City’s Super Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 1188: : The secret has been discovered

Leng Fan turned pale with fright, how did he know this secret? This is a secret that even his parents don't know. In order to hide himself, he has been a low-key man since he was a child.

"Hehe, don't worry, Earl Luofeng, I don't dare to tell your secret, only I know it at the moment." Princess Floating Cloud said to Leng Fan.

Leng Fan asked, "Princess, how did you know?"

Princess Fuyun replied: "Earl Luofeng, you can rest assured that this princess only saw a white true trachea running through her body when she was in a coma, and those toxins were suppressed under the white true qi."

Leng Fan smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he shot so carefully, but he was finally discovered. The princess stepped into the Palace of the King of Hades with one foot, and she still kept a trace of consciousness. It was this consciousness that her biggest secret was discovered.

"His Royal Highness, I have saved your life after all, you shouldn't avenge revenge, right?" Leng Fan asked with a smile.

"Hey, is this Earl Luofeng threatening the princess?" Princess Fuyun smiled.

"I don't dare, I just want peace. Your Royal Highness, shouldn't you refuse this request?" Leng Fan said.

"Haha, you, Earl Luofeng, are really a weird person. If your secret is known by your majesty, it must be an official or even a king. But if you just hide it like this, it won't do you anything. Good." Princess Floating Cloud said.

Leng Fan replied: "Are there any benefits? Some benefits are too hot to handle, so it is better not to do such benefits. As for the future, I will talk about future things later."

"Hehe, you are really a person that this princess can't understand. But that's okay, you will save a lot of trouble. Okay! Since you are the princess's lifesaver, this princess promises you." Princess Floating Yun said .

Leng Fan immediately arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Princess, for your fulfillment."

"Wait, this princess hasn't finished speaking, don't thank you yet." Princess Floating Cloud said.

Leng Fan was taken aback, and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a trap, and this trap was dug by himself.

"Hehe" Leng Fan gave a wry smile and asked, "What else does the princess have to tell you?"

Princess Fuyun smiled and said: "What is the order, it is too rusty to say that. I just want to tell you that when we need to use our Grand Marshal Mansion in the future, you will let us know that Marshal Mansion will do our best. Of course, we When the Marshal's Mansion needs you to take action, Earl Luo Feng will be pleased."

Leng Fan said: "That's for sure, after all, in the empire of the Commander's Mansion, it is a powerful force."

Leng Fan was afraid to talk too much with the princess, and he didn't even know what conspiracy the princess had against him, so after a few more words, he found an excuse to leave.

Princess Floating Cloud watched Leng Fan leave and smiled: "This kid is really an incomprehensible person, a person who asks for nothing. No one like this can guess what he thinks. I hope his appearance will be for this The world will not be too much destroyed."

No words for a night!

On the second day, the order in the Imperial City was somewhat restored. As for the assassin, after an overnight search, there was no clue. But what is certain is that the assassin is definitely a guest in the restaurant. It's just that every guest has evidence of his absence, so no one can be suspected, and they are all released in the end.

Leng Fan and Dugufeng left the imperial pavilion restaurant in the morning, and Dugufeng's grandfather, Dugutai, came to pick them up in person. Dugutai also received the news that Leng Fan and the others were attacked by the strong last night, and arrived in front of the restaurant with a carriage this morning.

"Quie'er, the imperial capital has been in chaos lately, and the powerhouses of all major forces have come, not just the two empires. So you should not go out recently, and the old man will personally protect you." Dugutai said to Leng Fan.

Leng Fan nodded, he didn't want to grow out of it, and he did feel the aura of the powerful from all over the imperial capital city, which was many times more than that of Pingcheng.

"Grandpa, who is going to kill us? We don't have any enemies." Du Gufeng asked.

Dugutai said: "No enemies does not mean that there are no enemies. As for who wants to kill you, and is still an 80th-level powerhouse, I haven't found out yet. Oh! By the way, it was not just you and the princess who met last night. After the assassin, many people have met the assassin. Que'er, your Fang family brother Fang Yuanbo also met this moment, and suffered a little bit of injury."

Leng Fan asked in shock: "Where is Fang Yuanbo injured?"

Dugutai said, "I heard that it was only a minor injury. The assassin was assassinated in the Imperial Capital Academy. Fortunately, there were several deputy deans in the Academy, otherwise Fang Yuanbo would be really dangerous."

Leng Fan guessed: "Is it fighting for the secret realm?"

Dugutai said, "It's all said, but now it's just a guess. After all, the Imperial City won't be peaceful recently. All those involved in the secret battle must be protected. Get home and get out of the car."

Leng Fan and the others returned to the earl's mansion, and after they got off the car, they saw Fang Wenwu and Li Shanrong standing in front of the gate.

Leng Fan was surprised why his parents in this world appeared here. They had already returned to Ice and Snow City a few months ago. Even if he wants to come, he should be notified in advance.

"Father, mother, how are you here? Don't let us know in advance." Leng Fan stepped forward and asked.

Li Shanrong immediately said: "Quie'er, we are here for help."

Leng Fan is surprised, ask for help? With their Fang family's current status, there shouldn't be much power to provoke them in Frozen City.

"Let me talk about it!" Fang Wenwu said, and then explained: "Not long ago, a purple gold mine was discovered near Bingxue City. The reserves are still large. The location of this purple gold mine happens to be on the ancestral property of our Fang family. So this purple gold mine belonged to our Fang family. But later, the people of the Situ family found out and said that the purple gold mine belonged to their Situ family. Then the two of us fought over the ownership of this purple gold mine, and several died. A tribe."

"It's the Situ family again" Leng Fan said. Used to be

Because of Situ's family, his younger siblings were forced to come to the Imperial City. Over the years, the two sides have also been in peace, especially after the Fang family has produced a few geniuses in succession, the Situ family no longer bullies the Fang family so much.

Fang Wenwu said: "Yeah! This Situ family is too deceiving too much. Our Fang family has avoided them all these years, but they were finally spotted. So this time, your grandpa doesn't plan to back down, let us come. The Imperial City requested reinforcements."

Leng Fan is now Earl Luofeng, and his strength is recognized by everyone, so he now has the strength to bless the Fang family. However, it seemed a bit embarrassing for him to go to Ice and Snow City now.

"You two parents, you may not know what happened to your son last night, I will tell you..." Dugutai came up and told them about Leng Fan's attack last night.

"Ah? Eighty-level powerhouse?" Li Shanrong shuddered when she heard this. For them, let alone the 80th-level powerhouses, even the 70th-level cultivators are the existences they look up to.

"Quie'er, don't scare your mother." Li Shanrong said.

Leng Fan replied: "Mother, it's okay, I'm not alive and well."

Fang Wenwu said: "Who is going to assassinate you? An 80-level strong."

Leng Fan said, "I really don't know."

Dugutai said: "So your son can't leave this earl's mansion, I will always be by his side to protect him."

Li Shanrong said: "Okay, okay, it's in the earl's mansion, not going anywhere."

Leng Fan continued: "Not only did I meet this moment last night, even Fang Yuanbo also encountered an assassin. Moreover, Fang Yuanbo was injured, so this time he will not leave the Imperial Academy."

Fang Wenwu sighed after hearing this: "Then I can only repair one book and let my father give the Zijin Mine to the Situ family."

"Wait, Zijin Mine is a good thing. It is an absolute lethal defense when used on the battlefield." Dugutai smiled.

Fang Wenwu understood what Dugutai meant when he heard it, and said, "My family, this Zijin Mine will be shared by both the Fang family and the Dugu family from now on, and the benefits of the family will be half."

Dugutai is not a kindness, if he changes to another family, he will swallow the entire Zijin Mine in one bite. But facing the current Fang family, although the Fang family's overall strength is still not as good as the Dugu family, it will be different in another ten years.

Dugutai replied: "Then it's settled, I wrote a letter back to Fengcheng. Then let the family elders lead the team to Ice and Snow City, and let the Situ family retreat."

Fang Wenwu clasped his fist and said, "Thank you, in-laws."

Li Shanrong then asked Leng Fan: "Quier, did your brother and sister meet an assassin last night? I am very worried about them."

Leng Fan replied: "They are definitely safe. They live in the palace's inner courtyard. It is impossible for those assassins to go to the palace to assassinate them, so they are the safest. By the way, it will be the day when the ancient mystery opens soon, this time my brother My younger sister should go to the secret realm with me. After I prepare for this visit to the secret realm, I will take my younger brother and sister back to live."

"Really?" Li Shanrong was agitated, but immediately asked suspiciously: "But is it okay? Will the Queen Empress agree?"

Leng Fan said: "It doesn't matter whether she agrees or not, as long as your majesty is allowed to do it."

After Dugufeng listened to the side, he felt that he was talking a little too loudly, and said: "Fang Que, you still don't mess around, the power behind the empress is also very strong. It is best not to conflict with the empress, otherwise you are here. Life in the imperial capital will be sad."

Leng Fan said, "Don't worry, I know how to measure it."

Leng Fan thought to himself that with his current strength, he already has the ability to protect himself in the Imperial City, unlike when he first came to the Imperial City, he had to look forward to everything.

"Father and mother, you are struggling, and you should go to the mansion to rest, and we will discuss the future." Leng Fan said.


Two days later, after the team of the last empire arrived in the imperial capital, the ancient mystery gate appeared in the forest to the north of the imperial city. A large number of imperial troops surrounded the entire forest, no one was allowed to approach, and those who violated the order were killed without pardon.

The assassinations of the first two days of the night, since that night, have been like a stone sinking into the sea, and no one knows where the assassins emerged from. Gradually, I forgot that all forces have only strengthened their protection.

Du Gufeng returned from the Imperial Capital Academy, and she brought the news of entering the ancient secret realm.

"Fang Que, the rules for entering the Ancient Secret Realm have changed this time." Dugu Feng said, and the news seemed to be very nervous for her.

Dugutai asked first: "Feng'er, what changes, speak slowly."

Du Gufeng said: "Before, they were all entered in teams, but now they are not allowed. Everyone who enters the secret realm can only be a single person. As for what happens after entering, it depends on one's own destiny."

Leng Fan asked, "Why is there such a change? Wasn't it possible to form teams before?"

Dugufeng shook his head, but Dugutai seemed to have guessed it, and explained: "In fact, the great prince is to be blamed. This great prince is soliciting helpers from all over the place. From the current point of view, there are many helpers around him. Not only you, but also you. For those two younger brothers and sisters, the strong around him made most people very scared. As me, I would like to find a way to change, otherwise the benefits would be monopolized by the prince."

After Leng Fan thought about it, it seemed to be the truth. Last time he accepted the banquet of the prince, he did find a few good peers from the team of the prince, many times higher than that of the three princes. In addition to himself, maybe there are not many people in the team that can block the team of the prince.

"That's good, I can just let it go and do whatever I want!" Leng Fan said.

Dugutai looked at his granddaughter and said, "Feng'er, if you don't go in this year, after all, with your strength alone, it is too dangerous to compete for opportunities among the many enchanting geniuses."

Dugutai previously agreed to Dugufeng's entry into the ancient mystery because Dugufeng had a team from the Imperial Capital Academy, but now that this team does not exist, the danger will increase exponentially.

"No, grandpa, you must not stop me. I have prepared for this ancient mystery for so many years. I have to go in." Du Gufeng insisted, then looked at Leng Fan and said: "If I don't go, I The gap with him will get farther and farther, until I can only look up to him from now on."

Dugutai looked at her decision, stood up and said: "You come with me."

Du Gufeng said, "Grandpa, go there?"

Dugutai said: "You are here."

Leng Fan watched Dugufeng and the others leave, and said, "This grandfather loves his granddaughter. What kind of life-saving baby should be given to her." Then he thought of the prince, and smiled: "The prince has worked hard and has done so much. , The result was too much, and a lot of effort was wasted. I don’t know if he loses his temper at home now. Forget it, this is not my consideration."

"Lord Earl, there is a letter from the Grand Marshal's Mansion, inviting you to a banquet tonight." The small ring at the door ran in and said.

Leng Fan immediately thought of Princess Floating Cloud, and now his biggest secret is being grasped by the other party, as if his tail was caught, so that even if he didn't want to go, he had to go to the banquet honestly.

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