"How...how could this happen? how so?!"Wei Ping screamed in fear.

At this moment, he was completely enveloped in bone-chilling chills and fear.

Although he had already known from various rumors how terrifying the Death Judge was. But let him no matter what What he never expected was that Judge Death would be so terrifying.

Now he seriously doubted that Judge Death was not a person at all, but the Judge of Hell in myths and legends!

Let me ask, what if Judge Death was really a person? How could it be possible to possess such terrifying power?

Such power can only be possessed by gods in myths and legends!!

"I...I'm dead! I am dead!!"Wei Ping screamed desperately in his heart.

Only now did he understand why his father was so afraid of the Death Judge, and why his father gave him such a severe warning.

But, unfortunately, everything is over It was late, and the judgment of the Death Judge had fallen on him!!

Wei Ping's face was as pale as paper, his eyes revealed extreme fear and despair, and his body moved forward step by step uncontrollably. He walked towards the bridge.

At this time, he turned into a walking corpse.


With a sharp and harsh emergency braking sound, a black Volkswagen car stopped dangerously behind Wei Ping.

"How the hell do you walk? Don't you have eyes?"An angry face poked out of the car and roared at Wei Ping.

Just now, it almost caused a terrible traffic accident. How to make him not angry?

However, in the face of his roar and questioning, Wei Ping turned a deaf ear and just walked towards the bridge step by step.

"Hello! I'm talking to you! Are you so fucking deaf?"Seeing Wei Ping's appearance, the driver became more angry and angry, and his roar became louder and louder.

"Husband, don't be angry. Haven't you noticed? There's something wrong with that man's nerves!"Just when the driver was about to get out of the car angrily, the woman sitting in the passenger seat suddenly said

"What did you say? Is there something wrong with his nerves?"The driver was stunned for a moment, and then looked over carefully with suspicion.

"I wipe it! Don't tell me, it really looks like a lunatic!"He looked at it for a while, and then said angrily.

When he confirmed that Wei Ping was a psychopath, his anger immediately disappeared without a trace. He is a normal person, why should he compete with a psychopath?

What's more, It is not illegal for a lunatic to kill someone. If he rushes over and is killed, who will he talk to to reason?

"Didi didi!"……

After a while, there was a large backlog of cars behind Wei Ping. The horns were honking non-stop, and it became extremely lively for a while.

"Damn it! Is there something wrong with this person?"

"Who says it's not? Walking on the road in broad daylight!"

"Judging from his expression and eyes, it seems that there is something wrong with his brain, or maybe he is ill!"

In addition to the passing vehicles, there were many pedestrians walking next to the bridge. They all pointed at Wei Ping, thinking that he was a mentally disturbed person.

In response to everyone's pointing and comments, Wei Ping was all All stopped in his ears. While feeling the anger in his heart, he was also yelling crazily.


Since you all think I am a psychopath, why don't you call the police or call the hospital's emergency number?

50 Meters... 30 meters... 10 meters...

Under the attention of countless people, Wei Ping finally reached the bridge.


Then, in everyone's shocked eyes, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

"Damn it! What does he want to do?"

"Oh My God! Could it be that he wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river?"

"No way? Didn't a female college student just jump from here yesterday evening?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Wei Ping's actions.

Yesterday night, a female college student committed suicide by jumping off the bridge. Could it be that there will be a second one today?


With everyone watching, Wei Ping put the index finger of his right hand into his mouth, and then took a hard bite. In an instant, blood flowed profusely.


Wei Ping put his bleeding right index finger on the ground and started writing quickly. Then, big blood-red characters appeared on the ground one after another.

"I'm guilty……"

The bright red words are a bit scary, and the content is even more shocking.

"He... what is he doing? Write?"

"He...he's writing? Written in blood?"

"He...he wrote in blood? Could it be that... you are actually writing a confession?"

"Confession...confession? Could it be that the Death Judge has taken action again?"

Seeing Wei Ping's behavior, the onlookers made rich associations. When they thought of the legendary confession written in blood and the Death Judge, their emotions immediately became excited. The legendary Death Judge, That was the famous God of Death. Wherever he went, there was bloodshed and countless deaths. And every person who was judged by the Death Judge was guilty of heinous crimes.

They also thought of committing suicide by drowning in the river on this bridge yesterday evening. The female college student seemed to understand something in her heart!

"I'm guilty……"A tall and strong middle-aged man in his forties took courage, got behind Wei Ping, and saw these three words at first sight

"It's... it's really a confession! He is actually writing a confession!!"The middle-aged man said loudly and excitedly

"What? Is he really writing a confession?"

"Oh my god! He turned out to be a wicked man judged by the Judge of Death!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, everyone's mood immediately became excited. They swarmed over and surrounded Wei Ping.

"Then...that female college student was killed by him! That female college student was actually killed by him!!"A tall and thin old man in his fifties stared at Wei Ping and said angrily.

"He...he not only killed the female college student, but also did so many heinous things to her!!"Another middle-aged woman in her forties said through gritted teeth.

"Beast...beast! You are simply a beast!!"A young man of about twenty years old pointed at Wei Ping with his finger, and was so angry that he was shaking all over._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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