"Lawrence, are you serious? If I give you enough money, you can kill that damn magician?"Marcus asked

"Director Marcus, I was just making an analogy, hehehe."Lawrence chuckled and said

"Lawrence, when can you two brothers leave?"Marcus asked

"Director Marcus, both of us brothers are idlers and can leave for China at any time."Lawrence said."However, we two brothers have been a little tight recently. I'm afraid we don't have money to buy air tickets."

"Okay, I understand, I will ask someone to transfer the money to you now!"Marcus said

"Director Marcus, as soon as the two of us collect the money, we will leave for China immediately."Lawrence said


"Director Marcus, are you leaving?"Hans looked at Marcus walking outside and asked quickly

"Um! I gotta go!"Marcus nodded and said."Finding out this case is a matter for you two senior police detectives, and I will no longer interfere."

"Director Marcus, do you have some information that we don't know about? Hans asked tentatively."If the information you have is helpful to this case, can you tell us?""

"No."Marcus shook his head and said

"Director Marcus……"

Hans wanted to say something else, but Marcus was already walking towards the outside of the police station.


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a loud noise outside the police station. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw more than 20 reporters carrying long guns and short cannons pouring into the police station.

"How is this going? Why did so many reporters come suddenly?"When Mark saw this scene, he immediately said with an ugly expression.

"I don't know, did someone leak the news about Inspector Anna's death?"Hans' face was also livid.

Inspector Anna is the second most powerful person in their Berlin City Bureau headquarters after Director Marcus, and has a strong influence in the entire city. Now she is actually in her office Being killed quietly, once it spreads to the outside world, it will definitely arouse everyone's unwarranted speculation.

It may even trigger panic in the entire city.

Therefore, before they think of the right words, they will do it anyway. The death of Inspector Anna will not be announced to the public. As for summoning so many media, it is even more impossible.

There is only one reason for this situation, and that is that someone in the police station has the news of Inspector Anna's death. , and then attracted these shark media reporters who smelled like blood!

"Hans, Mark, what's going on with him?"Seeing so many media reporters pouring in, Marcus immediately felt that something was wrong. He retreated for the first time and shouted angrily.

"Director Marcus, these media reporters were definitely not hired by the two of us. Hans said."After all, we are both experienced senior police detectives. How could we make such a low-level mistake?""

"Director Marcus, I can assure you that I am definitely not so stupid as to ask such a large number of media reporters to come here."Mark also said

"So what do you think is going on?" yelled Marcus

"Chief Marcus, if nothing else happens, someone in the police station should have leaked the news of Inspector Anna's death, and then attracted these media reporters. Hans thought for a while and said

"Director Marcus, there is another possibility, that is, the murderer who killed Inspector Anna leaked the news to these media reporters." Mark added

"Did the murderer of Inspector Anna leak the news to media reporters?"Director Marcus repeated in a low voice.

At this time, more than 20 media reporters had already poured into the police station. They carried long guns and short cannons in their hands and made all kinds of tricky, weird and even sharp questions to the police officers. It is a question that is difficult to answer.

The faces of those police officers were extremely ugly. They neither dared to tell the truth to the media reporters nor did they dare to kick them out. In desperation, they could only say one sentence like a mute. He didn’t say anything.

Several media reporters soon discovered Marcus and the three people standing on the second floor, and immediately swarmed forward. However, several police officers immediately stood up to block them..As a result, several media reporters clashed and pushed the police officers.

"Director Marcus, this can't go on. Otherwise, something will happen sooner or later."Looking at the media reporters and police officers below who were pushing each other and the atmosphere was getting more and more heated, Hans couldn't help but say.

"Director Marcus, we must not offend the media reporters. Otherwise, no matter what we do in the future, it will be very difficult."Mark also reminded me

"Okay, all of you, get out of the way and let them come!"Marcus hesitated for a long time, and finally raised his voice and ordered to the police officers. After receiving Marcus' order, the police officers who were blocking the media reporters immediately stepped aside. And those media reporters, Then they immediately swarmed to Marcus.

"Director Marcus, it is said that not long ago, a very important person among you died in the police station. Is it true?"

"Chief Marcus, it is said that the very important person who died in the police station was the police inspector. I wonder if what they said is true?"

"Director Marcus, it is said that Inspector Anna died in a very strange way. I wonder if it would be inconvenient for you to reveal some specific details to us?"

"Director Marcus……"

More than 20 media reporters surrounded Marcus and rushed to ask Marcus sharp questions.

"Hans, from the questions they asked, they should already know everything!"Mark lowered his voice and said

"Um! Yes! Hans nodded and said."The reason why they came to our police station is just to confirm that the news is accurate.""

"Be quiet! Please be quiet!!"Looking at the excited media reporters, Marcus just felt a headache. He waved his hands and said helplessly._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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