City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 2845: Go together

The two disciples lost to Fang Bai in the way of refining alchemy. Although he was expected by Master Overlord, his expression was still a bit ugly.

After all, as an alchemy master, he suffered such a terrible loss in the way of alchemy, leaving his face as a master dumb.

"The next strength showdown, you two have to work hard!"

After the alchemy and discussion, Master Overlord once again spoke to the two disciples, hoping that they could save some face for themselves.

However, Alchemy Ba Ding was hesitant for a while as to which one of the two disciples would fight with Fang Bai.

The realm cultivation and combat power of his two disciples are between the first ones, and no one has obvious advantages, and this battle is related to today's winning or losing, so choose carefully.

"Let the two of them go together!"

Fang Bai seemed to see the hesitation in Alchemy Ba Ding's heart, and said loudly.

"what did you say?"

Alchemy Ba Ding was startled, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Fang Bai pointed to the two disciples next to Alchemy Ba Ding, and said loudly: "I said, in this strength showdown, let your two disciples take action together!"

His words obviously didn't put the two disciples of Master Overlord Alchemy in his eyes.

"What an arrogant little god!"

Alchemy Ba Ding's face sank, he smiled without anger, and said to the two disciples: "Since he said so, then please satisfy him!"

Master Yangyuan Alchemy didn’t expect that Master Bading Alchemy would be so disregarded. He really wanted to fight Fangbai with his two major disciples. He said dissatisfied: "Brother Bading, you two disciples, both of you have better realm cultivation. My disciple did a better job, hitting one with two, and at the loss of you, a high-ranking expert in the Divine King realm could speak out!"

Alchemy Ba Ding "hehe" smiled and said, "This is what your disciple said, but not me!"

The Yangyuan Alchemy Master looked at Fang Bai, and saw Fang Bai's calm expression on his face. He felt calm, knowing that with his character, he would not aimlessly.

Fang Bai hooked his fingers at the two disciples of the Bading Alchemy Master, and said, "Come on, don't waste time. When I defeat you, I will continue to practice!"

What he meant was that even if the two disciples of Master Overbearing Alchemy joined forces, he would never take it seriously and could easily defeat them.

The two disciples of Master Bading Alchemy couldn't bear such a provocative behavior.

They looked at each other, then yelled, left and right, and attacked Fang Bai at the same time.

The two high-level powers of the gods realm joined forces to attack, and the power was extraordinary. The fists they blasted and the palms they shot contained supreme divine power.

If it were not for the extremely strong defensive formation around the valley, I am afraid that the entire Yangyuan Gate would be destroyed under that strong shock wave.

Although Fang Bai's cultivation was an intermediate level in the Divine Venerable Realm, he used one enemy and two to deal with two Divine Venerable High-level powerhouses, and even hardly fought against it.

Alchemy Yang was a little worried at first, but after a while, seeing that Fang Bai was more than capable of attacking the two disciples of Alchemy Ba Ding, he seemed to have some reservations. Only then did I believe that his disciple had a stronger combat power than that of Alchemy Ba Ding. The two disciples are only strong but not weak.

Alchemy Ba Ding frowned, and he felt a little anxious.

He didn't expect that Fang Bai not only crushed his two disciples with his alchemy technique, but also was so powerful that he was able to fight one enemy and two.

"This kid is a genius, since he can't be used by me, he must not be kept, otherwise he will be a big disaster in the future!"

Li Mang passed by in the eyes of Alchemy Ba Ding, and for the first time in his heart, Fang Bai gave birth to murderous intent.

Alchemy Master Yang has been with Alchemy Bading for many years and knows a lot about his character, knowing that the better Fang Bai's performance, the more jealous Master Alchemy Bading is.

The sharp light that passed by in Master Ba Ding's eyes was keenly caught by him, and his heart "cocked", thinking that in the future, he should tell Fang Bai to protect himself so as not to give him to Ba Ding. The teacher can take advantage of this opportunity.

The two major disciples of Alchemy Ba Ding saw that their bare hands were not Fang Bai's opponents, so they had to sacrifice artifacts to assist in the battle.

Now they don't want to defeat Fang Bai, they just want to get a tie, don't end up with a disastrous defeat like the alchemy test just now.

Fang Bai didn't care about it, and he also had a sword in his hand.

Although he was in battle, he also caught a touch of killing intent from the Bading Alchemist who was watching the battle. Knowing that he might have performed too well, this evoked the murderous intention of the Bading Alchemist.

But now Fang Bai is fearless. After all, the current Yangyuan Sect has two high-ranking powerhouses in the Divine King Realm, the Yangyuan Alchemist and the Great Mighty God King. They already have the strength to suppress the Overlord Sect. Even if you want to kill yourself, you will never dare to act rashly, otherwise you will face the anger of Yangyuanmen.

Fang Bai thought that since his strength was already known by the Bading alchemist, he would just show it up a little more, so after sacrificing the blood and drinking the mad knife, he cut out in a series, and the blood awns were intertwined into a blood web, constantly moving towards The two opponents on the opposite side shrouded in the past, forcing them to retreat.

"We admit defeat!"

Seeing that the possibility of the two disciples coming back from a counterattack is very slim, knowing that they might be traumatized if they continue to fight, Alchemy Ba Ding closed his eyes in pain, then opened them suddenly, and said loudly.

Although he was embarrassed by the automatic surrender, but at this time, he couldn't just watch the two disciples get injured. In case that Fang Bai's attack was not serious, he would inflict serious injuries on the two disciples, and he would not have time to cry.

"Fang Bai, stop!"

Seeing Master Bading alchemy admit defeat, Master Yangyuan Pill laughed and stopped Fang Bai.

Fang Bai took the blood-drinking mad knife and stepped back a hundred feet. Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the two opponents, he couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Fang Bai's laugh, looking at his playful eyes, and seeing Master's green face, the faces of the two disciples of Alchemy Ba Ding were flushed, and they wanted to find a place to sew in.

"Fang Bai...You are fine, I remember you! Master Yang Yuan, we will have a period later!"

Alchemy Ba Ding took a deep look at Fang Bai, and left a word for Alchemy Yang, and after dropping a space ring, he hurried away with two disciples.

Although the Ba Ding Alchemy became angry, he suppressed it in his heart and did not show it, otherwise he would have the status of a high-level powerhouse in the Lost King Realm.

"You take the space **** ring. Well, Alchemist Bading has already hated you. For some time from now, you should not step out of the mountain gate easily! Even if you want to go out, either I or the mighty king will accompany you. ."

Alchemy Master Yang Yuan exhorted Fang Bai a few words before leaving with a smile on his face.

The disciples he received defeated the two disciples of the Bading alchemy master with his own strength, and forced the Bading alchemy master to voluntarily surrender. It will be hard to show off.

Anyway, the Yangyuan Gate now has a mighty **** king sitting in town, and there are many high-level **** kings guarding it together, so there is no need to worry about safety.

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