I have to say that people from the National Security Bureau behave differently. They don’t mince words at all and go straight to the core of the problem.

"Comrade Dou Gang, I think Commander Qi’s behavior today is indeed full of weirdness. It is different from what he usually does.……"Xue Tian said in a deep voice

"Comrade Xue Tian, ​​I don’t want to hear anything without value and meaning. What I want is the answer from the deepest part of your heart."Dou Gang interrupted Xue Tian unceremoniously and said coldly

"Comrade Dou Gang, if you really want to hear it, I can tell you everything I know. Xue Tian took a deep breath and said."However, this matter is a long story. Are you sure you have enough time and patience to hear it all?""

"As long as it has something to do with what happened today, I'm fine with it."Dou Gang nodded and said

"Comrade Xue Tian, ​​that’s all you say."Li Hu also said

"In that case, let me start from the beginning……"Therefore, Xue Tian gathered his energy and explained everything in detail, starting from the renovation of residential areas in Canglu County.

The more Li Hu and Dou Gang listened, the more shocked they became, and their expressions became uglier. They never expected that so many gruesome accidental deaths would occur in Canglin City in recent days.

Moreover, what shocked them even more was that there were already two people like Qi Xuan who committed suicide after leaving a confession written in blood!

"Comrade Dou Gang, Comrade Li Hu, this is all I know. Now, I've told you all."After Xue Tian finished speaking, he let out a long sigh.

"Comrade Xue Tian, ​​according to what you said, more than 20 people have died due to accidental deaths in Canglin City in recent days. Why don't we know at all?"Li Hu said with an ugly face.

"Comrade Li Hu, I do not mean any disrespect to the deceased."Xue Tian smiled bitterly and said."However, I still want to say that it was Chief Qi and Zhang Wen who worked together to cover up the matter."

"Chief Qi did this simply because he wanted to preserve his official position and the future of his official career."Li Hu said."However, what he never expected was that by doing so, he would offend the terrible murderer, and then he would be targeted by the murderer. His reputation would be ruined, and he would never die in peace."

"This bullshit will die with eyes open? I think he deserves it!"Dou Gang said coldly."He even dared to conceal such a big thing. He deserved to die!"

"Dou Gang, please pay attention to your words."Li Hu glared at Dou Gang and shouted

"What's wrong? Am I wrong to tell the truth?"Dou Gang raised his eyebrows and said tit for tat."In my opinion, not only Qi Xuan, but all the people who died deserved their crimes and deserved their death!"

"you……"Li Hu's eyes were sharp and he was about to get angry.

"Comrades, this is the confession written in blood on the wall that Feng Bin and Zhang Wen left on the wall before they died. Please read it."Xue Tian saw that the situation was not right, so he quickly took out two files from the drawer and stuffed them into their hands respectively.

In this way, the dull atmosphere between the two people was relieved.

"Li Hu, what do you think of this matter?"After a long time, Dou Gang took the lead in breaking the silence and asked

"My opinion is the same as that of Comrade Xue Tian. This series of accidental deaths is definitely not an accident, and of course it is not the so-called revenge of the evil ghost."Li Hu said slowly."I think there must be a powerful murderer who planned all this secretly."

"Well, I thought so too."Dou Gang nodded and said."There are not so many coincidences in this world, and there are no so-called monsters and monsters. If it is true, then it is also the human heart at work."

"It seems that you two have the same opinion as me."Xue Tian said."It's just that I have caught the suspect for so long, but I still can't find the clues and evidence that he committed the crime, so that I can't bring him to court and bring him to justice."

"Can't find clues and evidence?"Li Hu said, an unnoticeable and terrifying chill flashed through his eyes.

"Comrade Xue Tian, ​​can you take us to see the criminal suspect?"Dou Gang said

"sure."Xue Tian nodded and said


"Commander Qi is dead, and in front of so many people, he left a confession written in blood and said something like a death judge. I'm afraid there's already a lot of noise outside, right?"Natsume was lying on the musty wooden bed, muttering to himself.

This time, Qi Xuan's way of death was so exaggerated. He deliberately designed it to be like this.

He found that although he had used the Book of Death before He killed many people, but there was no way to make the bad guys feel afraid. No matter it was cold killings or shocking confessions written in blood, they could not make those bad guys feel awe. Even Chief Qi and others He also deliberately concealed the fact of the death of Tan Fei and others as well as the blood-lettered confessions left by Feng Bin and Zhang Wen.

This finally angered Natsume completely, causing him to adopt more radical and drastic measures. Xuan Zhikou spread the existence of the Death Judge in order to achieve the purpose of frightening the bad guys!


Suddenly, at this moment, the prison door was opened.

"they are? Natsume looked around and saw Xue Tian and two strangers walking in from the outside.

The two strangers looked ordinary, but for some reason, he sensed a vague and vague feeling from them. sense of crisis

"Comrade Xue Tian, ​​we want to talk to him alone, is that okay?"Li Hu said to Xue Tian

"Um. Xue Tian nodded and said.

Xue Tian left, the door of the prison was closed, and only Xia Mu, Li Hu, and Dou Gang were left here.

"Who are you? Natsume sat up from the bed and asked

"It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is, do you want to die or live?"Li Hu walked slowly towards Natsume, his eyes were sharp and he spoke word by word.

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