"Thirty-three years ago, I co-founded a company with my best brother, Michael, that is now my current company, Marcos Electric Industries Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Marcos Electric Industries Group."Facing dozens of long guns and short cannons, Marcos said slowly

"At that time, Michael and I were of the same mind, and we worked hard together for a glorious tomorrow. Thanks to the hard work of the two of us, Marcos Electrical Industries Co., Ltd. is thriving and developing rapidly, and soon became a large enterprise with an output value of over 100 million."

"However, just when I wanted to scold Fang Qiu and show off my skills, Michael suddenly told me that he didn't want to fight anymore. He wanted to sell his shares to a super large company in exchange for enough money to enjoy his life. Life"

"As a best brother, I respect Michael's choice and will not stop Michael. My only request is that Michael sell his share of the stock to me, not to that super conglomerate."

"However, what I never expected was that Michael actually told me that he had already negotiated with the super large company before that, and the only thing left was to sign the agreement."

"No matter how I tried to persuade Michael, Michael always responded to me in the spirit of contract. You know, Marcos Electrical Industries Co., Ltd. is the greatest effort of my life. How could I watch it fall into the hands of others?"

"So, I was so evil that I decided to hire a killer to kill Michael and ruin this deal."

"As for what happened next, I believe everyone should know that twenty-eight years ago, Michael died in a tragic car accident. And all the shares that Michael owned were swallowed up by me alone."

"This is the first unforgivable crime I have committed in my life!"

"Twenty-two years ago, my Marcos Electrical Industry Group was on the right track of development, its market share increased significantly, and it was about to become the largest electrical supplier in the entire German Federal Republic. However, at this time, a new electrical industry group appeared"

"Although that electrical industry group has disappeared for more than 20 years, I believe everyone still remembers its name. Yes, you guessed it correctly, it is Wade Electrical Industry Group"

"Although Wade Electrical Industrial Group was established relatively late, they have adopted a large number of new technologies and equipment and have strong competitiveness, which poses a great threat to my Marcos Electrical Industrial Group."

"In order to deal with the threat of Wade Electric Industry Group, I have made great efforts to enhance the competitiveness of my Marcos Electric Industry Group. However, the results of my efforts were limited and could not contain the strong rise of Wade Electrical Industry Group."

"Faced with a life-and-death crisis, I had to take illegal measures. I spent tens of millions of marks to frame the leader of Wade Electrical Industry Group"

"I believe everyone must still remember this incident. This is the Western poisoning incident involving more than ten top leaders of Wade Electrical Industry Group that once caused a sensation in the entire German Federal Republic."

"Since then, Wade Electrical Industry Group has been in a state of decline, while my Marcos Electrical Industry Group has developed rapidly and soon annexed Wade Electrical Industry Group, becoming the largest electrical industry group in the entire German Federal Republic."

"This is the second unforgivable crime I have committed in my life!"

"Fifteen years ago, I had become famous and was regarded as the most successful person by countless people in the Federal Republic of Germany. Suddenly I felt that life was too boring and I needed to find some fresh excitement."

"By chance, I tasted the wonderful taste of an eleven-year-old girl. Since then, I have become unable to extricate myself. I found that I finally found the meaning and value of my life."

"Therefore, I immediately invested heavily in establishing the Marcos Children's Foundation and established a large number of children's welfare homes. I immediately set up my children's foundation and children's welfare home to collect a large number of girls to satisfy my perverted desires"

"If you don’t believe it, you can go and investigate my children’s welfare home. You will find that girls account for more than 80%."

"As the saying goes, no matter how delicious a food is, you will always get tired of it if you eat too much. This is my situation. Although my children's welfare home can provide me with a large number of girls, I still get tired of it very quickly."

"So, I set my sights on the whole world. In order to find my favorite prey, I personally traveled to every place in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United States to personally experience the taste of girls in each place."

"After a series of personal experiences, I came to the conclusion that girls from China, India, and the Kingdom of the Sun have the most delicious food."

"Therefore, after I returned to the Federal Republic of Germany, I immediately used my personal connections to find a human trafficking organization and purchased a large number of girls from China, India, and the Kingdom of the Sun from them."

"And this is the third unforgivable crime I have committed in my life!!"

In front of dozens of media reporters and in front of thousands of people of the Federal Republic of Germany, Marcos confessed all the major crimes he had committed in his life in one breath.

"This...is this a lie? Is this a lie?!"A middle-aged man in his forties with a straight suit said with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face.

"This...how is this possible? How is this possible?!"A tall and thin man in his fifties, wearing black-rimmed glasses, was stunned and said with a look of disbelief.

"I...fuck me! Marcos, is he crazy?"A beautiful young woman about thirty years old said in shock.

Although she had long seen that Marcos was a hypocritical bastard, she never thought that Marcos would be a terrifying person. The devil!!_

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