Shendu, a secret underground base

"Third Elder, this is the news that just came from the Magic City. Please take a look!"A tall and thin middle-aged man in his forties respectfully handed a document in his hand to an old man in his fifties or sixties with a calm expression.

"Um!"The third elder nodded and reached out to take the information.

"snort! This damn Judge of Death is really getting more and more arrogant and unscrupulous in his actions!"After reading the information, the third elder snorted coldly and slammed the information on the table.

According to the information just transmitted from the Demon City, the Death Judge not only took action in the Demon City, Moreover, more than fifty people were put on trial as soon as they started. And all of those fifty people were well-known figures in the devil.

In other words, these more than fifty people were elites or upper-class figures from all walks of life. However, the Death Judge judged them all without hesitation.

As for what kind of negative impact it would have on the entire Demon City and various fields after judging all these fifty people, the Death Judge had no idea. Don't care!!

"Third Elder, this time the Death Judge acted extremely quickly, completely different from the deliberate delay before."The middle-aged man said in a deep voice."I seriously doubt that the Death Judge has given up on his previous code of conduct since the incident in Changji City."

"Tan Hao, what you said is very possible."The third elder nodded and said."However, this is not the only possibility."

"Third Elder, are there any other possibilities?"The middle-aged man, Qin Hao, asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"This time, the people who were tried and died by the Death Judge in the Demon City were all related to a human trafficker named Sun Xiangpeng."The third elder said."There is another possibility, that is, the Death Judge hates human traffickers so much that he can't wait to kill them all."

"Third Elder, human traffickers are indeed the most disgusting and repulsive garbage."Qin Hao said."If the human traffickers touched the death judge's reverse scale, then this matter can also be justified."

"Tan Hao, actually what worries me the most is not this, but another thing."The third elder said with a solemn expression.

"Third Elder, what's going on?"Qin Hao asked

"Tan Hao, have you noticed that since the incident in Changji City, the way Death Judge kills people has been completely different from before."The third elder asked

"Third Elder, I feel what you said."Qin Hao nodded."Since the incident in Changji City, the Death Judge has begun to abandon his previous principles. He……"

"Tan Hao, what you focus on is completely beside the point."The third elder frowned and directly interrupted what Tan Hao said.

"Third Elder, apart from these things, I don’t think the Death Judge is much different from before."Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and then whispered

"Tan Hao, you disappoint me so much. You didn't notice such a huge change at all."The third elder said with disappointment.

"Third Elder, I'm sorry..."Qin Hao said with an ugly face."Third Elder, please...please give me some advice!"

"Tan Hao, let me ask you, how did the Death Judge judge those evil people in the past?"The third elder did not say it directly, but asked like this

"Third Elder, in the past, the Death Judge first investigated the crimes committed by those evildoers and then tried them one by one."Although Tan Hao didn't understand why the third elder asked this, he still answered honestly.

"However, at the beginning, there was no such thing as a confession written in blood at the death scene of the Death Judge. If I remember correctly, the blood-written confession should have appeared for the first time during the Cangshan City incident."

"Um! you are right!"The third elder nodded and said."Qin Hao, I can give you a hint. The huge changes in the Death Judge are related to the blood-lettered confession. You can think about it carefully, what changes happened to the Death Judge’s blood-lettered confession before and after the Changji City incident."

"Third Elder, I can’t think of anything."After thinking hard for a while, Tan Hao said with an ugly face.

"Tan Hao, you really disappoint me."The third elder shook his head helplessly and said."Before the Changji City incident and after the Changji City incident, the Death Judge's blood-lettered confession clearly changed so drastically, but you couldn't even notice it at all."

"Third Elder, please clarify!"Qin Hao lowered his head and said with great shame.

"Tan Hao, before the Changji City incident, the blood-written confession was just a kind of evidence to prove that the Death Judge was not guilty of murder. In other words, before the incident in Changji City, the blood-lettered confession had no meaning at all to the Death Judge."

"However, since the Changji City incident, the blood-lettered confession has completely become the most important means for the Death Judge to track down more evildoers and expand the scope of the trial."The third elder said slowly

"The confession letter written in blood has become the most important means for the Death Judge to track down more evildoers and expand the scale of the trial... I understand! Third Elder, I understand!"After hearing what the third elder said, Tan Hao suddenly woke up from a dream and said with sudden realization.

"In the past, the purpose of the blood-written confession was to announce to everyone the crimes of the people being judged by the Death Judge. The purpose was to let everyone know that the Death Judge's murder was justified and well-founded."

"However, since the Changji City incident, a brand-new content has been revealed in the Blood Letter Confession, that is, before dying, those who are judged by the Death Judge will confess all the evil people they know and the crimes they have committed. Confess past crimes"

"For example, during the incident in Cangyun City, the reason why the Zhang family in Cangyun City was uprooted by the Death Judge was because those members of the Zhang family who were tried by the Death Judge confessed some things they knew."

"This is the biggest change in Death Judge!!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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