City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 435: : You are wretched all over!

Ruan Hongpeng was in awe of Fang Bai, and Fang Bai asked him to restrain his subordinates from doing harmful things. He kept in mind that if any subordinates disobeyed his orders, he would personally come out and chop him. One hand, to show severe punishment.

In addition, Ruan Hongpeng also distributed Fang Bai's photos to each of his subordinates, so that they must remember the appearance of "Fang Ye". If anyone does not open their eyes to provoke Shang Ye, he will directly accompany him.

So after Viagra and the four others saw Fang Bai, they were frightened and frightened, fearing that this big man who even awed Hong Ye would abolish himself and others in anger.

"Yes... yes... we are Hong Ye's subordinates..."

When Fang Bai asked, Viagra answered continuously.

"This person is your friend?"

Fang Bai pointed to Zhanxing.

"No... not a friend... In a store we run, they sell their company's products, and he is responsible for supplying us, and they know each other after going there..."

Viagra took a look at Zhanxing, his hateful teeth were itchy, and he had the heart to kill him. I thought I almost got into a terrible disaster, and I blamed this bastard.

" get up!"

Fang Bai's face was a little slow, and he motioned to Viagra to stand up and talk.

In Fang Bai’s eyes, a small person like Viagra who is under Ruan Hongpeng’s hands can determine their future, destiny, life and death with a single word. If they had just acted on themselves and Hong Dabao without asking them indiscriminately, they would definitely not spare them. .

Since they didn't do anything extraordinary, Fang Bai wouldn't be so narrow-minded that he couldn't get through with them over this little thing.

After Viagra and the other four got up tremblingly, they stood aside with their hands down, honestly like four pupils who made mistakes.

"There's nothing wrong here, you can go now... Oh, by the way, bring this exhibition manager with me, I don't want to see him again."

Fang Bai saw that all the classmates at the scene turned pale, and he was obviously frightened by the ferocious-looking Viagra and other four people, so he waved his hand and told Viagra and others to leave immediately, otherwise the class reunion might not be able to continue.

Hearing Fang Bai let him go, Viagra let out a sigh of relief, and after a deep bow to Fang Bai, he immediately asked the two hands to set up the struggling Zhan Xing and walk away quickly.

Sun Ying looked at Zhanxing who had been forcibly taken away, and then at Fang Bai, with a little bit of fear in her eyes. Only then did she know that this poor boy who was abandoned by herself has now become the number one figure.

She hesitated for a moment and wanted to say something to Fang Bai, but in the end she still didn't say anything, stomped her feet, ran after her, and didn't even want the beauty suits she brought.

"Fang Bai, you...what have you done in the past six months?"

After Sun Ying and the others left, after a moment of silence in the hall, Hong Dabao's somewhat dry voice sounded. He once again looked at Fang Bai carefully, as if he suddenly didn't know Fang Bai.

Xiao Minglang and others are also looking at Fang Bai with the same eyes.

Lian Zhanxing met Viagra and the others who were polite, but when he saw Fang Bai, he was so frightened that he called "Fang Ye" and knelt down and kept kowtow. The impact on Hong Dabao and others was too great. Big.

"I have been doing an internship at Yanjing Hospital for more than half a year!"

Fang Bai saw the complicated and incomprehensible meanings in the expressions of Hong Dabao, Xiao Minglang and others. Knowing that what happened just now scared them, he smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm the same me before, it's you. Classmates, friends, brothers! Unless you don’t treat me as a classmate, friend, or brother!"

Hong Dabao felt hot, patted Fang Bai's shoulder vigorously, and said loudly, "I knew I didn't misread you! You are different from Sun Ying. Even if you have a good future, you won't put on the air in front of your old classmates!"

Xiao Minglang nodded from the side and said, "I know Fang Bai is a man. Even if he becomes a great man in the future, I will not forget our old classmates!"

Fang Bai laughed and said, "Seriously, although I am not a big man now, I am considered a bit promising! If any of you have difficulties that cannot be solved, you can come to me. As long as I can help, I will try my best. help!"

A joking male classmate winked his eyes and said, "Fang Bai, I heard that you soaked Su Linglong, the first beauty in our medical school. Can you do me a favor? If Su Linglong has a cousin, please introduce one. Know me?"

"Wang Fei, I really can't help with this job! Why, aren't you in a relationship with Li Xiaojuan? Haven't been cultivated yet?"

Fang Bai joked with a smile.

The female classmate named Li Xiaojuan blushed and said, "Bah, Fang Bai, just talk nonsense! I just look down on Wang Fei's trivial thing!"

"Cut, I, Wang Fei, is handsome, charming and suave, everyone loves, and the flowers bloom. I don't know how many girls want to chase me but can't get it... Where am I?"

"You are wretched all over!"

Several male classmates around Wang Fei roared.

As the classmates laughed and laughed, the atmosphere in the hall quickly became relaxed. As for Sun Ying, who had just left, she had been thrown out of the sky.

"I'm a little hungry...Is everyone here? When they are there, we will serve wine and food!"

Xiao Minglang counted the number of people and saw that except for Sun Ying and a few classmates who couldn't come because of something, everyone else had already arrived, so he asked the waiter to start serving wine and food.

Between eating and drinking, dozens of students recalled the little things they had done in the medical school over the past few years. Some sighed, some laughed, and some felt sad.

"What about the beauty set gift box Sun Ying lost here?"

When halfway through the meal, a classmate suddenly asked.

"Does anyone know Sun Ying's address? Send it back to her in a while!"

"Give her a call and let her come and pick it up by herself!"

"Yes, put things at the front desk of the hotel, and call Sun Ying to get her!"

"Oh, really, if Sun Ying is willing to sell, I want to buy a set and take it home!"

"Yeah! This beauty kit is not available in the market now!"

A few female classmates who love beauty turned to look at the beauty suits Sun Ying had left here, with deep reluctance in their eyes.

"Dear female students, let's not move Sun Ying's things. I have a good relationship with a senior member of the "Beauty Company". If you want any beauty products, I can ask her to send them...for free!"

Fang Bai is also a major shareholder of "Beauty Company" now. Xia Chenyu will certainly not object to some beauty products given to the students.

"Fang Bai, really? You didn't lie to us, did you?"

"If you really know the people from the Beauty Company, I want a set of "Quhen Ling"...not free, as long as the price is a little bit more favorable!"

"I want'Snow Skin Nourishing Cream'!"

"I want to fight pox!"

"I want a beauty kit! It's the kind that Sun Ying brought just now!"

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