Yes, the relevant departments took action just now.

Although, he is the host of the live broadcast room and has the power to restrict and prohibit others from posting comments. However, there are tens of millions of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room. How can he operate it alone?

Therefore, although he did not receive the relevant notification, when he saw the huge number of barrages that instantly disappeared on the computer screen, he still understood it immediately.

He could guess without thinking that the relevant departments must have taken action!

In fact, he is a very smart person. As early as when this matter just started, he had already noticed that there was a mysterious and huge force behind everything.

Putting aside everything else, the mere fact that more than a hundred of them reporters can enter the Changji monitoring room is enough to illustrate this problem.

Although, Guo Tao and Mo Wentian are indeed well-known figures in Changji City, with amazing energy and connections. However, he did not think that these two people could reach into the halberd prison.

After all, Changji Jianyu is an important place in the country, and it cannot be opened with just a mere amount of money. If you want to open the door of Changji Supervision and let more than a hundred of them journalists in, what you need is power.

And besides the relevant departments, he can't think of anyone else with such huge power!

His mind was extremely quick, and he immediately figured out that the person who really wanted to deal with the Death Judge was the state.

And after he figured this out, he became much more relaxed when it came to attacking and smearing the Death Judge. Because no matter what happens, the country will be there to support it.

He originally thought that with his sharp tongue and the help of relevant state departments, he would be able to deal a heavy blow to the reputation of the Death Judge. But what he never expected was that the image of the Death Judge among the people would be so deeply ingrained that it was difficult to shake.

From the beginning of his live broadcast to now, there are more than tens of millions of people online at the same time in his live broadcast room. When he ended his live broadcast, the number of followers and admirers of Death Judge still exceeded 8.5 million, which made him feel a strong sense of frustration.

At the same time, he was also afraid of the terrifying influence and destructive power of the Death Judge among the people. And he truly understood why the relevant departments took action against the Death Judge.

Because the country feels a strong threat from the Death Judge and has trouble sleeping and eating!


"How is the situation now?"Emperor, the tall and thin old man in his fifties, who is not angry and has no authority, asked in a deep voice at the underground secret base.

"Director, the situation is far worse than our original situation."The tall and strong middle-aged man in his forties replied."According to the information department of our internal security department, the total number of people watching various live broadcasts on major video websites and online social platforms is 3.7. billion, but there are less than 50 million people supporting us"

"In other words, the support rate of Death Judge on the Internet is still as high as over 85%!"

"The support rate is over 85%... Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really deserve to be the judge of death, it’s so awesome! After our massive campaign, he still has such terrifying influence!"The tall and thin old man said in amazement.

"Director, in fact, the results we achieved through such a large-scale campaign were amazing."The middle-aged man said."In the past, the support rate of Death Judge on the Internet was very likely to be above 99%. As long as someone dares to say that Death Judge is not good, they will immediately be attacked by a group of people."

"Now, this situation has improved a lot!"

"Um! you are right!"The tall and thin old man nodded and said in agreement."Although, those who oppose the Death Judge are still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, now at least there are two different camps complaining about each other, instead of just one voice in the past."

"This is a great progress!"

"Director, should we increase our efforts next? asked the middle-aged man

"unnecessary."The tall and lanky old man shook his head and said."You should also understand that going too far is not doing enough. Don't make it self-defeating and lose the results you have achieved before."

"You just have to follow the original plan, no need to deliberately modify it!"

"yes! Director!"The middle-aged man responded loudly


"Husband, there are news about you everywhere on the Internet now. To describe it as overwhelming is not an exaggeration at all."Mei Shanshan said with an angry face."Today's headlines, a certain fish live broadcast software, a certain cliff forum, Tieba……"

"Moreover, the vast majority of the content is attacking and slandering you. They say that you have broken your past code of conduct and changed from a fair and just 'savior' to a 'murderer' who does all evil.’!"

"Silly girl, now that the national team is on the field, isn’t it normal to have such a huge momentum?"Xia Mu reached out and pinched Mei Shanshan's pink little face and said with a smile.

"But, husband, look at what your reputation is like now on the Internet?"Mei Shanshan brought the phone to Xia Mu and said angrily."You have always been doing things to punish evil and promote good, but they were led by those with ulterior motives to attack and slander you. Could it be that they all Is it pig brain?"

"Silly girl, have you heard a word? You are not gold, why should everyone like you? Natsume asked

"I've heard of it, but……"

"Silly girl, there's nothing else you can't do."Xiamu interrupted Mei Shanshan's words and said."The mouth is on other people's bodies. No matter how powerful I am, can I still block other people's mouths?"

"As the saying goes, it is better to guard against the people's mouth than against the river. Even the ancient emperors couldn't shut everyone's mouths, how could I possibly do that?"

"So, you don’t have to be too angry, just let everything take its course!"

"Husband, I understand!"Mei Shanshan took a deep breath, then smiled at Natsume and said._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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