"you……"Looking at the smile on Natsume's face, Xue Tian was so angry that he started to tremble all over.

He could clearly feel the deep mockery emerging from the corners of Natsume's mouth. It's as if the other person is saying, I am the murderer, but what can you do to me?

"What are you? Do you have evidence? Natsume said again

"……"This time, Xue Tian stopped talking.

Although, there was no problem with his logical thinking, and his reasoning was almost perfect. He was 100% sure that Natsume was the murderer of this series of accidental deaths. However, it was impossible for him to convict Natsume just by relying on reasoning.

The law is all about evidence!

"Xue Tian, ​​let me warn you one last time. If you say that I am a murderer, please provide evidence. Otherwise, I will definitely take you to court for slander and defamation. Natsume said

"Natsume, don't think that what you do is perfect. As the saying goes, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. Xue Tian took a deep breath and said."No matter how covert or perfect you do, you will always leave some clues and evidence." And I will definitely find those clues and evidence, take you to court, and accept the trial of law and justice!"

"Xue Tian, ​​you are right. If you want others to not know, you have to do nothing yourself. Natsume said with a smile."Because I have never done those things, so it is impossible for you to find the so-called clues and evidence.""

"snort! We'll see!"

_ Bring him to justice!

"Xue Tian, ​​Xue Tian, ​​I have to say that you are a very powerful person. It's a pity that you will never be able to find clues and evidence of my murder."Looking at Xue Tian's angrily leaving figure, Natsume said to himself.

He used the Book of Death to kill people, and the power possessed by the Book of Death is close to that of ghosts and gods. It is not the power of the human world at all. Xue Tian How could it be possible to find the clues and evidence left by the Book of Death?

Even if Xue Tian was given a hundred years, it would be impossible to find them!


"How on earth did he do such a thing?!"In the office, Xue Tian murmured to himself.

Although he had already determined that Natsume was the murderer. However, he was full of confusion as to what method Natsume used to accomplish such a thing. There was even an inexplicable uneasiness and panic.

Ge Wei was bitten to death by three big wolf dogs, Cai Yuan was crushed to death by a large iron hook that fell off the tower crane, and Wan Li was nailed to death by a steel bar blown down by the strong wind...

From Canglu County From the beginning of the construction site to the end of the deaths of Wang Cheng and the others, more than twenty people died in total. And the ways of their deaths were also varied, some of which could be described as horrific.

If Natsume was really the murderer, how did he do all this

? Things are clearly beyond human power!

Could it be that Natsume is not a human being?

"impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"Xue Tian quickly shook his head vigorously to drive out the terrible thoughts in his mind.

He is a policeman and a staunch atheist at the same time. How can he be suspicious?


Suddenly, at this moment, Xue Tian's cell phone placed on the table vibrated violently.

"Commander Qi, is there something wrong?"Xue Tian grabbed the phone and asked

"Captain Xue, is there any progress on your side? Did the lawyer confess the crime he committed?"Qi Xuan's voice came from the phone, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

"Commander Qi, let me ask you, was it at your instigation to do what Wang Cheng did?"Xue Tian didn't answer, but asked like this

"Captain Xue, I don’t understand what you are talking about.……"

"Commander Qi, Wang Cheng is dead. Xue Tian interrupted Qi Xuan and said coldly."Along with Wang Cheng, there were two criminal policemen. After they beat the lawyer last night, they all died in a car accident.""

"You...what did you say?!"Hearing what Xue Tian said, Qi Xuan was obviously frightened, and even his voice became trembling.

"Commander Qi, I mean Wang Cheng is dead."Xue Tian said again."Chief Qi, I warn you not to put your hands into my police team again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind!"


After saying this, Xue Tian hung up the phone directly.

"Wang Cheng is dead……"Qi Xuan stood there blankly, his face turned pale, and his whole person was shrouded in an inexplicable chill and fear.

First it was Feng Bin, then Zhang Wen, and now Wang Cheng...

People who knew the truth but concealed the truth died one after another. Now, he is the only one left!

"Next... will it be my turn next?"Qi Xuan murmured to himself.

He now feels extremely regretful and regrets why he concealed the truth of the matter. It is better to throw away his career than to throw away his life, right?

However, it is a pity that in this world, There is no regret medicine sold on the Internet!

Under the strong uneasiness and panic, Qi Xuan was not interested in working and drove directly to Canglin Buddhist Temple, the largest in Canglin City, where he asked the abbot for an amulet. In this way, in his heart The fear was slightly alleviated


"Captain Xue, according to the law, without evidence, you can only detain me for a maximum of 48 hours. And now it's been three full days, aren't you still planning to let him go? Natsume said

"Natsume, you have been in the hospital for two of the past three days, so in fact, I only detained you for one day."Xue Tian said."Don't worry, I won't break the law."

"ok, I get it. Natsume shrugged helplessly and said

"Fortunately, I had made preparations in advance, otherwise, I would have been in really big trouble. Today is already the fourth day, let’s see how I break the sky!"He said secretly in his heart._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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