
You are making the same mistake as Yang Xuan!!

Although, he has been in prison for the past two days and has no idea what is happening outside. However, when his father came to visit yesterday, he told him everything that happened to Yang Xuan.

According to his father's account, Yang Xuan was tried by the death judge yesterday. After leaving his confession written in blood on the bridge where Yu Yu committed suicide, he also committed suicide by jumping into the river.

Before Yang Xuan committed suicide by jumping into the river, he did many incredible things that were beyond human common sense.

For example, Yang Xuan once bent two steel bars as thick as his thumb with his bare hands. For another example, Yang Xuan once resisted the bullets fired by Du Zang in a terrifying way.

No matter from which aspect, Yang Xuan at that time no longer belonged to a normal human being. In a sense, Yang Xuan at that time was more like a puppet possessed by a demon.

Now, he felt that his state was almost the same as that of Yang Xuan before his death!!

Let me ask you, is it possible for a normal human being to kick a solid iron door out with just one kick? impossible!

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!!

Thinking of what happened to Yang Xuan and the mysterious power that was controlling his body, he was 100% sure that he, like Yang Xuan, was also judged by the Death Judge!!

"Why... why is this happening? Why is this happening?!"Wang Ping screamed in horror in his heart.

His father told him that although the Death Judge killed people profusely and was bloodthirsty and cruel, he only killed evildoers who had committed heinous crimes and were not punished accordingly. He never killed innocent people indiscriminately, let alone Go and touch those who have been punished by the law.

Although he has committed a great crime, as long as he surrenders to the police, confesses all the crimes he has committed, and accepts the punishment due to the law, the death judge will absolutely He would never attack him again.

If not for this, how could he have listened to his father and willingly surrendered to the police?

Yesterday, when he learned from his father what happened to Yang Xuan, he immediately He was so frightened that he was trembling all over. Besides being frightened, he was also filled with joy. Fortunately for him, he obeyed his father's words and surrendered. Otherwise, his fate would probably be the same as Yang Xuan's.

He was originally He thought that he would escape the judgment of the Death Judge as he wished. But what he never expected was that the Death Judge's judgment would still come to him!!

"How...how could this happen? how so?! Wang Ping screamed in fear.

At this moment, he really wanted to yell, but he completely lost control of his body and could only scream in his heart.


Suddenly, at this moment, a sharp and alarm sounded


Immediately afterwards, with a rapid sound of leather shoes tapping the ground, five or six strong early warning men holding rubber rollers rushed towards him menacingly.

"Oops! Wang Ping yelled in his heart.

He really wanted to turn around and run away immediately, but his body was out of control at all and he still walked forward step by step.

"Squat down immediately! Put your hands on your head! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude to you!"Five or six early warnings rushed in front of Wang Ping. One of them, who was over 1.85 meters tall and as strong as a cow, roared. The other early warnings spread out in all directions, holding Wang Ping firmly. Surrounded inside

"roll!"Facing several menacing warnings with rubber rollers in their hands, Wang Ping said expressionlessly without even blinking.

"Brat! you wanna die!"Hearing what Wang Ping said, the warning man who was over 1.85 meters tall and as strong as a cow immediately became furious.


He roared angrily, suddenly raised the rubber roller in his right hand, and hit Wang Ping viciously.


Raised, Wang Ping's right hand popped out like lightning, and unexpectedly grabbed the top of the rubber roller accurately.

"Brat! I can’t see that you still have a chance!"The warning man, who was over 1.85 meters tall and as strong as a cow, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a ferocious smile.

He suddenly let go of the rubber roller, and then rushed forward quickly, his two fists fierce He hit Wang Ping in the face.

At the beginning, he was still a little measured in his attacks, but now he was really angry and he was merciless in his attacks.

"court death!"Wang Ping said coldly


Wang Ping's body tilted ninety degrees to the right, and then he suddenly raised his left foot and kicked the chest of Warning with lightning speed.


With a shrill scream, the warning man who was over 1.85 meters tall and as strong as a cow was kicked out on the spot.


With a dull sound, Warning's body hit the wall of the corridor hard. Then Warning slipped to the ground, and he was seen clutching his chest with both hands, like a hunched prawn.

"Damn it! This brat is so powerful!"

"Oh shit! Tricky idea!"

"Brothers, come together!"

The remaining early warning officers were all frightened. They all looked pale, waving the rubber rollers in their hands, and hit Wang Ping mindlessly.


Wang Pingping was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and he kicked out his left foot like lightning. In just three seconds, he kicked all the warnings to the ground.

And when he finished all this, he walked outside step by step and unhurriedly.


Suddenly, just as Wang Ping was about to walk out of the long and narrow corridor, a thick iron door fell from the sky, blocking his way.

"snort! Let me see what you do now!"In a private office, a thin and tall man in his fifties had an indifferent expression, staring at the computer screen in front of him, and said coldly._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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