"Officer Zhang, you are very good, you are a smart person, and what I like best is smart people."Qi Xuan grinned and said."Starting from tomorrow, he will be the acting director of Canglu County Police Station. In a month, I will straighten you up, and by that time, you will be part of my Qi Xuan family."

"Mr. Qi, thank you!"Zhang Wen said overjoyed.

He has been engaged in the police industry for more than thirty years. During this period, he has cracked many major and important cases, which can be said to be a great achievement for his hard work. Generally speaking, a person with such seniority as him The police officer should have been promoted to the position of chief a long time ago.

Unfortunately, he was born in a poor family and had no backers and no one to push him. He could only watch the chiefs being replaced one after another.. And now Qi Xuan actually said that he wanted to take him under his banner, how could he not be excited?

He could completely imagine that with Qi Xuan as his back in the future, his career would be smooth and he would soon reach the The pinnacle of life!

"Commander Qi, you...what do you want me to do?"Zhang Wen tried his best to calm down his restless mind and said in a trembling voice.

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, you will hold a press conference on behalf of the police to announce the death of Comrade Shi Jie." Qi Xuan said."The cause of death was that Comrade Shi Jie was personally handling a murder case. Comrade Shi Jie worked until one or two in the morning to solve the case, but he never thought that the murderer would hold a grudge and sneaked into the police station at night to kill him. Brutal killing!"

"This...isn't this tampering with the truth of the matter?"Zhang Wen murmured

"What, is there a problem?"Qi Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted coldly

"No... no problem, no problem."Zhang Wen was so frightened by Qi Xuan's cold eyes that he stammered quickly.

"Hum, no problem is best!"Qi Xuan snorted coldly and said

"Commander Qi, then... what about the other three people? Zhang Wen asked cautiously

"Besides Comrade Shi Jie, is anyone else dead?"Qi Xuan didn't answer, but asked like this

"Commander Qi, I...I understand, I understand."Zhang Wen felt his heart skip a beat, and his scalp could not help but tingle.

Although he had long expected that Qi Xuan would do such a thing. But what he never expected was that Qi Xuan would actually do it. He went so far, trying to cover up the truth about the deaths of three people in one fell swoop!

"Well, that’s good to know."Qi Xuan nodded and said."As for the others, you don't have to worry at all, because I have warned them that no matter what happens, they will keep silent."

"Yes, Qi Shi is the leader."Zhang Wen said


In the early morning of the next day, the weather was extremely hot. There were dark clouds everywhere in the sky, and there was a strong wind and rain.

"wipe! What the hell kind of weather is this, is it going to stop people from living? Natsume stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his face and said irritably.

Although the air conditioner in his room was always on, the hot weather was still unbearable for him. Also, his improvement in physical fitness seemed to have an impact on him. His heat resistance doesn't seem to be of any use!

"Four big shots died in a row last night. This should be big news for Canglin City, right? Natsume murmured to himself."Also, what will they do with the thing Shi Jie left behind?" It’s really exciting!"

He turned on the TV and tuned to Canglin City TV Station, waiting quietly for the Canglin City News to start.

More than ten minutes later, Canglin News finally started.

Just like in the past, the first news was always Canglin City News Where did the president go? He gave an important speech about XX and implemented the spirit of learning XX, which made people sick to watch.

The second piece of news was that XXX, deputy director of Canglin City, held a tea party and warmly received members of the XXX organization and group. The meeting was The content was harmonious and meaningful.

The third news item...

Five news items were played in succession. Natsume didn't even see what he wanted to see. A nameless flame of karma surged into his chest and he couldn't hold it back.

"Oh shit! What kind of bullshit news media is this? Could it be that a major incident in which four people died was not as important as a speech by the leader?" Natsume said through gritted teeth.

He felt very helpless about this reality.

He still remembered that when the"911" terrorist attack occurred in the United States, the headlines of news media around the world were all about the deep condolences for the deceased and the support for the terrorists. Strong condemnation, the only news headline in his own country was XXX’s speech at a meeting!

After playing seven news items in a row, Natsume finally saw what he wanted to see.

"Next, an urgent news piece is inserted. According to the police in Canglu County, Shi Jie, the chief of the Canglu County Police Station, was suddenly killed in his office at about 1:25 a.m. last night. According to the police, Shi Jie is investigating a murder case and is very likely to be hated by the murderer and sneak into the police station to carry out the murder.……"

"Pursuing a murder? Killed by a murderer in the office? Fuck you!"Natsume suddenly jumped up from the bed, pointed at the TV screen with his finger, and yelled angrily.

Shi Jie was killed by him with the Book of Death. Judging from the scene, he should have hanged himself. How could it be possible? Killed by a murderer?

"Tampering with the truth! How dare they tamper with the truth!! Natsume said through gritted teeth.

The news continued. The police not only tampered with the truth, but also did not mention a word about the confession letter left by Shi Jie before his death, which made Natsume itchy with anger.

Of course, more What makes Natsume feel angry is that in addition to Shi Jie's death, the other three people, Tan Fei, Li Sheng, and Sun Bingchang, were not mentioned in the news, as if it was just Shi Jie who had an accident last night!

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