People on the Internet who were scolding the Death Judge instantly changed their attitude. Instead of insulting Natsume in the morning, they praised him even more. Moreover, many netizens also criticized the ZF’s actions.

"What those so-called high-ranking officials did is really disgusting. They couldn’t catch the Death Judge and blamed all of Mr. Zhang’s death on him. It’s really disgusting."

"That’s right, they say they are serving the people. I think it would be best for them to step down as soon as possible! Even a thousand of them are not as good as the Death Judge alone!"

"They are just some rotten maggots and lazy people, and they do not really try the cases fairly for the benefit of the people. They should go home and farm as soon as possible!"

The scoldings from the netizens were so fierce. In just one hour, the ZF department was scolded from head to toe. He Weiqiang's face became darker and darker while browsing the forum. He stood silently all the time. Next to her, Li Ying looked at He Weiqiang's increasingly darker face. Her heart was filled with fear. She felt that the storm in He Weiqiang's heart was about to come, and she was waiting for the final explosion. Just when she wanted to sneak out, He Weiqiang suddenly stopped her:"Minister Li, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Li Ying did not dare to answer easily. Generally speaking, she was the one who started this matter. Now that the matter has reached such a dilemma, she must bear part of the responsibility. However, Li Ying really could not have imagined that the death judge would be here. He was able to use this trick at the last moment. Sure enough, he was not something ordinary people could compete with.

Li Ying replied cautiously:"Minister He, I don't know what to do about this matter. We have no way to capture the Death Judge, and now we can't even attack him with the power of the fishing boat."

"I think, should we discuss with other departments and find other ways to deal with the Death Judge?"Li Ying said carefully while looking at He Weiqiang's face from the corner of her eyes.

But to her surprise, He Weiqiang did not burst out the anger in his heart, but his face became calmer and calmer. He was deeply He took a breath, and then said to Li Ying:"Let's put aside the matter of the death judge for now."

Li Ying didn't believe what she heard with her ears. She asked doubtfully:"What? You said we should ignore the death judge? But his mere existence now poses a great threat to our government. If we are not eradicated as soon as possible, we will not even have a place in the Republic of China!"

"enough! He Weiqiang shouted sharply, and then continued:"Do you think we can capture him even if we want to?" Didn't you just see the god-like operation of Death Sentence? He can easily control the entire capital's network screen without even exerting any effort.

"And you haven’t seen that there are still people from the Republic of China on the Internet, right? Do you think our government can still take action so easily? What else can we do?"

Li Ying wanted to refute, but He Weiqiang's words really left her speechless. She had no choice but to lower her head and walk out of the office dejectedly.

After He Weiqiang vented his temper to Li Ying, he felt like The depression felt much better. He slumped in the chair weakly, his mind filled with what the Death Judge had just said on the screen:

"I also hope that everyone will not make any counterattack against my reputation. What I do is right and conscience of heaven and earth. I will never kill people indiscriminately because of my own selfishness."

He was also struggling in his heart. Is it right or wrong to do this?

Natsume controlled the entire capital's network just at home. He didn't even have to go out, and he could easily do it without touching the computer. Songchi accomplished something that even a super hacker couldn't accomplish.

Mei Shanshan said to Natsume with a smile while scrolling through the comments on the forum:"Natsume, everyone on the forum is complimenting you now. It's great!"She smiled at Natsume proudly, and then continued:"Those government people are really bad, and they said you killed Mr. Zhang for no reason. They certainly didn't expect that everything that happened in the Royal Hotel was recorded."

Natsume looked at the computer page in front of Mei Shanshan. All of them were full of praise for the Death Judge. But Natsume didn't look proud at all. Instead, he smiled coldly and said mockingly:"Haha, online The people are just fagots. And none of those who have done bad things can escape my grasp!"

Mei Shanshan looked at Natsume with admiration, stars were about to pop out of her eyes. She smiled and said to Natsume:"Natsume, you are so handsome, you are simply my hero!"

Natsume hasn't been praised like this in person for a long time. A famous Death Judge's cheeks immediately turned red. He said to Mei Shanshan in embarrassment:"Shanshan, you suddenly praised me like this. I'm embarrassed."

"Ha ha. Mei Shanshan laughed heartily a few times, and then said to Natsume:"Natsume, let's go out for a meal to celebrate. It took such a long time for this matter to be over. It's time for us to relax.""

Xia Mu nodded in agreement. Indeed, since Liu Meibao's death, a series of things have happened one after another. From Zhang Dihao to Mr. Wang to Mr. Zhang, more and more people are involved in this case.

If an ordinary person could He wouldn't have so much energy or time to investigate these things one by one, but Natsume was different. If it were him before, he might just casually pick out people who did wrong things or people who stood in the way. Deal with them all. But now Natsume points to punishing those guilty. He does not want to kill innocent people.

Natsume and Mei Shanshan walked out of the community holding hands like a newlywed couple. In the eyes of other neighbors, They are just a bunch of ordinary couples. But no one knows that one of these ordinary couples is the famous death judge, and the other is a female police officer with a life span of a thousand years.

Xia Mu held Mei Shanshan's hand, then squeezed her palm and asked:"Shanshan, do you like this kind of ordinary life? Mei

Shanshan had a smile on her face, and she said to Natsume of course,"Of course, what girl doesn't like this kind of life?" And my dream since childhood was to be a housewife, cooking delicious dishes every day and waiting for my husband to come home."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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