"How about it? Have you all thought about it? Natsume asked coldly as he scanned the entire audience with cold eyes.

"I...we have thought about it!!"

"I...I gave in!!"

"I...I surrender!!"

Under Natsume's cold gaze, all the German federal special forces soldiers lowered their heads and said with pain on their faces.

It was obvious that although they finally decided to betray their motherland after weighing the pros and cons, they still felt deep in their hearts. Deep down, they are full of unwillingness.

Because this will most likely become the biggest stain in their lives!!

"Congratulations, you finally made the right decision! Natsume said calmly."At the very least, you saved the life of the largest BOS in your German Federal State, and also prevented your German Federal State from falling into chaos like Gaul!""


"Husband, I really didn’t expect that this time thirteen countries would send people to deal with us at the same time!"After dark, in a high-end five-star hotel near Disneyland, Mei Shanshan said in shock.

At first, she thought there were only a few countries such as Gaul, Italy, and the Federal Republic of Germany. An important Western country sent people. But what she never expected was that this time, thirteen countries actually participated.

People from two countries even acted at the same time!

"Silly girl, last time we killed so many people in the Western world and offended so many countries, do you naively think that they will just swallow our anger? Natsume reached out and stroked Mei Shanshan's long, silky hair, and said with a smile.

"If I guess correctly, even these thirteen countries are definitely not all countries. There should be teams from other countries, but they haven’t found us yet."

"Husband, what should we do now?"Mei Shanshan asked

"Silly girl, what do you think we should do? Natsume said."Now that we have got the list of people we want, the next step is to judge them.""

"But husband, there are really too many people on this list, and most of them are leaders of special departments in various countries."Mei Shanshan said worriedly."If we try and kill all the people on the list, what kind of huge disaster will it cause?"

"Silly girl, if we try and kill all these people, it will definitely not cause any huge disaster. On the contrary, if we do this, it will also cause huge blessings. Natsume said

"Every time we try and kill a scumbag in a high position, we can save dozens or even hundreds of ordinary people, do you understand?"

"Husband, I understand."Mei Shanshan said softly.

"Now that you understand, let's go to trial."Xia Mu gently patted Mei Shanshan's little head and said with a smile.


Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, 9th Army Corps

"Is there no news from the distant lands in the East?"A tall and thin old man in his fifties or sixties with eyes as sharp as a vulture said in a deep voice.

"Captain, no news has come back yet."A tall and strong middle-aged man in his forties replied."Two hours ago, they reported that they had found traces of the Death Judge and were preparing to take action against the Death Judge."

"If nothing else happens, they should be taking action against the Death Judge now. In another hour at most, they should have news!"

"Hope everything goes well!"The tall and thin old man nodded and whispered.

Just a week ago, a large-scale vicious death incident suddenly broke out in their German Federal State. In just a few days, the death toll reached an appalling 3,000 people. Many people.

And at the death scene of more than 300 people who died, all left behind were confessions written in blood. Based on the research and analysis of countless professionals, a terrifying answer was drawn, that is, all of these 300 people died. They were all killed by the same murderer.

This incident immediately alarmed the number one BOSS of their German Federal State. The number one BOSS of their German Federal State immediately ordered an investigation into the matter, and after After a comprehensive investigation, all clues point to a mysterious country in the far east - Dragon Kingdom.

In this ancient and mysterious country, Dragon Kingdom, there is a terrifying existence called the Death Judge. From its appearance until now , has killed thousands of people, it can be said that his hands are stained with blood, and he is a veritable murderer.

And after every person he kills, this death judge will leave a blood-lettered confession at the death scene. Announce all the crimes committed by the deceased during his lifetime.

Therefore, the number one boss of their German Federal State immediately made a judgment that all the more than 3,000 people who died in their German Federal State were killed by a death judge.

Then, he ordered all the elites of the ninth unit to go to the ancient and mysterious Dragon Kingdom. No matter what the cost, the Death Judge must be killed.

Otherwise, where is the majesty of their German Federal State?

"Captain, do you think we can successfully kill the Death Judge?"Suddenly, the middle-aged man asked

"Do you think we mortals can successfully kill gods?"The tall and thin old man did not directly answer the middle-aged man's question, but asked rhetorically:

"Captain, this……"The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"A mortal can never kill a god."The tall and thin old man took a deep breath and said."For the same reason, we can't kill the Death Judge smoothly!"

"Captain, why do you say that? asked the middle-aged man

"According to my analysis, this death judge is most likely the God of Death in the far east."The tall and thin old man said."And how could a death god be killed by us mortals?"

"In fact, I have been opposing this decision of the No. 1 BOSS, but unfortunately, the No. 1 BOSS has been completely blinded by anger and cannot listen to what I say at all. Hey!"

"I only hope……"


Before the tall and thin old man finished speaking, a mysterious and terrifying force fell from the sky and enveloped him in it! _

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