City’s Super Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 1190: : The Death of the Assassinated King

Saying goodbye to Dean Badta, Leng Fan came to a street full of medicine shops. Because there are too many medicine shops, the taste in this street is all medicinal. Leng Fan walked into the house casually, then took out the medicine list he had just written down on the road, and said, "Treasurer, are these medicinal materials available?"

The shopkeeper looked at it and said, "Yes, but what kind of medicine is this prescription used to treat? The old man has been taking medicine for decades. I have never seen such a prescription. It seems to be poison, but it seems to be an antidote. No understand……"

Leng Fan said: "The shopkeeper, just grab the medicine. As for what it is used for, there is no need to ask more about it."

The shopkeeper hesitated for a while, and then ordered others to grab the medicine.

"Guest, please sit here." The shopkeeper personally entertained Leng Fan and sat on the chair next to him.

At this moment, a person walked into the drugstore. The appearance of this person caused Leng Fan's eyes to immediately lock him, because the breath of this person was the same as that of the assassin who attacked him not long ago. In other words, this person is the assassin that night.

Leng Fan looked at the assassin, and the assassin also found him, their eyes met.

This assassin didn't seem to be very old, between forty and fifty, at this age with an 80-level cultivation, he was considered a genius.

The assassin found that Leng Fan was staring at him, and thought: "Is it recognized by this kid? No, I'm masked."

The assassin randomly bought medicinal materials at the counter, and then came to the chair next to Leng Fan. After all, it took time to wait for medicinal materials. Assassin, the two of them just sat next to each other.

The assassin looked at Leng Fan and asked actively: "Why this young man keeps staring at me, it's hard to understand him."

Leng Fan replied: "I always feel like I have seen you where I just can't remember."

Leng Fan gave the assassin a vague answer, making the assassin a little confused.

"Haha, it may be that I am too ordinary to be mistaken." The assassin replied.

Leng Fan said: "Perhaps! Brother is not a local, right?"

The assassin replied: "No, they are from the northern part of the empire. They come here to meet the world. Recently, the imperial capital city is in chaos, so buy some herbs to defend yourself, and you can heal yourself if you get hurt."

Leng Fan said, "Brother is thoughtful."

At this time, Leng Fan's medicinal materials had been grabbed, and the shopkeeper personally delivered him to him, saying: "Guest, I made you wait for a long time, this is the medicinal material you want."

The assassin suddenly asked, "Brother, you have prepared so many medicinal materials too!"

Leng Fan replied: "Yes! Enter the ancient mystery in a few days, maybe you can still use it."

When the shopkeeper heard Leng Fan’s words next to him, he hurriedly returned the silver taels he had just taken from Leng Fan’s hands, saying: “It turns out that the guest officer is a cultivator in the ancient secret realm. Please Haihan. The shop has regulations. Anyone who participates in the fight for the ancient secret realm will come to the shop to buy medicinal materials. As long as the shop has some, it will not charge a copper plate."

Leng Fan said: "There is such a good thing?"

The shopkeeper explained: "The battle in the ancient secret realm is also a contest with the enemy country. Our citizens of the Northern Han Empire should do their best to defeat the enemy's pride."

Leng Fan did not expect ordinary people to have such patriotic feelings.

"Brother, goodbye by chance" Leng Fan turned around and said to the assassin.

The assassin responded: "Then it's a goodbye."

Leng Fan left the pharmacy, but he did not return to his earl's mansion, but walked directly outside the city, and after crossing the city wall, he reached a sparsely populated place.

"Brother, I have been with me for such a long time, now there are no outsiders here, should you come out?" Leng Fan shouted into the deserted space behind him.

"Haw, since you know that brother I am behind, then you deliberately lured him to come here?" The assassin walked out from behind a tree.

Leng Fan said: "My brother is really anxious. He doesn't even need the medicinal materials. If he follows in such anxiousness, is it because the assassination was not successful last time, and he must make up today?"

The assassin was startled, then laughed, and said, "Since you recognize me, why do you come to this deserted place? You should hide in your earl's mansion. I dare not go to the earl in the daytime. The government assassinated you. More importantly, the employer behind me has cancelled your bounty, and killing you will not do me any good."

Leng Fan asked: ‘Since this is the case, why do you follow me out of the city and come here. ’

Assassin: "Because there has never been a target escaped from my hands, even if you have no bounty, you must die in my hands."

Leng Fan said: "Just because of this?"

The assassin said: "Is there anything else? Boy, you brought it to the door by yourself today. I had already given up on you. Since God's will be so, don't blame me for being vicious."

Leng Fan said, "God's will is like this? It is indeed God's will, otherwise it won't let us run into it in a small pharmacy."

The assassin stopped talking, rushed towards Leng Fan, his true energy burst out, and he knew that Leng Fan's speed was very fast, in order not to repeat the last'mistake', he started using the fastest speed. , Planning to cut off Leng Fan's head with one move.

"It's a shame that an evildoer died in my hands like this, haha..." The assassin rushed to Leng Fan and said nothing to Leng Fan.

But the next thing he couldn't believe was that a force that he couldn't resist came from straight ahead. He couldn't avoid it at all, and caught this power abruptly.

I saw that the assassin was beaten out, and finally landed on the ground and rolled several times. This assassin is also an 80th-level powerhouse, and such a powerhouse is beaten to the ground. If this is seen by others, it will be decided to be a great wonder in the imperial capital city.

The assassin stood up. Although he was knocked into the air just now, it was not that he was too weak, but that he underestimated the enemy. When he looked at Leng Fan again, he saw Leng Fan's body surrounded by white innocence.

"White infuriating?" The assassin asked in horror.

Leng Fan said: "Yes, White True Qi, I am the owner of the legendary White True Qi, am I surprised?"

The assassin said: "I'm surprised, this white innocence was only a legend before, I think it is impossible to appear."

Leng Fan said: "There is no vacancy. Since there is this legend, it may not have happened. Anyway, I am that person. Do you think I will die in your hands today?"

The assassin gritted his teeth and asked: "It is rumored that you have fought with Dongfang, and it was evenly divided. Is this true?"

Leng Fan said: "Yes, I have fought. But the equal shares are over. There is a big gap between me and the predecessors in the East. In the end, I was defeated and fled."

The assassin hummed: "Dongfang Yiming is a level ninety strong man, I can't pass ten moves in front of him, and you can take it and escape. Then it's impossible for me to take your life."

Leng Fan said, "So you won't take my life?"

The assassin said: "I want to take it, I don't have this ability."

A sullen smile leaked from Leng Fan's face, and said: "You don't take my life, but I want to take your life. I don't want too many people to know this secret. The more people I know, the more trouble I get."

Leng Fan's killing intent was everywhere.

The assassin sneered: "Do you want to kill me? Haha, as a top assassin, since being despised by the target, it seems that I have to fight it today."

The black infurience on the assassin once again wrapped around his body, and the air was filled with a frightening breath. This is the murderous aura that can only be possessed by the blood of thousands of people on the hands.

Leng Fan said: "Finally I can fight a good fight." For Leng Fan, killing is not a matter. The most important thing is to fight with equal opponents. He hasn't had such fighting intent for many years. Even in the last battle with Dongfang Yiming, he was only testing his own strength. As a result of the battle, he only knew that his strength was not weak at the moment, but he was not enjoying himself.

Leng Fan said: "Senior Assassin, that junior will give it a go."


An hour later, a large number of people in the imperial capital city rode across the north city gate on horseback, and several strong men also flew out of the city gate towards the north.

Just where Leng Fan fought with the assassin, it had become a piece of scorched earth, and the people around had to reveal surprised expressions after seeing the traces of the battle.

"It's Tan Xiong, and it's the first assassin Tan Xiong who died."

Everyone came around a corpse, and saw the assassin who assassinated Leng Fan lying on the ground, the breath of life disappeared, and the expression of death seemed to be scared to death.

"Who killed him? Tan Xiong is the most powerful assassin, and there are many strong men who died in his hands."

"From the traces of the battle, the person who killed him was also a strong man, and he was of equal strength. Otherwise, the battle between the two of them would not have produced such a big scene."

Dongfang Yiming came, and when he stood on the scorched earth, his eyes lit up and said, "He did it."

People around asked: "Who?"

Dongfang Yiming: "White True Qi"

Leng Fan had already returned to the earl's mansion at this moment. He quickly returned to the room, vomiting black blood in his mouth. Yes, he was injured, he suffered internal injuries.

"This assassin is really desperate, obviously he can escape, and in the end, I have to come and die. Or I am too arrogant, thinking that I am still the me before the transformation." Leng Fan muttered to himself, and then he checked his body and saw himself. In his dantian, the two vitality seeds that have grown into small trees have begun to wither.

Leng Fan said: "I have to adjust during this period, otherwise I will lose a lot. It seems that I still can't leapfrog and challenge the strong at will. Every strong has its own cards, and if you are in a hurry, they can do anything. ."

Leng Fan began to regulate his body, and White Zhenqi began to repair his injuries, especially the withered little tree. This was his capital in this world. Without them, he would be struggling in this world.

And just as he closed his door to heal his injuries, the outside world began to feel restless about the legend of White Zhenqi.

"I heard no, the white innocent spirit appeared again, killing that **** king of assassins outside the city today."

"I heard that this kind of thing has been spread across the entire imperial capital city. Sure enough, there is white innocence. Who is this person?"

"No one knows who he is, or someone knows it, but he doesn't want to tell us ordinary people."

"You mean, White Zhenqi is the secret of the royal family."

"I guess, you think this king of assassins has always been an enemy of the royal family. For so many years, I don't know how many empires cultivated the proud son of heaven have been killed. The killing today is probably the handwriting of the royal family."

"It makes sense. If it is owned by the royal family, then it is the blessing of our Beihan Empire. You can see the other two empires with red eyes."


The inner courtyard of the palace! Purple Qi Palace!

"Your Majesty, the old slave is back." Wei Xian, the eunuch, looked back from outside the city.

The emperor asked: "How about it? Is it really done by the owner of White Zhenqi?"

Wei Xian replied: "The old slave can only find out that the person who shot is indeed a person with extremely strong true qi. As for whether it is white true qi, the old slave has no final conclusion. After all, the old slave has never seen white true qi. ."

The emperor asked: "What about your guess?"

Wei Xian replied: "The old slave guessed that it should be white innocent energy. Because although the old slave has never seen white innocent energy, but the rest of the innocent energy old slaves have seen it, the traces of innocent energy left by the battle, except for black The innocence of Assassination belongs to the King of Assassination. There is also a kind of innocence, domineering and mysterious, that the old slave has never seen before, so I can only guess that it is the white infurience that the old slave has never seen."

The emperor put down the Zhezi in his hand and said: "At this time when the ancient secret realm is fighting, so many weird people have appeared, and I really feel a headache for this secret realm."

Wei Xian said: "Your Majesty, let's rest! The journey to the secret realm is only the experience of the younger generations, so let the younger generations fight for it."

The emperor said: "Wei Xian, what are the first prince and the third prince doing now? Without the help of the team, what do they think now?"

Wei Xian replied: "My Majesty, the eldest prince and the third prince have not been able to see their eyes shut recently. The old slaves don't know what they are doing in their residence, but it is certain that the princes have not given up."

The emperor said: "It is good not to give up. This trip to the secret realm is indeed a test for everyone, and those who succeed can make the true energy further. A person has only one chance in his life. I want to enter the secret realm for improvement. True Qi level, his hands are stained with blood. Also because of this, widows have the qualifications to become the throne."

The emperor seemed to have a lot of emotion when he thought of the previous things. He walked to the window sill and looked out of the city.

"Your Majesty, the old slave recently discovered that since Nan Tuoguo lost the test in the Imperial Capital Academy, they have been in the inn. They rarely go out, and our people cannot enter the inn to find out. So the old slave suspects, this Nan Tuo The country is doing a conspiracy to damage our Beihan Empire." Wei Xian said.

After hearing this, the emperor waved his hand and replied: "Don't pay attention to them. Any conspiracy will come. In this imperial city, they can't find any storms in Nantuo Kingdom. In fact, what I care about most is not Nantuo Kingdom, but soon The West Sea Empire that came."

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