The official who retorted was choked speechless by Li Ying, although in his heart he felt that as government officials of the Republic of China, they should not do such dirty things to frame others.. And in fact, he himself is also an admirer of Judge Death. He feels that Judge Death does everything for a reason. Those who died tragically must have committed unforgivable sins and will be punished.

But he didn't dare to say these words, and he couldn't say them. With his status, he could only stand on the same front as the government. Moreover, he has seniors and juniors. If he expresses his inner thoughts, he doesn't know how much attack he will suffer.

The official sighed softly, then turned his head away without retorting.

He Weiqiang saw that the two people were discussing very intensely, but it still gave him some inspiration. Although they can't dare to touch the Death Judge at this stage, and they can't touch the Death Judge, they can still make some fuss about him and lower his favorability in the eyes of the public.

"Minister Li, please contact the reporter from People’s Daily and I will send the press release to the newspaper as you asked tomorrow morning. Also, publish more news on the Internet. There is no need for all the people in the Republic of China to see the news about Mr. Zhang."He Weiqiang gave instructions to Li Ying.

"Okay, I'll deal with this as soon as possible."Li Ying answered respectfully, and then a proud smile appeared on her lips.

The next morning, because she had solved her big hatred, Natsume slept until ten o'clock in the morning for the first time, and Mei Shanshan also slept until very late. The two of them simply washed up and had breakfast in the living room.

Mei Shanshan turned on the TV as usual and prepared to watch today's news, but when she changed the channel, she saw a piece of news that surprised her.

"Yesterday, Mr. Zhang, the founding father of the Republic of China and a hero in the hearts of the people, was found dead at home. The specific cause of death was that he was attacked from behind and his neck was broken."

"At present, according to the police's investigation, the murderer should be the so-called death judge who is currently claimed by people on the Internet to be the future ruler of the Republic of China. However, the specific reason for the death of the death judge is not known."

"Mr. Zhang is the great founding father of our country. When he was young, he fought bravely against the enemy and laid a solid foundation for the peace of the Republic of China. Even after he got old, he still stayed at his job conscientiously and continued to use his spare energy to do things for the people. This incident gave the government a big blow. They hope to catch the murderer as soon as possible and give Mr. Zhang and his family justice."

"I hope that all citizens of the Republic of China will inform the police in time if they know all the news about the death judge. We cannot let a generation of heroes pass away innocently like this"

The host on the TV was always excited and describing the greatness of Mr. Zhang's life. And the spearhead of his words was unsurprisingly directed at Judge Death. Ba Xia was a heinous mediocre person who killed people casually without distinguishing between right and wrong.

Mei Shanshan went crazy after hearing what was said in the news. She smashed the fried dough sticks in her hand on the table and said angrily:"What are all these things!? Are those people blind? Are they? Don’t you know the dirty things that Mr. Zhang has done? Now he’s even covering all the dirty things on them. It’s really deceiving!"

"Natsume, what do you mean?" Mei Shanshan turned to look at Natsume, but was frightened by the piercing look in his eyes. Natsume is really too cold now, not only can it be seen from his eyes, Even the temperature of the air around him seemed to have dropped several degrees.

Natsume stared at one place tightly without speaking. Mei Shanshan waved her hand in front of his eyes, and then asked uneasily:"Natsume, are you okay? Did this incident hit you too hard?"

Natsume has lived a very upright life and has never done any petty theft. Naturally, he has never experienced anything like being directly criticized on the table today. This is not only a blow to his soul. , and even slandered his image in the minds of the public.

Natsume came back to his senses and said:"I'm fine. Those news were probably deliberately released by the people above to affect my image in the minds of the public. But Mr. Zhang deserves to die, so I won’t take these things to heart."

"However, if this is said in the news now, the public's fishing boat will definitely be one-sided, right?"Mei Shanshan took out her laptop as she spoke, and then logged into several of the most popular forums.

Unsurprisingly, the hot searches on the Internet were all about the Death Judge and Mr. Zhang's death. And netizens What he said was very unpleasant.

"It turns out that the Death Judge was not the great hero I imagined. He actually killed Mr. Zhang indiscriminately. How is that different from a murderer?"

"He is also said to be the future ruler of the Republic of China. I think he is just using his superpowers to satisfy his desire to kill high-ranking officials! This is just his selfish desire to retaliate against society!"

"That's right, it was in vain that I still believed in him so much and regarded him as the embodiment of justice. I was really blind!"

"But how do you know Mr. Zhang did nothing wrong? Maybe the police misreported the news without investigating the matter clearly?"

Only a few posts from sensible people were drowned. The rest were insults to the Death Judge and told him to get out of the Republic of China and never come back to participate in the case, so as not to hurt innocent people again.

Mei Shan Shan became angrier as she watched. She suppressed her anger and asked Natsume,"Natsume, what do you think we should do about this matter? Should we directly and openly tell the dirty things Mr. Zhang has done? I just can’t bear it when people on the Internet scold you so badly. I can't wait to follow the network cable and tell them that you are not like that!"

Natsume patted Mei Shanshan's hand to tell her not to be so angry, and then said:"We can't show our faces in public. If our identities are exposed just because of what netizens said, wouldn't it be like being fooled by the ZF? Was it a trap by those people?"

"So what should we do? Are we just going to sit back and let netizens misinterpret us? Mei Shanshan asked with curled lips.

Xia Mu pondered for a moment, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. Then he smiled and said to Mei Shanshan:"Yes!""_

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