:"Ms. Nurse, what happened to this child? How did he become like this?" The nurse looked at Natsume and Mei Shanshan up and down in confusion, and then said to them :"Are you the patient's family?"

Natsume shook his head and said,"We are not, but we met once a few days ago. At that time, he was still fine. How come this child has become like this in just a few days? ?"

The nurse also had a worried look on her face and said,"This child is also unlucky, and his family members have not been found yet. Do you know where his home is?"

Natsume nodded.

"Then come here first. After we take care of his physical injuries, please notify his family members to come over."After the nurse finished speaking, she hurriedly followed the stretcher and ran into the emergency room.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan were outside the emergency room for more than an hour before the doctor came out. The doctor took off the mask, and then said to Natsume and Mei Shanshan:" The child is not big. He just has a serious skin injury. He just needs to take good care of him and he will be fine. Also, don’t feed him these days, just eat some liquid food."

"Doctor, what does this child have?" Mei Shanshan asked.

The doctor looked at Xia Mu and Mei Shanshan again, and then said seriously:"He was violated, and the skin injuries on his body are just minor things. The main thing is that he was violated. GM is more serious and the peripheral tear is too severe. It needs to be recuperated for a few days."

"Are you not the child's parents? Find the child's parents quickly. This child doesn't seem to be a promiscuous person. Maybe he was forced by someone. If you want to go to the police, go to the police. Otherwise, the matter will not be resolved after too long."After the doctor finished speaking, he left, leaving Brother Liang and Liang Liang standing there dumbfounded. It took

Natsume a long time to come back to his senses."Violated"? This little boy was actually violated? How is this possible? Isn’t this a fantasy?

"Natsume, did I hear you correctly? Did the doctor just say that the boy was violated? Mei Shanshan also had a look of disbelief on her face.

Natsume nodded with a heavy face and said to Mei Shanshan,"I don't know what happened. We'd better ask the boy after he wakes up later.""

"By the way, Shanshan, you keep him here first, and I'll go to his house to see if anyone else is there. After all, we are not his parents and cannot make decisions for him on anything."Natsume said to Mei Shanshan.

Mei Shanshan nodded, and then Natsume walked out of the hospital. Natsume walked to the boy's room in a confused manner based on the memory of the previous few days, but found that there was still only one sitting person in the room. An old woman in a wheelchair, with no other adults around her

""Knock, knock, knock." Natsume knocked softly on the door of the room.

The old lady heard the sound and came over and opened the old door. She squinted at Natsume, and then asked in an old voice:"Young man, who are you looking for?""

Natsume looked at the old man in front of him and saw the number above her head. She should be about seventy or eighty years old now, and she was probably the boy's grandmother. He said to the old man:"Grandma, something happened to your grandson. He Are your parents here?"

The old man was very anxious when he heard that something happened to his grandson, and kept asking:"What's wrong? What happened to him? It won't be anything big, right? Natsume didn't dare to irritate the old man, so he comforted him:"It's nothing serious, I just need his parents to come over. Where are his parents?" Are you there? The old man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and she said helplessly:"The child's parents have died long ago, and in our family only I, the old woman, and the child are left to depend on each other." Is the kid okay?"

Natsume was speechless when he heard this answer. He looked at the old woman's wrinkled face and the worry in her eyes. It would undoubtedly be unbearable for her to ask the old woman to go to the hospital to deal with this matter, so she lied:"That's okay. , it’s not a big deal, I’ll just help him handle it."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer, then held Natsume's hand and said,"Thank you, young man. Remember to ask Xiao Shi to finish the matter and go home quickly. I've been waiting for a few days today. It’s his favorite kohlrabi."

Natsume nodded, then shook the old grandma's hand hard and left.

Along the way, his mind was filled with the boy's dilapidated home and the worry in his grandma's eyes.

"I must help him handle this matter. If I know who hurt him, no one will be able to escape!"There was a dangerous cold light in Natsume's eyes._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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