City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 2901: Huo Zuo Shi

When Fang Bai and the Emperor Huoyuan came to Huoyuan City, they found that the city was enveloped in a tense and solemn atmosphere. Countless strong men flew in and out with divine weapons. Some strong men also carried a **** aura. There was a big battle not long ago.

"Since the war with the Dark Clan, Huoyuan City has been like this."

Seeing those strong men who flew in and out, God Emperor Huo Yuan seemed to be accustomed to it. He was not surprised, and said, "Many of those strong men have just returned from the front line. I will go to the battlefield again to replace the strong fighting on the front line."

Huoyuan City is personally seated by the Lord of Fire. Therefore, although the Dark Clan has the upper hand in the battle with the Huo Clan, its tentacles are still afraid to reach Huoyuan City, so this God City is still peaceful at the moment.

The main temple where the Lord of Fire is located is on the highest fire source peak in the center of the Fire Source City.

The Fire Source Peak is a huge volcano, and the flames spewing out from the crater of the volcano have formed a fire cage with a wide radius, covering the entire main temple.

The fire cage is a natural barrier of the main temple, guarding the safety of the main temple, and the entire chaos realm, only with the strength of the twelve main gods, can break through that barrier and enter it.

"Emperor Huoyuan, come to visit the Lord God."

The Emperor Huoyuan took Fang Bai and flew close to the peak of the fire source, standing in the air, looking in the direction of the main temple, and said loudly.

"Emperor Huoyuan, what are you doing here?"

In a side hall on the left side of the main temple, an old voice came out.

On both sides of the main temple, there is a side temple, in which the two main guardians of the Lord of Fire live.

The strength of the two great law protectors is high-level in the Divine Emperor Realm, and in the entire Huo Clan, they are below one **** and above all gods.

The Lord of Fire usually concentrates on cultivation and rarely shows up. Therefore, the affairs of the Fire Clan are replaced by the left and right guardians.

And the command of the Lord of Fire was also issued through the left and right guardians.

After the war with the dark clan, the right guardian of the fire clan was sent to the front line to command the tribesmen to fight, while the left guard stayed in the fire temple, instead of the **** of fire, to take charge of all usual affairs.

God Emperor Huo Yuan was in awe of this Zuo Guardian who possessed a high-level cultivation base of the God Emperor Realm.

"Back to the left to protect the law, I brought a little friend to visit the Lord God!"

God Emperor Huoyuan replied respectfully.

"Don't you know that the main **** is practicing with great concentration?"

There was some dissatisfaction in Zuo Hufa's voice.

"Zuo Hufa, can you let me in first, and let me report to you?"

God Emperor Huo Yuan smiled bitterly at Fang Bai beside him, and then said.

"Come in!"

After a short silence, the fire cage barrier covering the entire fire source peak slowly opened a passage.

"Little friend, wait for me here for now."

The emperor Huo Yuan said something to Fang Bai, and he flew down on the peak of the fire source, passed through the open passage, and entered the left side hall of the main temple.

Fang Bai had nothing to do with his divine consciousness. He explored the radius of thousands of miles and found the true north direction of the fire source peak. The fire vitality was doubled. He couldn't help but move, guessing the origin of the fire that formed the realm of fire. It should be in that direction.

If it weren't for waiting for the call of the Lord of Fire, Fang Bai really wanted to fly over to see how the legendary fire originated.

He had a faint feeling that if he would encounter any chance during his trip to the realm of fire, it would definitely be related to the source of fire.

The entire Huoyuan Peak was cut off by that layer of fire cage. Even if the five senses were as sharp as white, they could not hear what the Huo Clan Zuo Shi was talking to the Huo Yuan Divine Emperor.

Moreover, Fang Bai didn't bother to listen to their conversation, so as not to be noticed by them, which would create a bad impression of himself.

Fang Bai didn't know when the Fire Yuanshen Emperor would come out, and simply sat in the air to practice.

Fang Bai's super ability to absorb the divine power of fire appeared at this moment.

In front of the fire source peak, within a few miles around him, a huge vortex was formed, and Fang Bai's body was the center of this vortex, constantly devouring the divine power of fire in all directions.

Even the layer of fire cage covering the peak of the fire source was affected by Fang Bai's absorption power, continuously overflowing a large amount of fire divine power, entering Fang Bai's body, its crimson light became a little weaker.

This peculiar situation was seen by millions of powerful people in Huoyuan City. They were shocked and released their divine consciousness to investigate, wanting to see where the gods are so bold and dare to be under the eyes of the Lord of Fire. Practice and compete with the Lord of Fire who is concentrating on cultivating for the power of fire spewed from the peak of the fire source.

At this moment, the fire cage opened a channel again, and the left envoy of the fire clan appeared at the same time as the emperor of the fire yuan, and appeared in front of Fang Bai.


The two great fire **** emperors were also greatly surprised to see the visions that appeared around Fang Bai's body.

They knew that the fire **** power spewed from the fire source peak was already the closest existence to the original fire in the fire realm, and only the fire **** could be used for cultivation.

However, Fang Bai at this moment can also absorb this terrifying fire power, and his body does not show the slightest abnormality. This is really thoughtful, how can he not surprise them?

Although they were also **** emperors, they did not dare to directly absorb the fire **** power ejected from the fire source peak for cultivation, because their bodies could not withstand the shock of that terrible fire **** power.

"It seems that Xiaoyou Fang has a destiny with my fire clan!"

God Emperor Huo Yuan looked at Fang Bai who was practicing cross-legged and muttered, his eyes glowing.

The same is true of the Huo Zuo Shi.

Can absorb the fire **** power that only the Lord of Fire can absorb, this young **** emperor is not related to the fire clan and what is it?

No wonder the Emperor Huo Yuan would bring this son, and recommend it to himself, and then recommend it to the Lord of Fire.

Among the younger generations, Tianzong wizards are simply rare in a lifetime!

The Fire Clan is now in danger and needs help from all parties. How can you miss such a wizard?

Fang Bai sensed the arrival of God Emperor Huo Yuan and the left envoy of the Huo Clan, separated from his cultivation state, and slowly stood up.

"Did Xiaoyou have any insights just now?"

Seeing Fang Bai's cultivation in this moment, the emperor Huoyuan seemed to be more aura and divine, as if his strength had improved, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Fang Bai smiled and said, "It's a gain, right?"

The emperor Huo Yuan said: "It seems that the area around the fire source peak is very suitable for your cultivation!"

He introduced Fang Bai to the left envoy of the fire clan next to him, and said: "The left envoy of the fire clan, among the billions of the fire clan, is second only to the Lord of Fire. Xiaoyou Fang can consult him a lot in the future. He usually likes to support the backward, I believe he will not hesitate to enlighten me."

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